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Flaret's art!


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Hiya! I'm new to the site, so I thought I'd get started by making a small art topic. I don't draw ponies very often, but they are a lot of fun to doodle. :)

First there's some pictures of my OC pony, Flaret. Her cutie mark is a mushroom from mario, as a subtle hint to gaming. :) Some of these are drawn in Iscribble or they are quick doodles in photoshop so they may look a bit... meh.





(Her as an alicorn, because I can.)



Here's another OC, called Honeycomb:




And that's a doodle for Sulvuss I finished just now.

Now, I am very bored, so I'll do a doodle for the first two people to ask me for them ^^

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Hi, welcome to Canterlot. I really like all of your art. Especially the second picture of honey comb and her eyes, as well as the first and second doodles for Flaret.

I think part of the rules here at Canterlot is that you need to have an your own introduction thread in the introductions section. And you need to have at least 3 posts there before you can post on the rest of the site. I'm not completely sure about that though but I think you should go make one just so you can go brag about how awesome you are. ^w^ It doesn't take long. And then you can continue on with this. :D

Cheers! ^3^

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