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Equestria at War


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Do you like stories? Maybe...stories about war?

Cus i have a story about it. It tooks place in a world where the pegasuses doesnt have any rights.

The pegasuses done their work but they never got any appreciation for it.

They sufferd, they were weak and poor. Anypony of them wanted a better life but they couldnt do anything for it.

But once a strong pegasus decided to creat a group where the others can join. They were freedom fighters who tried to validate their truth.

They helped the others and stole from the unicornies and earth ponies. That was a mistake. The earth ponies decided that they will revoke that

group. One of the group members betrayed the group and the ponies punished the members in public. That was the first cause...

Those pegasuses who saw the injustice got the mettle and created another group. The unicornies done everything to held the order.

They started to use weapons. They shot everpony who tried to make something counter the order. But they didnt know that the freedom fighters got

weapons too and they were able to use them. A large group of elit soldiers abushed the base of the resistance what nobody of the freedom fighters survived. That was the second cause...

The pegasuses returned to Cloudsdale and held a cuncil. They aggred with the griffons and than they declared the war against the others.

They built out their defence lines and trained out everyone to fight. When everything was ready they sent the massage to the earth ponies and the unicornies about the war. That was the last step...

The Great Equestrian war began.

They only had Cloudsdale but if they wanted to wint the war they needed mor alliances and bases.

So the first thing what they needed to do is capturing Ponyville...

"Okay guys! We stop here!"-said Cpt. Night as she signaled to the others to stop. He put down his map to the ground and started to explain the plan.

"So we got the order to capture Ponyville. It will be easy. Our enemy doesnt bargain for our arrive. "The plan is this. We need to wait till night, cus we can move easier, and the supprise will be bigger. We will flank them from the laft and than we will clear out the place and when we finished with it Private Cold will send the massage to our base in Cloudsdale. The enemy will probably try to counter attack so we will need to hold the place as long as the support arrives. That will be the harder part of our mission but if Rainbow Dash done her task everything gonna be alright. Understand? Great!

Now move and raise the camp here!" Cpt. Night laid back to a tree and lit a cigarette. He looked to his watch. "Five hours remained till the attack."-he said while he watched his team as they built out the camp...

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  • 3 weeks later...

Cpt. Night saluted back. "Stand at ease soldier!"-said to Applezoom. "Theres nothing more to do now." Cpt. Night looked at the camp. "Applezoom...come with i want to discuss something with you...the others will raise the camp."-he said to the scout than he started to walk away.

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"I dont what that the others hear it, but I didnt trust in Rainbow Dash."-he said to applezoom whit a serious face. "She's got a lots of friends at the enemy. And she accepted her task so easily. This is so suspicious to me...but im here now to do my duty and not in the goddamn base." He said and sighed. "Applezoom...if she betray us..."-he waited for a short time than he continued.-"the enemy will be prepared."-he said as he looked back to the others in the camp. "Im the goddamn captain and if i survive I need to live the rest of my life with the sense that I led my team into death." His hooves started to shake than she looked at applezoom again. "what do you think...applezoom...Is she betrayed us?"

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Cpt.Night scracthed his forehead. "As i said to you we shouldnt trust in her." He remained in silence for some minutes then he said. "Applezoom...I have a task for you."

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"Go, pick two others pegasi from the camp and bring them with yourself. You will go ahead and have a look at whats going on in Ponyville."-he said with a serious face.

"I trust in you Applezoom...you are my best soldier. Thats why i send you."-he said and started to walk back to the camp but after a few steps he turned back. "Good luck..."-he said and walked further. "I have something to do..."

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applezoom walk's into camp and pick's trotsua, and hopper they started to fly down toward's ponyville

(for effect)

they started to walk down then they noticed dash! "get down!" applezoom said to the other's "now what is she doing here?" he watched carefully as he saw rainbowdash talk to a unicorn then all of a sudden rainbowdash hand's her a rolled up paper from her pegasi army bag! "what the hell could that be" the unicorn opened it she had an evil smile then applezoom ordered the boy's to fly back up to cloudsdale

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Cpt. Night said down and lit another cigarette while he watched the tactical map. He tried to figure out what to do when the enemy will be ready for his group.

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the two came back and applezoom followed when he landed he trotted up to cpt.Night "sir me and the boy's found dash down in ponyville don't know what but she has given somthing to the unicorn's out of her bag then i saw the grin on the unicorn's face it has not been confirmed you want me to trace the unicorn?" he asked cpt.Night

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"Rainbow Dash..."-he said quietly as he dropped the cigarette. "I knew we cannot trust in her. No applezoom...we need your experience. We have a mission...we will do it"-he said as he looked through his team.

He said than ordered his team into arms. "She will regret what she have done..."-he said to applezoom. "Everybody follow me!"-he shouted and started to approach Ponyville with his team.

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"We gonna drive them out from PonyVille."-he said "We will make two group and i want you to lead one of the groups and I will lead the another. We will keep the enemy busy while you and your team will attack them from their back. We probably wont make it without casulties but we need to do this."-he said than looked to the team once again. "and applezoom...if you see Rainbow Dash...dont let her escape. i want her alive but if it isnt possible...kill her."

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"YES SIR!" applezoom saluted and flew off to grab his group "what now" asked trotsua "guy's were goin on a mission were goin to the right of ponyville and push them out were gonna fight." what about dash? another asked" then applezoom gave him a look "that's classified for you NOW GEAR UP BE READY TO ROLL"

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Cpt. Night stood front ef his group. "Okay guys listen up! We are gonna capture PonyVille today. We will do this in two group. Applezoom leads the other one. We need to leave them enough time to arrive in their place, and when we got the sign we will attack. We need to keep the enemy busy than applezooms team will do the rest. Any question?"-he asked from his group. "Yes sir. What will be the sign?"-asked one of them. "Applezoom! Can you simulate the pigeons voice?!"-he shouted to applezoom.

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"Good luck!"-he shouted after them. "Okay guys! Lets move on he said than he leaded his team to Ponyville. As they reached Ponyville they get into their position and waited for the sign from applezoom and his crew. "Team.."-he wishpered "This is the last time...check your weapons and be ready for the ambush."-he said while he watched the movements in Ponyville when he saw Rainbow Dash coming out from the townhall. "Dash..."-he said to himself as he grabbed his combat knife.

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  • 3 weeks later...

applezoom watched as the enemy started to set up base *whistle* then all of a sudden a gian't clash of ponie's started to fight he noticed dash trying to slip away he stuck one hoof to his silenced pistol as he hovered passed the crew toward's cpt.nigh 'there she is"

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