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Resizing Images on GIMP


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This may be a silly thing to ask, but I've never done this before.

I think this is the reason why I cannot upload on certain sites (not here as it's fine here)

How do I resize an image on GIMP (Gnu Image Manipulation Program)?

Note that I'm using GIMP 2.8 and that I'm especially looking to resize current finished works as well as sketches being scanned.


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There's no such thing as silly questions friend. We've all got to learn in some way, what better way than to ask? :)

Go to Image > Scale image.

From here, BE SURE that the chains are linked, otherwise the opposing ratio WILL NOT automatically scale. I myself usually prefer having my images at a base of 2,000 x 2,000 pixels, but whichever size you choose will come down to your own intuition. All sites will have varying size/dimension limitations, but I found DA to be the best since you can upload images of up to 30MB and there's no dimension limits whatsoever for your gallery.

Also take note: For whichever image you re-size, PLEASE, be sure to make a copy of the images you're planning to adjust. This is a preventative measure in case your image doesn't turn out well after you've manipulated the photo, or you want to share a bigger image than previously. Oh, and before I forget, always go from Big to Small! You'll lose quality if you decide to take a smaller image and blow it up, including huge photos. You wont notice it at first, but repeatedly doing it will degrade the pixels.

Hope that helps ya out Lux! I'll post a quick image tutorial shortly, just let me get my brew and wake up s'more :razz:

Edit: Image uploaded, just download the attachment (wanted an excuse to try out the upload feature :blah: )


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