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Yes, I would, as I am quite fond of Sony consoles. But honestly, it's highly unlikely. The PS3 has more of a... masculine reputation. And Hasbro is interested in attracting little girls. Little girls aren't known for playing the PS3. It'd more likely be released on the Wii. Or maybe even Nintendo DS. So an official licensed game for a big powerful console like that wouldn't happen. Honestly, a fan game is highly unlikely as well. It takes a lot of time, effort, skill, and resources to develop for a platform like that with such graphics. A lot of those companies get paid to do that. It's sad, but a girl can dream. And perhaps they can make games for computers that could come close to recreating the PS3 feel one day.

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I'd have to agree, honestly if they were to make a manestream console game it would likely be a Nintendo console due to the main demographic that buys those types of consoles. That said I'd totally buy any console if I found out a pony game was heading in its direction. They already have games out for tablet and android (one of which my friend showed my the other day...so tempting...) so it may be possible that they would take the next step...but it is a big step from tablet to full console.

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