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[Appleloosa] Long Time No See (closed rp currently)


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Braeburn watched as Willow Wisp divided the black apple, inside it really was a darker blue instead of the normal white. It was quite off-putting for a moment, but he trusted Willow, and if she said they tasted great, they surely must! Besides this wasn't really any stranger than zap apples, and look how wonderful those were! [colour=#daa520]"Ah love how blue and black go so well together, don't y'all?" [/colour] There was never such a thing as flirting too much.

Braeburn smiled warmly as he took the half slice into his hooves, he listening to the countdown, at three he took a great big bite of the midnight coloured fruit. It was quite tart, but sweet,almost like biting into a sour apple candy yet still distinctively the flavour of an apple itself. He was amazed - such a fruit really did open a world of possibilities! It didn't take but a few seconds for the goldenrod stallion to consume the rest. [colour=#daa520]"Hooooweee! That was some tart, sweet apple! Ah can definitely see a market for these, as long as we can get ponies to look past the colour. Ah reckon that won't be a chore!"[/colour]

What a day! Braeburn woke up expecting just another regular work day in the orchard, and instead he'd helped grow a magical and mysterious tree, discovered a new kind of apple, and most importantly, somepony special. [colour=#daa520]"Maybe, this new discovery will be ah new Apple family apple!" [/colour] But he wasn't looking the apple core.

Braeburn leaned forward and gently kissed Willow on the shout. Visiting for Zap Apple harvest? Sounded like a perfect Apple date.

This looks like a good place to conclude this successful thread, but if you have more to add to the end, please feel free! :)

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