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FFA rp between Carmana and Winter


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Winter had been walking for what seemed to be forever when he heard a rustle in the bushes next to him. He looked over, fearful it was the guardian, but was pleasantly surprised by a little squirrel. He wiped the sweat from his brow while giving a sigh of relief before stepping forward again. As soon as he set his foot down, he heard rustling again and looked back to where the squirrel had been. With it's absence, he realized the rustling was coming from somewhere else all together. He prepared to spring away moments too late, and a huge net trap flung him up into the air, captured. All he could do was wait for his captor to discover him, dangling there helplessly.

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Winter struggled against the net he was tangled in, trying to force his way out. The tangled mess was made of strong material, he couldn't find a way out. He was completely at the mercy of the Phyrexian hulk. "And I warned you, I am finding this temple, no matter what it takes." He grunted as he squirmed. "And you... You are going to let me through, one way or another."

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