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A Friend in Need ( Open )


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Flashbomb was trying to comprehend what she told him. He thought about the Cangeling and how she loved him. How they deveoped a relationship. How her husband was lost during the royal wedding." i had no idea, im so sorry." He Gave her a hug to comfort her. He shed a couple of tears as he thought of how he lost his parents during that same event. How those monsters took them away from him. But she had so much compassion for Dopple and then he was gone. He held her close and he cried with her. " im so sorry what's happened to you."

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(Thanks) I saw two ponies hug, and looked at them curiously. My fur ruffled in the wind, and I trotted down the hill I was standing on. I stopped, and looked at the ponies. 'They may not like me...' I thought, and looked down. 'They may have heard of my tragic past...' I looked at them again. 'They look like nice ponies...' I thought, and continued to look at them.

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