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Wordplay [FINAL]

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Roleplay Type: World of Equestria

Name: Wordplay

Sex: Female

Age: Older Filly

Species: Unicorn

Eye Color: Teal green.

Coat Color: Dirty gray.

Mane/Tail/Markings Color & Style: Her mane and tail are both long but carefully stylized and trimmed into simple but manageable dos. They're both a minty blue color; with streaks of lighter blue dyed through them.

Physique: Wordplay is your average filly, no shorter or taller than most of her peers. Her body is average as well, but she's already beginning to lose her childhood fat and add some muscular definition to her form. She wears a nice leather vest and a watch on her front hoof regularly.

Cutie Mark: ​A cursive 'a' superimposed onto a microphone.

Origin/Residence: Wordplay was born in and still lives in Manehattan.

Occupation: Does not yet hold down a paying job, though she occasionally receives some compensation for her amateur performances.

Motivation: To grow up and become a famous rapper, somepony who others look up to for her skills. She wants to make her art one of the mainstays of Equestrian society, though if that happens before she becomes famous she will be content.

Likes: Being witty and funny, the admiration of other ponies, good fashion, exercise and sports.

Dislikes: 'Offending' other ponies, overly-sensitive ponies, overly-demure ponies, being inactive, making a foal of herself.

Personality: Wordplay is the most fly- despite not being a pegasus- pony to every walk Equestria, and nopony can deny it. She's a bit full of herself; actually, she's incredibly full of herself. She's got bravado in spades, and she's always willing to say what has to be said when she feels nopony else is saying it. Or when she feels it's time for something to be freakin' said already. The girl doesn't have much patience with others, she's very straight to the point and can be snappish if she feels her time is being wasted. If others take offense with her strong personality, Wordplay is in turn annoyed and fights have broken out before.

In spite of her extremely in-your-face personality however, Wordplay has no actual 'aggression' per say. Her emotions are almost always exaggerated for effect, and in reality she's highly chill and she just overplays her behaviors for theatric effect. She's always willing to lend an ear and extend a hoof to another pony, in her own extremely overpowering manner. She treats her friends well, and her advice is generally sound, if almost too straightforward to the point of being insulting.

In short, Wordplay is a fairly nice girl who just comes off very strongly.

History: Wordplay was born to a famous family of singers and musicians who have lived and worked in the clubs of Manehattan for at least a few decades. As such she grew up surrounded by music and dance, and even as a foal Wordplay was highly energetic, almost litterally bouncing off the walls and ceiling whenever music came on. From the get go she showed the family talent, having both a strong voice and strong body for dancing.

Wordplay's energy made it difficult for her to stay still on stage and sing into microphones: on a school day when she was supposed to be auditioning for her school's play as lead she grew bored of waiting and started up a game of hoofball with a few of her friends. The subsequent chaos of the affair is generally accredited to Wordplay accidentally bucking the ball straight into the auditioning teacher's face, a fact which Wordplay makes no effort to confirm or deny to this day. However, Wordplay refused to apologize and was suspended from the school play, which worried her parents. They suspected their child was too hyper and aggressive to be a proper singer, so they intended to send her to a dance instructor in Canterlot.

Wordplay would have none of that, however, and she rebelled against her parents in every manner avalible to a filly of her age short of outright running away. Her energy was impressive but the fued wore on for months with neither side budging, and her circle of friends introduced her to a poetry group to help her deal with her familial stress. In this group Wordplay was introduced to a fringe art known as rap, which almost immediately appealed to Wordplay. She liked the aggressive style of the music, and how it was very easily danceable.Furthermore, she proved to be a natural.

The incident in which she earned her cutie mark involved a freestyle showdown with an elder rapper- Wordplay not only held her own but managed to outdo her elder with slick rhymes and puns so childishly hilarious they brought the house down laughing. Her elder mentor declared her the victor, and her cutie mark thus appeared.

Ultimately Wordplay decided that she'd become a rapper. This ended the family drama, as her parents and siblings were highly impressed by the strange new art form Wordplay swore she'd master. Because of it's relative lack of noteriety in Equestrian culture, Wordplay had to rely on her youth and charm to get her audiences, but she managed to draw small crowds in the clubs where her other siblings worked as more traditional musicians.

Wordplay continues to attempt to master her art to this day.

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That's great, FermataTheBasse!

Looking it over, I really like this character!

The app has been filled out well, and nicely written too!

Good original concept, and I do like the positive overall tone of this app!

The only question I have is in her AGE; The term 'Filly' implies she is not yet an adult, but from the rest of the app I read, she does seem to be presently adult. Are you saying she's a young adult? That's ok if she is. Not trying to nitpick, but I would be remiss in my duties if I didn't ask.


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Is that so~? I had assumed filly meant roughly teenage years, and that's where I wanted Wordplay to fall into roughly.

Well, most put a prefix like "older" or "younger" near their age depending on where they're trying to place their characters age. By teens do you mean like, 15-17? 'Cuz if so, 'Older Filly' could fit well there, I believe.

By the way, she sounds like a really interesting character! I hope to see her around the RP forums soon.


EDIT: I shoulda prolly added this in, but kinda forgot. I, personally came up with a sort of chart explaining how age works, just to make things easier for me. I consider 12-14 'Young Colt/Filly', while 14-16 I think is pretty much just Colt/Filly. It kinda goes on so forth, and now that I'm typing it out, is a bit confusing. Go with your gut instict, listen to your heart, etc. Good luck. :)

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