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I know this topic is popular, but the last thread was almost 3 weeks ago, so thought I'd renew it.

Who is your favorite champion? Who is your least favorite champion? And, if you have one, an idea for a pony champ?

Personally, Hecarim is my favorite. He is just so flavorful and fun to play. I DISPISE darius, hope he gets a HARD nerf soon.

I think they should make Applejack. Here's my idea for her abilities:

Q: Applebuck: Applejack kicks Target enemy, dealing damage,and knocking them back a distance, and slowing them if they hit another champion. If its another enemy champion, they are slowed as well.

W: Snatch: Applejack throws her rope in a direction. If it hits an enemy, Applejack roots them, and deals damage.

E:Vitality of an Apple: Passive: Applejack has increased HP regeneration. Active: Applejack draws the vitality within her, gaining movement speed and tenacity.

R: Wrangle: ultimate: Applejack grabs Target enemy with her rope, holding them for 3 seconds. While being held, champions can attack, and cast spells. While being held, Applejack spins them in a wide circle, stunning each enemy hit with the held champion, dealing damage. Maximum of 3 champions hit.

So what are your ideas?.

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Sorry, I love LoL. My favorite champ is Shyvana. Kick ass jungler, clears fast and can give blue at the beginning of the game. I have won games by giving blue to mid so they can shut down their lane and carry hard. And Shyv is no slouch either- great initiator and tanker, puts out good damage. I don't like AD Carries in general. I know they're important, but I can't position myself correctly for my life.

Darius isn't OP, he's just any standard annoying bruiser, I feel.

I don't know about that design for Applejack. What role is she supposed to fill, some sort of bruiser? An ultimate that moves an enemy champion around that much would be hard to balance, not to mention the fact that the projectile enemy champion might be easily dodged. Also, what's her passive? Passives are important too!

Here's an idea for Pinkie Pie, which would make her a highly disruptive and annoying champion with a lot of slows and cc, who could solo top with he sustain or make a support and kill lane bot. She's a mana user.

Passive (Pinkie Sense): Pinkie naturally detects enemy champions within a certain radius, and the number of enemy champions nearby is indicated by the number of stacks of this passive (1 stack per enemy champion in range). For each stack, Pinkie gains some movement speed.

Ability (Welcome Wagon): Pinkie summons her welcome wagon and charges at the targeted enemy, dealing magic damage, appearing in front of them, and slowing them by a small amount for one second.

Ability (Party Cannon): Pinkie deploys her party cannon at a spot, facing the direction she is facing. Upon activating this ability again the cannon fires, dealing magic damage in a cone and knocking back affected enemy champions.

Ability (Musical Number): Pinkie sings an inspiring and probably annoying musical number, rooting herself to gain increased health regen per second and a fraction of that regen to allies. Using this ability will stop using Welcome Wagon if currently dashing towards a target.

Ultimate (Giggle at the Ghostie): Pinkie passively has increased tenacity. Upon using this ultimate Pinkie cleanses all cc from allies within a certain radius and grants them additional movement speed.

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Sorry, I love LoL. My favorite champ is Shyvana. Kick ass jungler, clears fast and can give blue at the beginning of the game. I have won games by giving blue to mid so they can shut down their lane and carry hard. And Shyv is no slouch either- great initiator and tanker, puts out good damage. I don't like AD Carries in general. I know they're important, but I can't position myself correctly for my life.

Darius isn't OP, he's just any standard annoying bruiser, I feel.

I don't know about that design for Applejack. What role is she supposed to fill, some sort of bruiser? An ultimate that moves an enemy champion around that much would be hard to balance, not to mention the fact that the projectile enemy champion might be easily dodged. Also, what's her passive? Passives are important too!

Here's an idea for Pinkie Pie, which would make her a highly disruptive and annoying champion with a lot of slows and cc, who could solo top with he sustain or make a support and kill lane bot. She's a mana user.

Passive (Pinkie Sense): Pinkie naturally detects enemy champions within a certain radius, and the number of enemy champions nearby is indicated by the number of stacks of this passive (1 stack per enemy champion in range). For each stack, Pinkie gains some movement speed.

Ability (Welcome Wagon): Pinkie summons her welcome wagon and charges at the targeted enemy, dealing magic damage, appearing in front of them, and slowing them by a small amount for one second.

Ability (Party Cannon): Pinkie deploys her party cannon at a spot, facing the direction she is facing. Upon activating this ability again the cannon fires, dealing magic damage in a cone and knocking back affected enemy champions.

Ability (Musical Number): Pinkie sings an inspiring and probably annoying musical number, rooting herself to gain increased health regen per second and a fraction of that regen to allies. Using this ability will stop using Welcome Wagon if currently dashing towards a target.

Ultimate (Giggle at the Ghostie): Pinkie passively has increased tenacity. Upon using this ultimate Pinkie cleanses all cc from allies within a certain radius and grants them additional movement speed.

How could I forget her passive!?! :o

Passive:Apple family Determination: When killed by an enemy champion, when Applejack respawns, she gains a Grudge against that enemy. If she kills that enemy, she gains bonus gold, and loses the grudge stack.

I like your Pinkie idea, tho I'm not sure how her ultimate would be balanced. Because negating so many other champions ultimates would be just a little op. Unless it had an MASSIVE cooldown or something.

As for Applejack, some sort of bruiser is what I was thinking. Not really a tank, but a tough hard hitter. And her ultimate would be similar too Lee Sin's. Tough to pull off, but awesome when you do.

I personally adore Shyv too, but the only problem I have is that she's too easily kited :/

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Frozen Mallet my good man. That, and Shyv is semi dependent on her team to make ganks happen. I used to not do this, but now I often grab exhaust with my smite instead of flash. Makes the ganks pre-6 easier. Plus the fact that she can give blue at the start. For some mids (Fizz, LeBlanc), that's like 3 free ganks right there, they'll be able to crush their lane opponent.

Pinkie is more a support or AP top, in my opinion. I should have specified that she has low damage ratios. She's really about the disruptiveness and utility her abilities offer.

I can totally see an Applejack playing as a Lee Sin. HIKU would become HOWDY or something contrived like that. Now that passive is a bit odd, in that I don't really see how it will help Applejack be a good team player. A passive that encourages her to die isn't a good idea in terms of game balance.

First, I would say this. Make Applejack able to move around while channeling her ult, and allow her to control the direction of the lasso like a pet. Say, she could fling the captured champion at another champion of her choice. Second, this champion's a good bruiser from the looks of things (though the sustain not being active could hurt her solo lane capabilities), so the passive should support it by making her do bruiser things. Like Lee Sin's or Jarvan, some kind of damage spike that makes her a credible threat for the enemy to focus (and not your carry).

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Yeah. It would be better for AJ to move while ulting huh? And being able to move her ultra like Viktor's ult would help too. As for her passive, maybe I could throw in something to the effect of doing better vs the grudged opponent. Same type of thing with kog maw or zyra, where you don't necsisarily WANT to die, but if you do, its not as bad as with some other champs.

I could totally see Pinkie being a AWSOME support with abilities like that. :)

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Pinkie would be the new Janna, in that people would ban or first pick her for just how good she is at resetting team fights. In fact, cleansing all cc would turn the fight in favor of Pinkie's team most of the time, wouldn't it? Crap, I'm not that good at game balance.

I think the difference between Zyra/Kog and Applejack as stands is that those abilities can help out the team now. Kog and Zyra can essentially contribute to a team fight from beyond the grave. But Applejack's assumes that she'll get a chance to fight again. What if that's the game winning team fight? I just think it's way too situational of a passive.

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Maybe it could be a passive of her ultimate or something . I like the idea, but you're right. But I don't really know what else to use for a passive :/ I really like the idea of wanting to kill someone who killed you last, but its true that it doesent help the TEAM very much.

Yeah pinkie would be the best support ever. Amumu would be obsolete, same with Leona, or anyone else that has an AOE stun or slow or something. I think the only way to balance that would be to make the cooldown HUGE. Like the cooldown of Karthus or something. Because with an ult like that, you would probably never lose!

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Like Applejack can use her ultimate again upon dying? That would be interesting actually. It would be one of those 'don't kill me or you're gonna regret it' style passives (I hate hate hate going against Kog'Maws for this reason, since the passive just makes focusing Kog end badly even when you need to focus him since he's the freaking carry. Then he gets fed off his kills he got while being dead and builds phantom dancers and you lose).

Perhaps I could make it like an team tenacity buff when used instead. Like giving everyone an extra Merc's Treads or something. It would cut down on CC instead of killing it alltogether, so you have the chance to recover a team fight instead of instantly getting back into it.

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Now THAT would be fun! I love those kind of passives. That way, no one would WANT to focus her, but they would HAVE to.

That would make Pinkie actually viable, but it would be a little UP if it was just a tenacity bonus. The movement speed would help, but if needs something else. Maybe slow enemy's around Pinkie? Or something like that.

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A slow would help. The point of the ult is that it's supposed to counter a strong initiate with cc (Amumu comes to mind here) and allow for the fight to turn around and for Pinkies team to counter initiate. A slow helps in that regard.

Well here's another champ concept to talk about then (I feel like we're the only two people on this site who play LoL or something):

Princess Celestia, The Sovereign of Equestria

General champion concept, a mid mage who excels at drawing out fights while maintaining her somewhat weaker than normal power throughout, allowing her team to win long battles of attrition. She is without a doubt a team fighter. Uses mana.

Passive (Light of the Sun): When all of Celestia's abilities are off cooldown, Celestia has increased health and mana regen.

Ability (Light Lock): A low range magic damage spell that roots both Celestia and her target in place (think Malz's ult without the suppression). While this ability is channeling Celestia gains bonus armor and magic resist. Can be interrupted, of course.

Ability (Summer Sun Celebration): Celestia pours her power into a location by rooting herself(like Trundle's Contaminate only centered around Celestia), boosting the health regen, armor, and magic resist of all allies in that location. Stats given scale with AP. Celestia drains mana per second using this ability, but she can still take actions that will not require her to move. Moving at any time or being subject to crowd control breaks the spell.

Ability (Friendship Report): Gathers the goodwill of her allies to her and fires a bolt of magical damage flame that passes through and slows enemies struck. Damage and slow increase per ally present. Range increases when using Sumer Sun Celebration.

Ultimate (Harmony Embodied): Celestia gathers the Elements of Harmony to herself and unleashes their power onto a radius centered around herself. While in this location all allies begin slowly gaining AP and AD, while all enemies slowly begin losing Armor and MRES, until a minute has passed, in which the enemy team is greatly weakened and her own team greatly improved. After another few more seconds all these bonuses and debuffs vanish. Cannot be broken unless Celestia is killed.

Counters would be simply to burst the hell out of Celestia and her team mates before her ult really wrecks you. She punishes being out of position, since engaging with her team while the enemy team is split up will give Celestia an easier time of letting the ult run it's full duration. And of course, her abilities give her tricks to keep herself and her team alive while the ult runs.

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Wow. Celestia is pretty crazy. I think her ultimate might last just a liitle too long. A minute in a game is FOREVER. I could see 10 seconds, or even 20, but a minute is a loooong time. Love the idea of her passive tho. So, judging by the abilities, she's a teamfighter support right?

Seriously. Is there not a single other Brony on this site that plays this game?? O.o

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Okay, okay, that was way too much. Most team fights that don't travel (go from location to location because people chase and reinforcements arrive, you know those types of fights) only take 6 seconds or something anyways. 15 seems like a good number, enough time for the enemy team to have a chance of stopping you. And yeah, the passive is for sustain in lane since her abilities mostly aren't useful in laning phase, so she relies on last hitting with auto attacks (I guess the damage and animation would have to be good), unless she could jungle, but I don't think these abilities are useful for jungling. Are they?

I dunno, I mean the last thread did die...

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I don't think she's able to jungle. Without some kind of damage to heal ability, she doesent have quite enough sustain. She'd be an EXCELLENT teamfight support, but really, she only has one real damaging ability, and the combo of Summer Sun Celebration with it is a good mechanic, but it would have to scale heveily off of AP to be a viable champion. Her Q does some damage, but I would guess its only for the utility. But, her rooting herself to bonus her team on top of her ulti bonus, would be just brutal. But you don't want to focus her, because she's relitivly tanky. So far I like her idea a lot, but your right. She needs more.

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So you're saying essentially that she's way too reliant on her ultimate to be viable. True true, champions are not supposed to be 100% ult based (just 80% at most, ask Amumu and Master Yi). Anyways, my head hurts from the champion concepts. I'll leave with this question: who do you think is universally a good support regardless of opposing lane and AD carry? I've been searching for an answer to that question for a long time.

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Here is another idea for Pinkie.

Passive: Element of laughter: Aura: Enemy champions near Pinkie Pie have their attack damage reduced.

Q: Smile!: Pinkie projects her happiness toward an enemy, dealing damage and taunting them. When the taunt is over, They deal reduced damage for a time.

W: Pinkie sense: Passive: Pinkie gains movement speed when near a champion, allied or not. Active: Doubles the movement from the passive. In addition, Pinkie slows all enemies around her for 1 second.

E: Giggle: Pinkie laughs, greatly increasing allied attack damage, and lowering Enemies Armour.

R: Ultimate: Dual Personalities: When Pinkie pie drops below 50% health, she becomes Pinkamina: gaining new abilities, melee range, and new stats.

Q: Pinkie rage: Pinkamina gains greatly increased attack speed and Amrour. If Pinkamina kills the unit, its cooldown is, if a minions, is halved. If a champion, she gains bonus gold as well.

W: Insanity: Passive: Pinkamina has a chance to ignore critical hits. Active: Pinkamina is immune to critical hits and all basic attacks for 3 seconds.

E: Sorrow: Toggle: Pinkamina cries, reducing magic resists by 30, stacking up to 3 times. When at maximum stacks, Pinkamina deals 50 percent bonus damage to that champion.

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So you're saying essentially that she's way too reliant on her ultimate to be viable. True true, champions are not supposed to be 100% ult based (just 80% at most, ask Amumu and Master Yi). Anyways, my head hurts from the champion concepts. I'll leave with this question: who do you think is universally a good support regardless of opposing lane and AD carry? I've been searching for an answer to that question for a long time.

Lulu is the one. She excels at keeping her carry alive, as well as dealing damage, and supporting generally. Using her ultimate can turn around teamfights and more.

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Lulu, eh? I've played a few games with her, she does seem very versatile. I seem to have mana problems though.

For yo Pinkie:

General I'm detecting that she's a tank given the abilities. The problem here is that her ultimate (beyond having no active, which is very strange for an ult) actually seriously discourages people from attacking her at all, just killing her team then saving her for last. Pinkie doesn't have the damage without her ult, I assume. So... she's like an anti-tank, since people actually really really don't want to focus her because she has low damage unless she is attacked. I like the QWE set, it looks like a strong initiation set, but the ult is really really weird and doesn't fit with the kit.

W (Pinkamena): 3 seconds is too long to completely ignore damage when that ult increases her own damage output massively. It's too long period, really.

E (Pinkamena): How does this work? Single target?

Also, we really are the only LoL players on these forums by the looks of it.

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Seriously!! We are the only bronies that play this game!

As for pinkie,

For her Pinkamina side, her W doesent ignore ALL damage, only critical hits. And her E is an aura like ammumu's Dispair

For her Pinkie side, yes she is a tank. Her taunt will help keeping the focus on her, as well as her allied armour increase. And, well I don't really know what to put in as an active for her ult. :/ Anything could fit, but its sooo flavorful to do something like that. I guess she's a sort of off tank, she's a support at full life, and she's a bruiser at half.

And the way to fix your early game mana problem with lulu, Philosopher Stone. Grants mana regen, and gold per 5, and you can eventually build it into Sherilias Reverie.

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It's not early game mana issues with Lulu. I somehow run out of mana during team fights, like, once recently I could have possibly saved a team fight going bad with a good Wild Growth, but I lacked the mana! Luckily, I had gotten Caitlyn bot fed as hell and she cleaned up the fight nicely. But there would have been less deaths if I'd had the mana.

As I said, the critical problem here is that after the taunt, Pinkie has nothing to keep focus on her ult activates. Shen gets nice damage with his passive, Q, and a Wit's End so you can't ignore him totally (that and global ult=OP), Rammus has nice damage on his ult, Amumu has nice damage on his Despair, Shyvana has beast damage period once she builds a Frozen Mallet. Nasus has the god Q if farmed properly... What does Pinkie have? Oh... but here's a thought. What if Pinkie's ult on active use begins steadily draining her health while dealing magic damage to surrounding enemies until it hits the point where she transforms? So that forces the enemy team to make a choice. Do we keep focusing others or do we have to save our cc for Pinkie when she goes berserker mode? It'll make her more tank like, in addition to providing the enemy team with a difficult strategic decision to make. If they focus the team, Pinkie could be able to clean up when she hits half health. If they focus her, well they ain't focusing the carry now are they?

We need a carry pony. I'll get working on that.

Finally, whats yo summoner name mang? Mine's Finaletiro, NA server.

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That's true.... She doesent have much damage for a tank does she? Hmm..... I like that draining life, constant AOE dmg. But the only problem with that, is that if they Ignite her or something, she jumps into Pinkamina mode too early, thus losing her TANK abilities.... Maybe, there could be another ult passive, that makes her slowly begin to take more damage, until max stacks, where she trsnsforms reggardless of llife.. or something...

My summoned name is Moonenvar, NA sever. I'm usually on around 3:00 everyday.

I don't really know what to tell you about the mana probs.. :/

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It's alright. My favorite support currently is Janna. She seems to be the catch all end all, she can put any carry in a better position.

But the thing is, the real job of the tank is to force the enemy team to pay attention to them and not to other damage dealers, whether by taunting or having unignorable damage output or having great initiation. A balance of any of the three is necessary. If Pinkie jumps into Pinkamena too early, that's okay because that means she's still done her job as a tank, she's gotten the focus off the right pony in a teamfight!

Okay, here's an AD carry...

Sweetie Belle, The Virtuoso of Voice (who does not know she is that yet)

Sweetie Belle is an AD Carry I envision as being more 'independent' that a stereotypical carry (ironic then, that she's far younger than most of the LoL carries by far) who can manage to farm well in solo top, allowing for kill lanes to be set up bottom. She can go bottom too, of course, which could allow the support to do roaming ganks. In return, she does not scale as well as other AD Carries and she does not have as many tools for killing in the early game. She 'attacks' with her voice.

Passive (Perfect Pitch): Sweetie Belle naturally pitches her sounds perfectly, which makes all of her attacks do flat additional physical damage which increases with levels. At Level 1 it's like she has a Doran's Blade (read, easier last hitting) and by Level 18 it's like a free BF Sword.

Ability (Composition): Sweetie Belle composes a song on the fly. Her next three auto attacks will heal her for a percentage of the damage they deal. Applies to attacks on turrets.

Ability (Resonance): Sweetie Belle's attacks naturally 'tune' her to her enemy. Passively, this ability grants Sweetie Belle additional attack speed. When activated, Sweetie Belle loses this attack speed bonus and gains a short duration buff which makes her auto attacks slow and apply a magic damage over time (a weaker red buff) in addition to increasing her own movement speed by the percentage of the slow (see why she can solo top easily?).

Ability (Blank Flank): Sweetie Belle does not yet know her talent. When activated, Sweetie Belle loses the ability to auto attack for two seconds but gains a significant armor, magic resistance, and tenacity buff (this is essentially her escape mechanism).

Ultimate (The Gospel Truth): Sweetie Belle's sonic powers come to full. She unleashes a burst of magic damage centered on her that knocks back all all enemies nearby, to her maximum attack range.

She has a disengage ult (meaning you don't need Janna), good techniques for survivability, and farms well. A solo top AD carry by design.

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Hmmm... Yeah she does make a good solo top. She's very well rounded so far, but the only problem I see is that all her ult does is damage, and knocks them back. Is it instant? Or a channel like Janna? Because if it was instant, she would tear through just about anyone. But if it was channeled she would die against other ad carries. A short channel perhaps? Her E sounds really cheap for an ad carry. Not op, since its short, but if she were a real ad carry, she would dominate top lane, because if she starts with a dorans blade, on top of her passive, on top of runes, she would be hitting around 100 at level one!

Speaking of AD carries, who's your favorite?

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AD Carry? I can't play AD Carries well. I'm bad with positioning myself, and knowing when to stay and shoot and when to start backing. But I'd have to vote for Caitlyn, because she has a nice early game at least, and she's free so often I practically will never have to buy her to be able to play her.

Well obviously, Sweetie's ult does little damage (like Janna's ult does little heal) unless you build AP on her. That might be viable since she gets magic damage on her W? Perhaps Sweetie could do well as a hybrid... I'd cut that passive down, make it more like 5 or so extra AD at level 1. I actually just thought of something. What if Sweetie's Q only applies the heal on hit to the next auto attack, and it had a short cooldown? That would make Sweetie a viable carry for a Sheen/Trinity Force build in top. That would also mean, that around the level that certain tops get too hard to trade with (Jax especially comes to mind), Sweetie with a Sheen could still keep the lane going in her favor. So she'd need to be counterpicked essentially, or you've lost top. I think a speedy champ with burst (like Kennen) wouldn't have so much trouble against Sweetie top. I'll also lower the duration of the E to one second.

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Yeah that would make her more balanced. Shed be able to hold her lane really well, as well as help with ganks. She has nice sustain, and nice damage output.

Yeah..... I don't like AD carries either. They are too boring for me. You go: Q.......autoattack......autoattack.....autoattack...... Ult.

Really boring if you ask me.

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Actually with Vayne you just keep autoattacking, throw in an E if anoyone gets either near you or near a wall, throw dowun a quick ult Q if someone focuses you, and overall just let your W slaughter everyone.

Miss Fortune, you run in and pop W, E if they start retreating, her ult is largely useless except to catch runners...

Corki you use your ult to proc Trinity (if you have it), turn on E, W if you get caught out of position...

Yes, AD Carries are kind of dull, aren't they? If the rest of your team does their job you just have to faceroll to get kills. I prefer being the bruiser or tank, if only because I know without a doubt when I'm supposed to be there or not (since I'm the one who starts stuff).

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