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A Nightmare of a Night (I need some feedback!)


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So as you can probably tell from the poor quality of this post, I haven't been feeling all that good lately :green: , and in one of my fits of fevered delirium I got the crazy idea to finally get started on a series of short fics I thought of. The basic idea is to write a bunch of short stories from the points of view of multiple ponies, with only one thing linking them all together: they all involve parties.

I know that that sounds like a weird idea. Or maybe it doesn't. I'm still a not quite feeling like myself.

Anyways, I've 'finished' the first story in the series "A Nightmare of a Night". This story is in two parts, the first from the point of view of Vinyl Scratch, the second from the point of view of Twilight. The basic plot is that Twilight plans Luna's first birthday party since she returned from the moon, but Vinyl changes it into a giant rave instead. Then Luna gets lost in the party and Twilight needs to find her.

The story is 98% shipping free (I imply a few shippings in it, but I do so subtly and it has no effect on the plot) and it has no bad language. There is some implied alcohol consumption, but it's only implied. All in all the story is pretty much E rated.

So, I've written this story, but because I wasn't feeling very coherent while writing it I kinda want some people to read through it and give me their reviews. I've exhausted spell check and grammar check and I'm pretty sure it still has quite a few typos in it. I also would like just some general feedback on the story and anything I could do to make it better. This is pretty much just a rough draft and I'm only posting it here right now for feedback.

So without further ado, here's part 1 of A Nightmare of a Night!

Party Time: Volume 1: A Nightmare of a Night

Part 1: Vinyl Scratch.

The flashing lights, sending colors flying across the mob. The ponies dancing, sweat glistening on their coats. The deep, booming bass, penetrating deep into her bones and smothering her in it's warm embrace. This was Vinyl's world, this was the one place where she truly belonged. She'd known it ever since she first wandered into a rave back when she was a little filly and she'd spent most of her adult life trying to keep from ever leaving. She felt so alive when she was up there on stage, mixing track after track and downing cider until the sun rose the next morning. If she could just spend her whole life with records beneath her hoofs she'd pass on with no regrets.

“Vinyl! Are you even listening to me?”

Sadly, as Vinyl had learned the morning after her first rave, the party doesn't last forever. Eventually you have to go back home and realize that maybe spending all your food money on cider wasn't such a great idea. Eventually you realize that while being a rave DJ is an awesome job, it doesn't pay rent. Eventually you start taking jobs that aren't that awesome, like a fashion show or a fancy dance. And, worst of all, eventually you start realizing that maybe there are other things you love besides raves.

“Vinyl! Pay attention!” Someone screamed in Vinyl's ear.

“Huh? Oh, sorry Tavi. I was just thinking about... stuff.” Vinyl said, looking sheepishly at her exasperated friend. Breakfast after a rave was always like this. Vinyl would get home at five, sleep until eight, then go down and fix herself a cup of coffee and a bowl of cereal, then sit there comatose until Tavi started yelling at her.

“Would that stuff happen to include the princess's birthday party next thrusday?” Octavia asked sharply, handing the coffee that she'd just reheated across the table to Vinyl.

“No...” Vinyl said, staring at the pot of coffee in her hoofs with a blank expression on her face, trying to remember what Tavi was talking about. “Are you playing it or something?”

“No, you're playing it! You're the main act! Do you really not remember that?” Octavia said, burying her head in her hoofs. She peeked on eye out and added “Also, the coffee goes in the cup, not on the cereal.”

“Wha?” Vinyl asked, still pouring coffee all over her cereal. “When did this happen?”

“Last week. Twilight came over and asked if you'd do it, remember?” Octavia said as she gave her own bowl of cereal to Vinyl while at the same time taking away the coffee. The sad part was that Vinyl actually did remember agreeing to play. She'd been getting ready for a rave and had just wanted Twilight to leave so she'd just said “Yes” to everything Twilight asked.

“But I don't wanna play the princess's birthday! Celestia always asks me to play boring old person music! Plus, there's gonna be this really epic rave that night that I wanna go to! Please please please don't make me go!” Vinyl pleaded. Celestia's parties were always so dull! She didn't want her name to be associated with that level of mind numbing lameness.

“Ok. Firstly, you already promised you'd do it. Secondly, it's not Celestia's birthday. That was last month, remember? This party is for princess Luna, and it's her first one since she's come back from the moon. I thought you said that Luna was cool?” Octavia chided Vinyl, pouring some coffee into a mug and handing in to her.

“Yeah, she is...” Vinyl said as she took a nice long slurp of her coffee. Luna was pretty awesome for a princess. She had those cool bat pegasi and that sweet armor, not to mention Nightmare Night, which was easily Vinyl's favorite holiday. Playing a gig for her might be pretty cool, assuming that that nerd Twilight wasn't planning the whole event. That would be a disaster.

“Well I'm glad you think so, because you aren't getting out of this one. You're gonna go over to the library today and help Twilight plan the party.”

“Gaaahhhhh!” Vinyl screamed, tossing her mug onto the floor in frustration. It shattered and spilled all of its contents onto the tile. “I assume you're going to clean that up?” Tavi asked, raising an eyebrow. Vinyl glared at her, then pushed her cereal bowl onto the floor for good measure. She then sat down and crossed her arms across her chest. “Make me.”

One hour later Vinyl had finally finished mopping the floor and was trotting over to the library. Stupid Tavi with her stupid giant violin thingy and her stupid music. Why'd she have to make Vinyl help plan this stupid party instead of doing it herself. Now Vinyl was going to have to put up with Twilight and her stupid lists. Vinyl liked Twilight and thought of her as a friend, albeit one who had a weird idea of fun, but sometimes Twilight was really annoying, especially if she was planning something. She'd make a list full of boring, unnecessary steps, then she'd forget to do one and freak out and force everyone to start all the preparations over again. Why couldn't Pinkie be planning this thing? Vinyl knew that if the party pony herself was planning this it would be legendary. Seriously, what kind of moron lets an egghead plan their birthday when they know one of the most epic partiers of all time?

Vinyl finally got to the library and was still fuming as she knocked on the door and waited to be let in. It was around thirty seconds before the door swung open and she saw a little purple dragon standing in the entrance. “Oh, hey there Vinyl Scratch. It's nice to...” Spike started to say before Vinyl cut him off. “Where's the egghead?” She asked testily.

“You mean Twilight? She's in Canterlot.” Spike said. Vinyl's eyes widened at this revelation. Planning a party for a princess was no small task. What was the person in charge doing miles away?

“So you mean she's not here?” Vinyl asked.

“Nope, but don't worry. She left a list of everything that needs to be done over there on the table.” Spike said, pointing to a little table inside. Sighing, Vinyl walked over to the table and looked down at the scroll lying on top. The damned thing had to be two inches thick! Suddenly, she noticed that the wax seal on the scroll was intact.

“Spike, have you already seen the list?” She asked nonchalantly as she lifted the scroll up.

“Who, me? No, Twilight wrote that one herself. I haven't seen a single item on it. She told me to read it while she was away but have you seen the thing? It's huge. I'm gonna read it later.”

“Ummm... I don't think you're gonna need to do that.” Vinyl said, reading the list. It was horrifying. Twilight had this whole thing planned to be exactly like Luna's last birthday party, which took place over 1000 years ago. The list would have to go. “Why don't you just let me tell you what it says?”

Spike looked at her suspiciously. “Why would you want to do that? Besides, Twilight told me to be sure to read it myself to make sure everything happens. I can't just ignore what she told me.”

“Item one.” Vinyl said, pretending to read from the list. “There's too much ice cream in the fridge. Spike needs to clear it all out pronto.”

“Yes sir Ms. Vinyl Scratch!” Spike said as he hurried over to the kitchen. “You know, I don't think I actually need to read that myself at all. I'm sure you can throw an awesome party without my help.”

“I'm sure I can.” Vinyl said, smiling evilly as she took out a quill and started to 'edit' the list to her liking. This gig might actually be fun after all.

So that's that. Expect the second part of the story soon and REMEMBER TO GIVE ME FEEDBACK!

Seriously. Getting feedback is the only reason I'm posting this here. It would really suck if nobody gave me any.

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And here's the second half of the story! Well, I say half, but it's easily three times as long as the first bit.

Look out for the very sappy ending.

Part 2: Twilight

Twilight paced nervously back and forth in the train car, stopping every ten seconds to look at the clock on the wall. She wanted to get back to Ponyville as soon as possible to make sure that Spike had done everything correctly. She'd wanted to leave six hours earlier so she could have fixed any mistakes he might have made with the preparations, but as it was it looked like they were going to arrive three minutes late! What if Spike had forgotten to put the royal insignia on the spines of all the books? What if Rarity had made the traditional bridles out of silk instead of cotton? What if the Cakes hadn't been able to find enough partridge bile to cook the traditional cake? What if...

“Twilight. Calm down.” Princess Celestia said to her troubled student. “I'm sure Spike will have done everything on the list. You know how obedient he is.”

“You're right. You're right. I'm just so worried! You know Luna still isn't used to the modern world yet!”

Celestia laughed. “Of course I do Twilight. She's my sister. But I'm sure she'll be fine as long as she stays out of crowds.”

“Hello my sister. Twilight.” Luna said as she stepped into the train car. “Were you conversing about me?”

“Just talking about your party little sister.” Celestia said.

“Oh! That is fantastic! I have been waiting to celebrate my birthday with you for centuries! I'm sure that it is going to be a night to remember, especially because it was planned by you Twilight!” Luna exclaimed.

“Oh, it was nothing.” Twilight said, blushing.

“Do not be so modest! When I arrived from the moon it was you who taught me how to act in these modern time! Aside from my sister, you are the pony whom I am closest to in the whole world. It is an honor to have you plan my party.” Luna said, smiling as she walked over to Twilight.

“Last stop! Ponyville station in ten minutes!” The conductor called from the front of the train.

“Ohh! My party approaches! Friends, please excuse me.” Luna said before she bolted off out of the car.

“She certainly is excited.” Celestia said as she chuckled.

“I'm kinda worried. You don't think she'd get so excited she'd fly ahead, do you?” Twilight asked.

“Twilight, I think I know my sister well enough to say with complete confidence that there's no way she'd fly on ahead.” Celestia said as Luna zoomed by the window. “However, it has been 1000 years. She might have changed some.” Celestia glanced nervously out the window, then back at Twilight. “You said that you'd made sure the party wouldn't be too much for her?”

“Of course.” Twilight said. “It's exactly the same as her last party and I only invited ten people. I even left the DJ a list of clam and soothing songs to play. Assuming Spike followed all my instructions to the letter everything should be perfect.”

“Good. Then there's no reason to worr...” Celestia stopped and cocked her head. “Twilight, do you hear something?” Twilight listened and found that yes, she could hear something. There was a soft, rhythmic booming noise in the background. “Huh. I wonder what that could be, don't you princess? Princess?” Twilight said, turning toward princess Celestia, who was looking out the window. “Princess?” Twilight asked, walking over to the princess, then stopping suddenly when she saw the look on her teacher's face.

“Twilight.” Celestia said very calmly. “I think Spike might not have followed all your instructions to the letter after all.”

“What are you talking about? You said that you were sure Spike would...” Twilight stopped as she looked out the window. “Oh dear Celestia.”

Even though Ponyville was still ten minutes away, it was immediately obvious that something was wrong. The town had been engulfed by the largest party either of them had ever seen. Giant floodlights were everywhere, illuminating the sky for miles around. Loud music could be heard pumping from giant speakers at deafening volume. And most noticeable of all was the giant black castle rising from the center of town, right where the library should be.

“Dear me is right.” Celestia said as both of them stared at the chaos that Luna had just flown in to. “Dear me is right...”

When the train finally stopped at the station Twilight was so worried that she didn't even wait for the doors to open. Instead she just teleported out and galloped as fast as she could to where the library had used to be. The princess had flown on ahead to try finding Luna, but just from looking around Twilight knew that finding one pony would be almost impossible in this huge crowd. However, all Twilight could think about at the moment was how in Equestria this had gotten so out of control. She'd given Spike a list of things to do, and while she hadn't expected him to follow it exactly, she certainly hadn't expected this! Spike was lazy! There was no way he'd go out of his way to ignore the list and plan a party of this size. Something must have happened, and she was going to find out what if it was the last thing she did.

When she finally got to the castle where her library used to be she was starting to get really worried. The music was getting louder the closer she got to the castle, and everypony she'd seen walking around had been dressed in costume. She really hoped that this wouldn't be a repeat of last year's Nightmare Night fiasco.

As Twilight approached the large gateway into the castle somepony tapped her on the shoulder. She turned around, annoyed at whoever was bugging her in the middle of this disaster, then she jumped up in the air and screamed when she saw what it was. Standing right before her eyes was some sort of out of control robot! It had blood all over it's armor and a nasty looking saw on the end of it's arm. It had one big glowing eye that stretched all across it's featureless face. Slowly the robot rose up onto it's hind legs and raised it's saw, as if to strike. Twilight's knees gave out on her then, and as she tumbled to the ground she took one last look at the robot's... tail.

“Rainbow Dash! You scared me to death!” Twilight said, getting back onto her still slightly wobbly feet.

“Aww. What gave me away?” Rainbow Dash said as she removed her helmet.

“Your tail. It's hanging out the back of your suit.”

“What? Oh come on! I told Rarity that I didn't want anypony to be able to tell it was me!” Rainbow Dash complained as she turned to look at her tail.

“Trust me. After getting over the shock of seeing a killer robot, I'm pretty sure most ponies would be able to guess it was you.” Twilight said.

Rainbow Dash spent a moment trying to figure out if this was a compliment or an insult, then gave up. “Well, I'm gonna go scare Apple Jack now. Oh, and cool party!” She said as she dashed away.

“Cool party? It's a disaster! A DISASTER!” Twilight yelled at her friend's back, fuming to herself.

“Twilight! There you are!” She heard a familiar voice call from inside the castle. She turned to see her diminutive assistant running towards her, wrapped in gauze and with a big smile on his face.

“I heard that the train had gotten in and I decided to go out looking for you.” Spike said, yelling a little to make himself heard over the music. “So what do you think of the party?” He asked. The expression on Twilight's face was all the answer he really needed, but that didn't stop her from giving him a verbal response.

“What do I think? It's a disaster! What happened to the small, period re-enactment that I planned?” She said, putting herself nose to nose with the increasingly uncomfortable dragon.

“It's... It's not my fault!” Spike stuttered, backing up to put a bit of distance between himself and the furious unicorn. “Vinyl Scratch took away the list and wouldn't let anyone look at it! She said that she was just doing what the list said...”

“And you believed her?”

“No...” Spike said meekly.

“Then why did you do what she said?” Twilight asked, exasperated.

“Because she let me eat ice cream... plusherideassoundedreallycool...” Spike responded quietly, saying the last bit so fast that it was almost impossible to tell what he'd said.

“Twilight! You're finally back!” A new voice called out from inside the castle. Twilight looked over and froze. Standing in the doorway was a white pony covered in zombie makeup from her shades to her neon blue tail. “I was beginning to worry you'd miss the party.”

“Miss the... buh... GAH!” Twilight sputtered. “This isn't a party! It's a huge gathering of intoxicated hooligans bent of causing chaos!”

“I didn't catch all those words, but that sounds like a party to me.” Said Vinyl, smiling broadly. “C'mon! Enjoy yourself.”

“Enjoy myself? Somewhere out there is an incredibly powerful alicorn who's really, really bad with crowds! If she gets to nervous or scared there's no telling what she'll do!” Twilight said.

“Down a few drinks? That's what I do whenever I get really nervous before going on stage.” Vinyl offered rather unhelpfully.

“She's a princess! She doesn't run over to the donut bar every time something goes wrong!” Twilight said testily.

“Would it hurt to look?”

“Sigh... No. Not really.”

By the time Twilight and Vinyl reached the bar Twilight was still having trouble holding herself together. What made Vinyl think that she had the right to just ignore months of planning and hard work and just throw some giant rave. Admittedly it was very well thought out. There were public restrooms open everywhere, food and drink stands evenly placed around the town, and even places for ponies to rest when they got tired of dancing. Also, now that she thought about it, it wasn't nearly as chaotic as it had looked at first. The majority of the ponies were behaving civilly and there were royal guards patrolling around on the lookout for any excessive unruliness.

Still, it was too much! Luna had had trouble with a simple small town Nightmare Night celebration. This was a gigantic rave thrown by one of the rowdiest ponies alive. There were probably more ponies here from other towns than there were ponies that actually lived in Ponyville. This was exactly what she had wanted to avoid! Ohh... She wondered what princess Celestia was going to think...

“Found her!” Vinyl exclaimed. “See, I was right! She was at the bar after all!”

“Say what?” Twilight said, suddenly finding herself back in reality after having let her mind wander. She turned to look where Vinyl was pointing and her jaw dropped. “Princess Celestia?”

Celestia turned and saw Twilight staring at her. She was seated at the bar with a very large slice of cake in her hooves and a large mug on the bar near her. She was frozen in the process of shoving a large bite of cake into her mouth. Sheepishly, she lowered the fork and swallowed the large bite that was already in her mouth.

“Mumpmm. Gulp. I mean, Twilight. Have you found Luna yet?” She asked, trying to avoid direct eye contact with her student.

“No! And aren't you supposed to be looking too?” Twilight said a little bit sharply.

“Well yes... But this cake is so good and the cider is just delicious!”

“It's true!” Said a perky voice from behind the bar. Pinkie Pie popped her head up and quickly poured the princess a refill on her drink. “This cake is a special one the Cakes made for the princess and the cider is Apple Jack's Zap Apple cider. It's so superscrumptious that when I saw the princess flying around I had to call her over here to try some!”

“Pinkie, this is an emergency! Luna is lost somewhere out there!” Twilight said.

“Oh no! That is an emergency!” Pinkie said, a look of shock on her face.

“Finally! A pony who understands the situation!” Twilight said, so grateful to have somepony on her side she didn't really consider who she was talking to.

“You bet I understand! It would be terrible if Luna didn't get the chance to try her own birthday cake! You need to find her right away!”

“GAHHHHH!” Twilight said, slamming her head into the bar.

“Twilight, be reasonable. What are we even going to do when we find Luna?” Princess Celestia said. “It's not like we could just make the party go away. And no, I will not send it to the moon.” She added as she saw Twilight's mouth open. “Look Twilight. I know you really care about Luna, and so do I, but she isn't a child. She's an ancient magical deity almost one thousand times your age. She can take care of herself.” Celestia said, draining her mug. Vinyl silently applauded.

After shooting a dirty look at Vinyl, Twilight turned back to her mentor. “Sigh. You're right... I just really wanted this to be a night she'd remember forever. If she doesn't like the party I'll have let her down. I promised her that she'd have a great time!”

“Hey hey hey! Why are you just assuming she's not gonna like the party!” Vinyl Scratch said indignantly. “We all worked really hard on it!”

“We?” Twilight asked, turning towards the DJ.

“Yeah. You don't think that I did this all by myself, did you? C'mon. I'm good, but noponys that good. All these costumes were made by Rarity and Fluttershy. Apple Jack, the Cakes, and Donut Joe supplied all the food. Pinkie here helped me plan the specifics and get the music lined up. Even Derpy helped to put up the tents!” Vinyl said, pointing at a misshapen black mass off near the town hall. “We all worked really hard making this the best party that's ever been thrown in all of Equestria!”

“Wow. I thought that you'd just decided to do your own thing and burned the list.” Twilight said, looking at Vinyl with a newfound respect.

“What! I wouldn't do that? I mean sure, most of the things on the list were really boring, or gross, or weird, or confusing, or silly, or just plain bad, but you still put a lot of effort into making that and I'd have to be a jerk not to recognize that. I've still got the list right here.” Vinyl said, pulling a scroll from somewhere on her person and handing it to Twilight.

“But you wrote all over it!” Twilight exclaimed in dismay.

“No. Not all over it. Look down at the bottom.” Said Vinyl. “It seemed to me like the rest of the stuff was a waste of time, since what your plan was really about was that last bit there.”

“Aww...” Twilight said, reading the last item on her list and blushing slightly. “That's really nice of you Vinyl. That's never gonna happen now. Not with all these strangers all over the place.”

“Don't be stupid. I've already told every pony invited to be there on the dot, and I've also told all the guards to tell Luna if they see her. Seriously, I managed to make this huge festival happen and you think I can't plan something like that?” Vinyl said, smiling at Twilight. “Now why don't you go and enjoy yourself. I've got to go and make sure everything’s running smoothly.”

A few hours later, as the party was winding down, Twilight found herself heading back toward the library. After her conversation with Vinyl and the princess she'd managed to stop worrying. Well, she wasn't worrying quite as much anymore, but there was still plenty of worrying going on. She'd wandered around the town: getting a witch costume from Rarity, dancing with Pinkie Pie and Apple Jack, yelling at Rainbow Dash for scaring Fluttershy. She'd really enjoyed herself, but she was still terrified that Luna would hate the party.

Gulping, she walked through to the door of the castle and looked around. Now that she was actually inside it, she realized that the castle was nothing more than a huge tent with the tarp stretched over a very creative frame. She walked past the mobs of ponies still dancing and gingerly stepped over ponies who had partied a bit too hard and fallen asleep, all the while making her way over to the tree-house in the middle. When she finally reached the door she stopped, took a deep breath, then knocked. Celestia opened the door and quietly led her into the main room.

Everybody Twilight had originally planned to invite to the party was there. There was Pinkie, RD and Scootaloo, the Apples, Rarity and Sweetie Belle, Fluttershy, Zacora, Shining Armor and Cadence, and standing there, right next to Vinyl's turntable, on the other side of the room looking out the window was the birthday girl herself. In the center of the room was a table set for exactly the amount of people present, and on the table was a large chocolate cake with a moon drawn on it in frosting. After watching Luna for a moment, Twilight turned to Celestia.

“How's Luna doing?” She asked.

“I don't know.” Celestia said, sounding worried. “When I arrived she was already here staring out the window. She hasn't said anything the whole time I've been here. She hasn't even moved.”

“Oh no.” Twilight said. “Well, we're all here. Let's get this over with.”

After saying that, Twilight walked over to the table and took her seat. Slowly, all the other ponies in the room did the same thing. Except for Luna. She still stood at the window, staring out at the party that was still taking place beyond the walls of the Library. Finally, she turned and walked over to the table. She stood for a minute, just staring at the moon on her cake. Then, finally, she spoke.

“Friends, let us start by saying that this was not the party we were expecting. It has been loud, it has been rowdy, and we believe that we stepped in some vomit earlier. When we thought of what this night would be like, we can honestly say that we thought it would be very different. Indeed, when we were told what our birthday would be like, we were told that it would be like what we were used to, and it has been something else entirely.” She said, casting a look at Twilight, who felt like she was withering up.

“And let me just say thank heavens for that.” Luna said, causing Twilight to almost fall out of her chair in shock. “The kinds of birthdays that I am used to were never the kinds of events where I would have to worry about what I was stepping in. They were boring, restricting affairs filled with ponies that I did not know who were only there hoping to gain royal favor. I cannot express how much it pleases me that most of the ponies down there do not even know that it is my birthday, but instead came because they wanted to enjoy themselves. I remember that the most exciting thing to happen to me last time I celebrated my birthday was when a duchess raised an eyebrow during a toast. In fact, I believe that I received more enjoyment out of just ordering a beverage this night than at all my previous parties combined. To see the lengths all of you went to in order to assure my happiness is the greatest gift I have ever been granted.” She paused for a moment to smile at all the assembled company. “Thank you to all of you, especially Twilight.”

At this, Twilight looked at Vinyl, who was currently tangled up in cords and swearing softly to herself. Sighing to herself, Twilight stood up.

“Thank you princess, but I really don't deserve your thanks. I had nothing to do with this party. All this” She said, spreading her hoofs “Was put together by Vinyl Scratch. She got everyone together, she thought up all these cool ideas. All I did was plan this part right now. You really shouldn't be thanking me, you should be thanking her. If I'd had my way, you'd have had another boring traditional birthday.”

Luna walked over to Twilight and smiled at her. “I know that. Do you think me so silly that I couldn't tell that this was nothing you would ever think up? However, even if Vinyl had not taken over the planning, I still believe that I would have had fun. After all, even if it was nothing more than me sitting at a table with all of you, at least I would be sitting an a table with ponies I care about.”

“Aww...” Twilight said, blushing.

“Ahem.” Said Vinyl over the speakers she'd just set up. “Now that that's out of the way why don't you go dig in so we can get this party started!”

Well, that's the story.


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