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(Canterlot) The Move (Open)

Conor Colton

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As the stallion noticed Dawn stop at a store and run in for a set of rope Promontory let out a bit of a small sigh of relief. He didn't delay in looking over his first hoof where the nail was pushing into his skin. As he lifted up his hoof to inspect the damage he noticed that the nail had wedged itself deep into his frog at an odd angle that made it act like a button that each time he took a step it would pop in then out.

[colour=#A1745E]" At leas' id ain' goin' any deeper."[/colour]

Promontory said to himself as he shook his hoof hoping it would maybe pop out from the movement. However, Promontory quickly realized he was going to need either some pliers to get it out or a hammer with a strong claw to remove it. Instead Promontory started to pull off the remaining chunks of pony shoe and tossed them into a nearby trash can. He wanted to inspect his back shoe encase any other nails were going to cut into his hooves but noticed Dawn coming back out making him quickly slam his injured hoof down making him wince and almost letting out a grunt of pain.

He watched as the Pegasus quickly secured the goods that Promontory had on his back with rope making Promontory relax a bit as he tied the remaining end to not only his yolk, but to both of his Radiuses so that the goods would not sway side to side. He finally allowed his shoulders roll shift the goods back just enough to take some of the pressure off so that the weight was no longer on his bones and neck and more on his muscles that were use to carrying large amounts of weight. Still Promontory could feel the pain in his foot from the first shoe breaking and could feel the shards of the second breaking shoe shifting under his other hoof.

When Dawn asked if he was in pain or if something was wrong Promontory quickly reacted.

[colour=#A1745E]"Er, nope. everythin's fine. see? nothin' rong pardner."[/colour]

He said as he picked up his injured hoof and brought it back down on the cobble stones a couple of times each time trying not to wince as he felt the nail go in and then out of his frog each time.

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Dawn raised an eyebrow at the stallion's reply. Something seemed off about it, though for the life of him, Dawn couldn't put a hoof on as to why. So ultimately, Dawn nodded and continued walking towards the train station, where he would be departing for Ponyville. As they walked though, the pegasus couldn't help but feel a slight concern for Promontory. To Dawn, not everything seemed alright; in fact, the pegasus could have sworn he saw something strange when Promontory lifted his hoof up for Dawn to inspect.

The two of them continued their journey, trotting along the cobbled Canterlot walkways, all the while with Dawn's mind constantly lingering on the thought that something was wrong, he just couldn't shake the feeling. He continued musing over what the 'cause of such a feeling could be, constantly going over different scenarios in his head as to what could be causing the problem. It was at this point that Dawn decided to take all he knew into the situation and apply it to find a logical conclusion.

"[colour=#b22222]Okay...So he was having trouble with the boxes...Then he started slowing down. He doesn't look like he'd have trouble with heavy lifting so it was probably more so the boxes were weighing him down...After we got the rope he still looks to be in pain...But the box's seem more manageable...Something must have happened, like he hurt a part of himself while carrying those boxes...Wait, come to think of it...Why would he want to show me his hooves before anything when I asked if he was okay?...[/colour]" That's when Dawn made a connection. He slowed down slightly and posed another question.

"[colour=#b22222]Promontory, you sure you're okay? Didn't hurt your hooves or anything? 'Cause when you lifted it up to show me, something seemed off about it.[/colour]" Dawn stated, trying his luck for a breakthrough.

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The train stallion continued to walk behind the Pegasus trying to keep each step in stride. Each time he lifted his hoof and brought it down he could feel the nail stab him quickly then go back to rest. It was almost like a hornet stinging him over and over again making it so the earth pony was starting to get agitated by the pain. He angrily looked down at his injured hoof hoping that a simple glare would solve the problem but when he took another step again he felt the pain from the nail almost snake up his leg. When Dawn again asked Promontory if he was alright the toast colored stallion again let out a frustrated snort.

[colour=#A1745E]" Ah said Ah was fAhne padner. NaUw drop id."[/colour]

Promotnory replied in a cold tone not realizing he had shifted his glare and frustration from his hooves to the Pegasus. As he did he brought down his back hoof to hard making the breaking shoe finally shatter with a loud crack almost like a bottle had been thrown against a hard surface. As Promontory heard the shoe cracking he felt a second rush of pain from the metal chunks that had splintered and were now logging themselves into his back hoof. However Promontory didn't let out a holler or even a whimper he simple winced and puffed out his chest knowing that the pegasus probably heard his hoof crack.

[colour=#A1745E]"Aw buck. Nauw ya'll done id Promontory."[/colour]

He thought to himself as he waited for Dawn to assume that something had been damaged in the boxes and to get a tongue lashing.

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Dawn sighed lightly at Promontory's response, the pegasus was only trying to help and yet he was met with frustration at every opportunity he did get to help. Regardless though, he nodded and conceded defeat since he honestly didn't know what else he could do at this point, "[colour=#b22222]...Okay...C'mon then, almost at the train station.[/colour]" The black coated stallion reminded as he continued walking to his destination. Dawn decided not to think too much about Promontory right now and instead focus on the matter at hoof, Ponyville.

The stallion had never really been to the town though he had heard a lot about the little hamlet, more so than what would be expected of such a small settlement. Although, to be honest Dawn felt he would feel more at home and at peace in a small town where events happened rather than a large city with few and far between exciting events. Just the thought of what experiences or sights and sounds he would experience in his new home sent an almost noticeable chill down his spine and up his wings; the stallion just couldn't wait to get settled into his new place. He knew fine rightly that the arrangements weren't perfect but he was just glad there were arrangements to begin with.

Dawn continued walking and musing over what would happen in Ponyville, to the point where he was literally lost in thought. However he was taken out of his train of thought when he heard a rather easily noticed cracking noise coming from Promontory, Dawn turned his head back slightly to see what was going on. He surveyed the boxes and the stallion as they walked, he opened his mouth for a brief moment...Then realized what the response to any inquiries would be and promptly shut his lips. They just continued walking, drawing very close to the train station, not saying a word.

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To Promontory's surprise Dawn didn't say anything after looking back when he heard the crack of the Earth Stallions shoe. Instead, the Pegasus stayed silent as the two continued towards the train station. Promontory tried to figure out the awkward silence between the two by trying to think about what had just happened.

[colour=#A1745E]" Whah he bein silent fer? 's id cause ah told him ta not worry 'bout me? Dat ain' right. We'll jus' met so id ain' like he's to concerned....righd?"[/colour]

Promontory thought to himself feeling his ears drop a bit at the idea that maybe he had offended the Pegasus. Suddenly though the shards of metal cut his train of thought as he felt a sting in both of his legs making him instinctively scrape his hooves backwards to flick out the metal. However, because of the odd way the metal had cracked it instead lodged the chunks further making Promontory again wince when he put his hooves down.

[colour=#A1745E]"Ow, Ow, OW. Gah Stupid shoes! No no...Promontory hold yer self tagether. Were almost to ta train station."[/colour]

Promontory continued to himself as he again glared down at his shoes. However Promontory quickly realized that what he thought was a little injury was becoming a bigger problem when he noticed that he was starting to leave a a trail of blood from his frog on his fore hoof and what he felt like the sole of his back hoof. He could feel his legs wanting to limb to get off the injured parts but Promontory's stubborn pride made him continue to walk starting to stomp a little harder to make it look like he was fine.

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Dawn continued walking, acting as if nothing was or has happened. He didn't want to bring anything up to Promontory of the fear of getting shot down again, though there was always a lingering thought in his head that maybe he just wasn't being assertive enough. Dawn knew he wasn't the most forward stallion, in fact he even saw himself as calm and reserved. He continued thinking that possibly if he asked anything again, but did it more authoritatively he would get a much better result. He wasn't sure if this was a good idea or not so instead of just demanding an explanation if anything was wrong he went over in his head if it was really such a good idea.

For instance, if nothing was the matter then Dawn would look rather foolish and even possibly paranoid. Another reason that he held himself back was a fear of making a scene. The pegasus wasn't blind or oblivious, he could see that if he got into a full scale argument in the middle of the street it wouldn't spell anything good for either pony, given that Promontory most likely wanted his job done and Dawn wouldn't want one of his last memories in Canterlot to be one he wouldn't favour. Regardless though, the feeling of curiosity in him was soon getting the better of him.

"[colour=#b22222]Okay, I can't just stay silent like this. I need to say something. And if I'm saying anything I have to make sure I'm direct and I'm firm with it. I mean how hard is it to be assertive?[/colour]" He wondered as he looked back at the toast colored stallion and realized something, "[colour=#b22222]He is...a lot bigger...than I.....No, don't think like that, Dawn. You can tell this pony's in pain, you've seen examples of it multiple times! Don't let your fear and inhibitions cloud the facts. Even I saw how reserved and in denial he was, he probably just doesn't want to admit that anything's wrong for fear of being told off by me...[/colour]" The pegasus sighed, before turning around, "[colour=#b22222]Here goes.[/colour]"

"[colour=#b22222]Okay, Promontory. I know something is up or that you've hurt yourself in someway.[/colour]" Dawn spoke quickly but firmly, in hopes Promontory wouldn't have the chance to disagree or interrupt, "[colour=#b22222]I know something's wrong and I don't appreciate being brushed off like before when I'm only trying to help. So listen, I'm not going to get mad if you got hurt, and either you admit something's wrong, and you know there is or at the very least accept some help...Or this job ain't getting done anytime soon.[/colour]" Dawn stated with a strong stance, standing right in the way of Promontory.

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Promontory could start to see the train station clock tower just over the horizon letting him give a small sigh of relief even though his hooves were still killing him. However, the Midnight black Pegasus suddenly turned around telling him he knew that something was wrong and he wanted to know what it was.

[colour=#A1745E]"Great ta wan thin' ah was hoppin' ta 'void."[/colour]

Promontory thought let out a bit of an icy stare trying to keep up his macho stallion appearance. Still it didn't seem to make the pegasus move making Promontory appearance start to crack the longer he had to wait and feeling the metal shards dig dipper into his hooves.

[colour=#A1745E]"......F-fAhne. if 'n ya'll wan ta help den her' ya'll can take a look."[/colour]

Promontory said with a frustrated and defeated snort has he held up his bloody front hoof were the remains of the shoe were dug into his frog.

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Dawn inwardly sighed in relief as his plan seemed to have worked and Promontory admitted something was wrong. Dawn had guessed there would be an injury and no doubt blood involved, but when he got a glance at the stallion's hoof he couldn't help himself but to cringe and step back a little. Almost right after this though, the pegasus stepped forward again and examined the injury, "[colour=#b22222]Ouch, that has really got to hurt...Hmm...[/colour]" Dawn wondered as he tried thinking of a solution to this problem. Then luck and inspiration hit him all at the same time. He noticed they were only a block or so away from the train station, and Dawn's awaiting train so he had an idea.

The pegasus spotted a nearby pony pulling an empty wagon, no doubt once used to carry bags of grain, vegetables and other related goods, "[colour=#b22222]Okay, wait here.[/colour]" Dawn stated as he went over to speak with the wagon puller. After a brief conversation and an exchange of bits, the pulling pony walked away, leaving Dawn with a wagon. The pegasus wheeled it over towards Promontory and opened up the back. Dawn then proceeded to lift box after box from Promontory's back and placing them into the wagon.

Once he had done that the pegasus tied it all down securely then went over to Promontory. "[colour=#b22222]Now before you say anything...Here's how things are gonna happen. You and my things are gonna sit in the wagon, I can manage to pull that a few blocks no problem. Then, on my train, I'm gonna pay you onto it. I can't have you walking around Canterlot on that hoof. Either on the train or when we get off in Ponyville we'll get you to clinic, since I don't see any around here. That okay?[/colour]" Dawn asked, still in that stern voice and dominant stance from earlier.

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Promontory watched as the Pegasus went over to another pony and made some kind of deal to rent the wagon.

[colour=#A1745E]"There 'n goes mah pay."[/colour]

Promontory thought with an irritated sigh as the Pegasus brought over the wagon. He felt Dawn start to undo the rope he had tired around the goods and remove the stuff from his back and into the cart. With each box removed Promontory could feel less and less pressure on his back and his injured hooves. However the feeling was a doubled edge sword making Promonotry gut hurt knowing that as soon as the last box was put onto the cart we would probably be fired from the job and that he would have to look else where for another job to pick up some extra bits to fix his shoes and his rent. When the last box was done Promontory began to turn to leave so that he wouldn't have to hear Darkest Dawn officially say he was fired. However when the Pegasus said that he was going to pay his way to Ponville to take him to a clinic Promontory stopped and looked at the Pegasus with a confused look?

[colour=#A1745E]"Wah? Ah failed ta job; so wah 'r ya wastin yer tahme helpin' me?"[/colour]

Promontory asked while he let his hooves finally off the ground a bit to stop the metal shards from his former shoes from digging in any deeper.

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Dawn continued sorting his plan out, not paying much mind to Promontory's confused expressions. The pegasus knew he would likely get this reaction so instead of dwelling on it he simply got on with what he thought was the best option. Dawn checked over the wagon a few times to secure all his luggage, all the time not even giving Promontory a passing glance, though he knew the stallion would no doubt be confused about what was going on.

When Dawn had finished securing and re-securing everything he went over to the stallion, the back of the wagon still open and addressed him, "[colour=#b22222]You didn't fail any job, heck I should tip you for going through all that discomfort for the sake of my stuff and a payment. And the reason I'm helping you is that we're here near Canterlot train station, a long ways away from any nearby hospital or clinic. Celestia knows I don't think the ponies around us would want nor be in a position to help you so I'm doing the best I can with what I got. A wagon, a few boxes, enough money for two tickets and a deadline for when that train's gonna leave. Now trust me, I don't consider this a waste of my time, now you can stay here and dig a shoe further into your hoof or you can hop on this wagon and do the sensible thing.[/colour]" Dawn stated as he went to the front of the wagon and secured himself into the pulling position.

"[colour=#b22222]Your choice.[/colour]" Dawn ended with, hoping Promontory would see reason.

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Promontory hated to admit that the pegasus was right but he he did know that Canterlot ponies weren't exactly the most generous of ponies. The earth stallion slowly moved onto the wagon not looking the pegasus in the eye.

[colour=#A1745E]"Ya'll don' have ta pay fer ya'll ticket. jus' ged me to ta train engine an ah can make us a deal with Steamer ta get 'n board fer free."[/colour]

Promontory mumbled out still not liking the fact that he was needed to get help for an injury.

He looked up at the clock over the station. The clock said it was nearly passed eleven making him think over the train schedules.

[colour=#A1745E]"Bahj nauw Steamer's warmin' up ta engine. He probably won' mind if'n we take up ta monkey coach."[/colour]

Promontory thought to himself as he looked down at his busted up hooves in frustration with the mind set that he still had failed the job.

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"[colour=#b22222]Okay, but if you can't then the ticket's on me.[/colour]" Dawn stated as he began dragging the cart along. Surprisingly, with the added help of a cart, the haul wasn't too hard to lift or pull. Relatively stress free to be honest. As the pegasus pulled along he didn't look back at Promontory too often; after how Dawn acted so out of character to get him to sit in the cart the pegasus wondered if he had gone about things the right way. He began musing on this and looked over all the worse situations he could be in. He could be carrying Promontory and his cargo, he could have had to wheel Promontory to the hospital, he could have had a lapse in judgement and left Promontory there. Thankfully though, Dawn was happy with his current course of action.

The pegasus wheeled the cargo and earth pony up to the train station, deciding to finally turn his head back to check on the pony he was dragging along. He sighed as he did, wondering if he was too hard on the worker pony, "[colour=#b22222]You okay back there?[/colour]" Dawn inquired.

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The wagon finally pulled up to the station area where ponies where hustling and bustling about either buying tickets, loading goods on or off trains, boarding passenger cars, or looking for where there luggage was to be dropped off. To Promontory it was nothing new since this was his normal job but to other ponies it could be overwhelming. When Promontory heard Dawn ask if he was okay Promontory didn't look back.


He muttered out quietly as he slid off the back of the wagon. As he put his hooves down onto the station platform he could feel the chunks of metal dig in again making him wince again but he didn't want to let the Dawn notice.

[colour=#A1745E]"Ya'll jus' waid her' Ah'll go find Steamer."[/colour]

Promontory said as he started to walk towards where the train conductors usually hung out before the runs to the next towns. Though the pain from his injuries was no where near as bad without the boxes on his back, Promontory still could feel the chunks of metals digging into his hooves. Still he maintained him self as he went over to the clock tower and opened a door to a small office.

Inside was a few old desk that had been stained by sitting in the sun for to long and old pictures of train ponies who had helped with building the rails. Promontory didn't stop to look at them because he had seen them many times before. Instead he looked about until he noticed a cream colored pony looking over what appeared to be a set of schedule papers. As he walked up to the fellow train pony, the pony didn't put down the papers.

"wad ya'll wan' Promontory?"

The stallion asked not looking up from his papers.

[colour=#A1745E]"A favour."[/colour]

Promontory replied not questioning how the pony knew who he was without looking.

"fer wad?"

Steamer asked back as he flipped a page with his hooves.

[colour=#A1745E]" Ah got a pegsus ah'm helpin wid a move. Think ya'll can ov'er look us stayin' ta monkey cart 'til ponyville?"[/colour]

Promontory asked knowing from personal experience how much a fellow train pony hated stow a ways. For a moment there was nothing but silence between the two ponies with only the sound of the gears from the clock tower filling the void.

"....Fine. Bud yer explain ta John Bull wah we had 'n overflow."

Steamer finally responded Making Promontory give a bit of smirk in satisfaction.

Promontory turned and started to walk out the door only to stop at the door frame for a minute.


Promontory muttered back to the fellow train pony before he started to head back towards Darkest dawn with the good news.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Dawn stopped the cart at the station, glancing to see if they had made it in time, he thanked Celestia that this was the case and started finding somewhere to put his things. He looked around as he searched for a place to load his items and saw all manner of interesting sights in the creatures that were around him. There were Griffons, Zebras, all manner of ponies and pets, all no doubt either coming or leaving Canterlot. Then he realized he was now one of those ponies. He finished loading his things into the train, happy with where everything went, so he took this time to get one honest last look at the city for a while.

He rested up against the cart he had pulled here and just simply watched the crowds roam past, one by one, pony by pony by pony; truly it was a meaningful and precious sight to the pegasus. No more would he see crowds of this magnitude in his everyday life. No more would he be bumping shoulders with strange ponies on a daily basis. And finally, no more would he sit in a place he wasn't truly happy with, and would start on a new chapter in his life. Dawn wouldn't want to openly admit it but a slight sentimental smile came over his face, happy with his current situation. Of course he then remembered that not everything was set in stone as he saw Promontory walking back towards him.

The pegasus held his smile as he walked to meet the earth pony half way to ask how his conversation with the 'steamer' went, "[colour=#b22222]So how'd it go? What'd he say?[/colour]" Dawn wondered as he stood still, looking back to see if his bags were all still packed away in a luggage cart, luckily they were safe and sound.

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As Promontory went back onto the platform he saw Dawn walk over to him asking if everything was good to go.

[colour=#A1745E]"W'er gettin' ah seat on da monkey cart. Ain' 'xcatly da creme de la creme of seatin' bud will have ta cart ta our selves."[/colour]

Promontory replied as he look down at the Pegasus then over to the caboose of the train where they would be riding. As he Promontory looked up at the clock to see that they had about 5 minutes or so until Steamer would come out and start the train up.

[colour=#A1745E]"Com'on we bedder get along fer Steamer decides ta change his mind."[/colour]

Promontory continued as he started to walk to the end of the train.

The Caboose of the train didn't have a side door making Promontory hop down onto the tracks to reach the ladder that lead up to to the back platform on the train.

[colour=#A1745E]" Maybe we got dem pliers 'n da monkey cart so ah can get these dang metal chunks out mah foot."[/colour]

Promontory thought as he opened the door to the caboose. When he did the aroma of engine oil and saw dust lazily fell out of the caboose give it a some what stale mixture. To Promontory it was the smell of home though to most other ponies it would probably would make them gag. Unlike a normal passenger cart that had soft velvet chairs and carpeted floors, the caboose was bare with only a few wooden chairs, a table, tools that hung down from the walls, a heater that was keeping the spare engine oil warm giving off a musty smell, and dozen of crates stacked where ever they could fit. As Promontory walked in the wooden floor boards creaked showing its age. Still the Earth Stallion walked over to the one dirty window in the caboose and rubbed off some of the dust and grim to let some light in.

[colour=#A1745E]"Welp id ain' much bud have ah seat; Da train 's probably gonna start movin' here soon."[/colour]

Promontory said as he looked over to the open door to Dawn.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Dawn smiled as Promontory responded, however tilting his head slightly, "[colour=#b22222]Huh...monkey cart?...Well if it'll have room I suppose. Come on, let's get on this train. Ponyville awaits.[/colour]" Dawn continued as he made his way towards the train. Upon reaching said 'monkey cart', Dawn saw there was a slight jump to get onto the cart, "[colour=#b22222]Hmmm...Promontory, give me a second.[/colour]" The pegasus stated as he looked around for anything useful.

He reached into the cart and saw what looked like a wide, slim but sturdy plank of wood. The black coated stallion removed it briefly from the cart and propped it up against the train cart as a sort of makeshift ramp.

Dawn then proceeded to take a rather hefty bag from his cart, the one he considered to be the most important, one that contained a vast majority of his astrology equipment. Using said makeshift ramp the pegasus wheeled the bag up onto the train car, making sure it was secure on the ground. He turned to the stallion with a grin, "[colour=#b22222]I hardly ever let this bag out of my sight, got to make sure this stuff is safe. So, excited to see Ponyville? I know I am.[/colour]"

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  • 4 weeks later...


As Dawn got onto the caboose Promontory noticed that he had a bag with him. Promontory raised a bit of a curious eye brow to it not knowing what was inside, but was side tracked when Dawn asked if he was excited to see Ponyville.

[colour=#A1745E]"Eh, Ain' mah first tahme goin' ta Ponyville nor mah las'."[/colour]

Promontory replied with a shrug. Suddenly the train gave lurch forward signaling that the breaks had been taken off and that it would only be a minute or so until the train would begin its trip to the small town. Promontory quickly checked out the window and saw a fellow train pony tossing Dawns luggage onto the train making Promontory give a small sigh of relief. However the relief didn't last long when the pain from his hooves reminded him why he was on the train to begin with. He looked down at his bloody hooves and remembered his plan of hopping to remove the metal shards. As the train let out a loud whistle and began to move, Promontory walked over to the wall of tools and started to careful look at each tool. On the wall there was all sorts of tools ranging from mallets, to wrenches, and even saws. Within a few minutes though Promontory found what he was looking for and grabbed it off the wall. As he walked over to a wooden seat he put down a grimy long nose plier and lifted up his fore hoof where the the nail and metal had dug into. As he examined his hoof Promontory released that he wasn't sure at what angle the nail and chunks of metal had gone in making it so he would have to guess.

[colour=#A1745E]"Heck 'f ah can pUl a spike ferm John Bulls leg ah can dew dis 'er."[/colour]

Promontory thought as he found a large piece of metal in his frog and tightened the grip on the pliers and started to pull. Unfortunately all this did was making it so that Promontory felt a stinging burning sensation as the piece of metal refused to budge and instead went a bit deeper into the skin. After a minute Promontory stopped only letting out a frustrated puff of air.

[colour=#A1745E]"Crab Apples."[/colour]

Promontory muttered under his breath as he made the pliers let go of the chunk. He rubbed his hoof for a second only to remember that Darkest Dawn was probably watching him making his pride quickly take over and again make him try to pull on the shard again with pliers. As he tightened the tool around the metal again Promontory let out a bit of a shaky breath trying to not look hesitant in front of midnight black pegasus. Again he pulled on it and the felling returned but this time Promontory didn't let go.

[colour=#A1745E]" Com'mon ya'll.....Ged....auwd...'er."[/colour]

Promontory grumbled at his hoof as he started wiggling the pliers hopping it would loosen the wedged metal. Still it didn't budge making Promontory get frustrated as his stubborn pride made him continue to try.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Dawn sat idly on the train car, occasionally looking outside as their destination loomed ever closer. He turned to Promontory to see if he was just as excited to reach their destination as he was. Sadly though, the pegasus was met with a sight of Promontory trying to remove whatever was lodged in his hoof. Dawn took a moment, as well as a deep breath and convinced himself not to look or say anything as the stallion accompanying him performed near enough surgery on himself in a train car.

He would have kept his idle mind exactly that, but the sound of Promontory in pain behind him continued to bother him, to the point where he just turned around and belted out a question, "[colour=#b22222]Is this really the time or the place, Promontory? We're on a dang train car and you're pulling stuff out of your hoof, surely you could just wait until we get to Ponyville? Honestly, a rickety train car isn't a good place to be doing...whatever you're doing![/colour]" Dawn started as he felt like he was shouting at the stallion, but honestly, he was.

"[colour=#b22222]I know it probably hurts but there's no need to subjugate yourself to more pain, especially here of all places. And, to be honest, it's kinda hard to enjoy trip when all I can hear is you trying to dislodge a bit of metal from your hoof. I'm sorry but would you give it a rest or something until we get to Ponyville?[/colour]" Dawn asked, feeling he may have said too much, and too strongly. In his mind he could only think about how Promontory was about to rage at him, he braced himself for the worst. Whether the worse would come or not remains to be seen.

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