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(Ponyville) Light Looking to Learn (ATTN: Fireheart)


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Guiding Light was in the park one night. The sky was a dark blue, illuminated by Luna's moon overhead and thousands of sparkling stars. The unicorn colt stared in wonder at those stars, thinking about how they could be so bright. But this was no time for stargazing as the light from the stars and the moon quickly reminded him of the reason why he of all ponies was out at night when most of the ponies were in their houses.

Light had several things in his life worked out: a loving pair of parents, a school where he was doing very well, a town that was full of neat things to do and nice ponies, a pontential sp[ecial somepony or at least a good friend, and a few other friends. But the one thing he didn't have was somepony to teach him magic, specifically light magic. He read several books on magic, but there was little on his type. So he was left in trying to learn it the hard way: by himself.

Light focused his magic and easily produced a ball of white light. He foucused on it and was able to increase and decrease the intensity a little. "Ok., now let's try color," he said as he fosused on the ball. He pictured in his mind an easy color, yellow. It was close to white and a color he liked. After all, his pelt was yellow.

He tried changing the color of the hovering ball. Several times it looked like it was going to change as it flickered and flashed. But after every try, it remained white. Finally after tiring out a little, Light gave up and sat on a bench, the little ball still hovering as if to taunt the pony on his lack of success.

"I know i can do this," Light said frustrated at himself, "but everytime I try, that ball remains just white! I can't change it's shape other that make it a beam, and I can't change its color. Oh I wish that I could meet a pony to teach me how to do light magic."

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Sweet Melody was sitting on the bank of the park pond with her beloved violin in her lap as she gazed at the stars and the moon. She was always been the pony who loved to be outside espesially at night so she can enjoy the wonderous night Princess Luna offers them. She let out a sigh and picked up her violin, raised her bow and began to play a slow solumn song. As she played she produced a dim orb of light and watched it as it floated over the pond. Every now and then a fish would mistaken her light as a glowfly and would leap for only to splash back into the waters with a loud "smack" earning a soft giggle from Mel as she watched them. Melody always loved to play her violin at night it gave her a sense of peace and she usually played her music in hope that Luna would hear her symphonies. While she played she would alter the color of the light, changing it from the drab white to a dark blue that matched her mane. She gave a wry smile and piched up the pitch caueing the light to glow brighter. She continue to play with the light completely unaware of anypony else in the park with her.

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Guiding Light then heard something faint in the park. It was music, not from somepony signing, but from an instrument. He wondered who would be out in the park at night playing music. He chuckled as he realized he was in the same posiotion, just trying to do magic. Curiously he began walking, trying to find out where the music was coming from and more importantly who was playing it.

Although the moon was out, and his ball of light was illuminating the area, Light couldn't tell where the source of the sound was. He then saw a ball of light, but it was different from his. This new light glowed different colors and almost pulsed to the music. As he followed that light he saw sitting on the edge of the pond a mare playing the violin.

He stood by here so she would see him and waited for her to finish as he was lost in the tune she played.

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Melody continued to play her music unaware of a presence that is watching her. After a few minutes of playing she fianally decided to end her lovely song letting it fade into the darkness as played the last note. As her music fade so did her orb of light so that the only light left was the light of the moon shining down on her snow white coat. She let a soft sigh escape her lips as she returned her instument back into her saddle bag. Once she cofirmed that her beloved violin was secure she refoucused her attention back on the stars admiring their bueaty. She let out another sigh as she layed down on her back and closing her eyes while listening to the creatures of the night stir in the darkness.

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The mare then finished and put away her light orb and her violin. Now was the chance to meet this enchanting pony. Strangely the unicorn didn't n otice him, not even with the fact that his yellow pelt seemed to glow in the night. Not even that he still had his orb of light active. He tried to come up with something to say to get her attention. He tried to speak but froze again. His shyness was overtaking him, preventing him from saying something, anything to her. He wondered why only during important times his shyness decided to appear. Finallly he forced his way through the crippling shyness and squeaked out the best that he could:

"Um... hello there."

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Melody jumped when she heard a squeak behind her and sat up aruptly. She began looking around for the source of the sound and finally setting her eyes on a timid looking pony looking right back at her. Even though she has had this happen to her a multitude of times she always seemed to get startled when ponies sneak up on her.

Oh! Hello there. Can I help you? She asked sweetly not trying to scare off her visitor. How long has he been standing there? She thought to herself

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"Oh... um.... sorry I scared you. I was in the park and I heard your pretty music and saw your ball of light. How ... um... do you make it change like that? You know, with different colors and with your music?"

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Light was surprised at how the unicorn mentioned that light magic was really simple. He felt annoyed, not at her but at how difficult it was for him to do.

"Oh would you teach me that? Thanks! I've been trying to find a pony to teach me but they're either too busy or don't know about light magic. I don't know why, but I have trouble doing anything else except this ball of white light. Oh, and my name is Guiding Light, but you can just call me Light. Everypony else does."

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Melody smiled at Light and extended a hoof to shake . A pleasure meeting you Light I'm Sweet Meody, but I go by Mel for short. Don't fret about light magic it's tricky to learn in the begining, but once you learn the basics everything becomes more simple. To begin I want to see what you can do far and I'll patch up where you'll need inforceing then I'll teach you whatever you want to know.

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The mare was very friendly towards the colt and accepting to help him learn more of his magic.

"Um... well I can do this Light Ball you see floating over me. I can also brighten and dim it a little like this."

As Light tuned his magic, the ball dimmed slightly before then going back to its original brightness. Thn the brightness increased a little before then going back to how it was first seen.

"Well.. besides that I can make a beam of light like this."

The ball of light then vanished as Light then activated the new spell. Suddenly a beam of light, like a flashlight shot out from his horn, disappearing into the night sky.

"So... um ... that's all I can do right now. I'd like to know how to make colors or even illusions with magic."

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Mel nodded and watched carefully as the colt preformed some basic light spells and then was taken aback by his request that wanted to learn how to create an illusion. Hold on darling an illusion is a little out of your league right now it requires a vast amount of energy and concentration. I think we need to focus on some simple spells before we get to the advanced ones hmm? Alright to start with colors you must see you light as that color, and not with your eyes but with your mind. Mel closed her eyes and focused on her light which turned to a deep blue then she reopened her eyes and gave a "now you try look" to the young colt.

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Light nodded when Mrelody mention him not being to do illusions right away. As much as he wasnted to, he knew he didn't have a chance for that unless he learned the basic spells first. It was like being in school. First he hand to learn how to count, then the add and subtract numbers, and then multiplication and division.

Light saw how Mel closed her eyes and focused on changing her ball of light. He then closed his eyes and picked a color. He thought that maybe starting out with a primary color would be easier, so he chose red. He pictured in his mind his light ball floating in the blackness, first white and he normally had it. Then he imagined it changing to a bright red.

"Did it change," Light ask, afraid to open his eyes and see a potential failure, "Is it red yet?"

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Mel gave a pleased grin as she watched his white orb slowly turn to a bight red. She looked at the colt who kept his eyes shut and she let a soft chuckle pass through her lips. Gee I don't know maybe you should see for yourself. She replied a hint of tease in her tone.

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Light opened one eye while keeping the other shut. That's when he saw it: the now red ball of light hovering in the air.

"I... I did it," he said half excited and half surprised.

"Oooo! Let me change it to.... Green!"

He closed his eyes again and the ball changed to a bright green.

He spent several minutes changing the colors to orange, blue, purple, yellow, and even pink.

"This is cool! What's next to learn, Mel?"

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Mel placed a hoof on her chin as she thought for a moment. There were several things she could teach him, but not all in one night. Suddenly an idea popped into her head. How about we try shapeing your light hmm? With that Mel focused on her light until it shifted and morphed in a violin simaliar to hers. It's almost the same as changing the color, but the look a,d size requires a little more energy so try something small.

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"Ok then" Light said as he focused on the ball of light. He had to think of something simple to shape the light into. It was then he looked up and saw the moon. Then he got an idea.

He closed his eyes and began to focus on the light first changing it to yellow. Then he shaped the light first co it looked like half a ball. With the half formed, he becan to hollow it out until only a crescent shape remained, reminiscant of Princess Luna's cutie mark.

I made a crescent moon. How does it look?"

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Well well well somepony is a fan of Princess Luna. Mel teased nearly grinning from ear to ear. Good job though it's a good solid shape. Now let's move to the beam of light you expressed. By her will the blue light exinguished then the same beam of light shown from her horn only it stayed blue.

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Light blushed when Mel teased about him being a Luna fan. In reality he admired all the Princesses and would love to meet one of them. Now came trying out the beam of light again, only this time with color. He let the crescent moon vanish before then focusing on the color green and then firing the beam. Instantly a green beam shot across the pond and into the night, illuninating the water a greenish color.

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Mel nodded in aproval watching Light carefully. She then focused on her light in which began to narrow than started to expand. This one is tricky. To narrow you have to focus on a certain spot, and to expand is to focus on the big picture so to speak. Now let's see you try it out.

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Guiding Light was pleased at hoe successful his spells were going. Maybe all it took was a guiding hoof and a little courage. Now came the next task to widen or narrow the light beam.

"Ok. Let me first narrow it." he looked for something he could focus on. He saw a bright star in the sky that he could narrow to. Focusing he shot a beam that was about as thing as the tip of his horn rather than the entire horn out into the sky.

"Now wider." The pond was a perfect target for this next trick. Switching the color to red, he tried covering the entire pond in red color. Unfortunately, the beam only covered the width of a third of the pond but was nonetheless impressive considering what he started knowing.

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I'm glad on fast you're progressing in the basics. Now lets try something a little bit more difficult. Let's see if you can create a sheild of light. First watch me. Mel extinguished her light and walked some distance away from Light. She then turned to face him and closed her eyes and lowered her horn to the ground. After a minute she brought her horn back up and seemed to trace a line of a sheild infront of her. When she connected the line at it's point of origin and golden sheild lit up. Now to do this simply repeat my movement, but at first you must imagine the sheild and give it form and strenth. Go ahead and try hitting mine you'll just bounce right off of it then try making yours. Oh and most important to give it form think of a material of any kind.

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Light was pleased at his progress and that Mel felt confident enough in him that he could now learn something more advanced. She produced the shield of light which was very impressive. Then she asked him to try jumping on it. At first the unicorn colt was nervous as he didn't want to hurt his teacher, but she had confidence in her spell and was more skilled.

"Ok here I come," Light said as he took off into a full gallop and then jumped at the mare. His hooves struck the shield, which felt like it was as hard as the ground. He quickly skipped off of it and dropped back on the ground.

For a moment Light stood amazed at the spell. Then he refocused and tried it himself. He pictured in his mind a diamond. He remembered in school his teacher telling him that a diamond was the hardest gem made and could withstand scratching, melting, and impact. This would be the ideal material for that shield.

With his horn, he drew an outline of a circle. Then he drew an X pattern in the circle. Finally he charged the inside of the circle so that it became solid, turning a golden yellow color.

"Ok. I made the shield. I don't know if you want to try throwing something at it or jumping on it."

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Mel gave a sharp nod and cantered over and gave the sheild a good smack making sure it held. When the sheild didn't budge she smile at the rate her new student was progressing. A helpfull hint on forming you sheild is that it will act differently with the material you choose. For an example if I choose something like water the sheild becomes immune to fire. Now lets take a step up from the sheild to something agreasive. She gentle nudged the colt from behind his sheild so he wouldn't get caught in her next spell. When she was sure he was a safe distance she turned to his sheild and oce again closed her eyes and focused on her spell. When she opened her eyes she gave a fierce gaze at her target and reared on her hind legs abd when she came back down a beam of light shot from her horn and blew right though the sheild. She looked at the stunned colt and explained. This magic requires very little energy but it has a lot of penertrating power and blow past almost any defense. To do this takes quite some concetration you'll have focus on your target like when you focus the beam of light, but you have to give it heat. You can't think about heat as in fire for an example but the heat you feel on a hot summers day, and take that heat and focus it down in a ray of light. Lets see you try it on my sheild.

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Guiding Light listened intently to the advice about his shield making. He was pleased to held from the blow it received. Not bad for the first try. It made sense to him to think of an opposing element to counter and element.

The mare then nudged the colt slightly, signaling for him to back away from behind the shield. When he moved to the side, he watched Mel fire a beam of light that shattered his shield like glass. He then heard that he could with this spell make the beam instead of just light sunlight by adding heat. The heat added an offensive element to the spell. Although Light knew he didn't need a spell like this yet, there was no telling in the future if he did.

Mel then encouraged him to do the spell. He closed his eyes and focused on making a beam, but he also remembered adding heat. He thought of a hot summer day with the sun high in the sky. This was easy as it was summer in Ponyville. He then turned his attention to the sun itself, that powerful life giving orb. Lastly he thought of Princess Celestia who had the power of the sun at her command.

He reared up as he charged the spell, his hoer glowing a blazing yellow. Then coming down and slamming his hooves on the ground, he fired the spell at the shield. The blast wasn't as powerful as Mel's spell, but it caused a spiderweb like crack pattern on the once solid shield, radiating out from the point of impact. Another strong hit like that and the shield would definitely break like his.

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