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Disability Support idea

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Ok, so I'm just going to throw this out here as an idea, and see what kind of response I get.

I have noticed (not particularly on this site, but on others) that there are a lot of Bronies and Pegasisters who have disabilities (myself included), how-ever I have noticed that on most sites they are sadly lacking a Disability Support spot. Now this would be great, not just for those who have a disability and need somewhere to go to for support from people who understand them but it would also be great for those who are curious about the various disabilities or know someone who has a disability and would like to know more/how to handle their friend/family member/s. Now this spot will be completely non-discriminative, meaning that anyone with or without any sort of disability, be it mental, social, intellectual or physical, can join and get the support they need/want. I've already asked a mod about this but haven't gotten a response, so I thought I'd ask it out in the open here and see who replies with what answers. I also thought I'd ask first, as I know how confronting something like this can be, and it can possibly be breaking some hidden rules or something so instead of getting in trouble, thought I'd ask first.


Cadeyrn FireWing

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Although this is a nice idea, I don't think that is a real focus of Canterlot. This is a site for pony fans and for roleplay of Friendship is Magic, not for disability support. That doesn't forbid you from making a thread or blog post about your disability for discussion and feedback about it, but I do recommend keeping perspective of what this site is really about, and using other sites dedicated to personal support of individuals, as they would be better suited to that task.

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I believe I can't disagree with Rosie~ here. As long as the idea and intentions are most admirable, it might not be the best solution. If only disabled people want, they can easily communicate with anybody they wish here. So it's not like we're not open on this idea. It's solely their choice. Still, my fears are that no matter the community, there might be some who'll look down upon disabled ones. Reason? Unknown. But it's just general law of the world. Therefore I'm not convinced if creating a specialized topic to expose the disabled ones would be a good idea. As far as I've learned, each disabled person is the same human as I am, with own thoughts, opinions, feelings. They don't need our pity or help (if they do, they ask for it), many even demand not to give it. Still, if they wanted, I guess the road to posting a topic or a blog remains open.

This thread itself certainly raises awareness concerning the issue and reminds people it exists. Still, as Rosie~ said, there are a lot better, specialized sites where they could find help. I doubt if MLP community is heavily experienced in solving issues connected with this problem, both mental or physical.

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I'm afraid the reason we have no official disability support area is the same reason we don't have [insert ethnic minority, sexual orientation or religion here] support section.

For the record, before my current job, I worked in Dementia/Alzheimer's Nursing so issues surrounding mental health and quality of life I'm quite aware of.

The biggest problem with 'support' within an internet community is the bad and damaging advise that will be presented to users where-as going to your local social services department would be more suited.

That and self-diagnosis are some of the worst parts of the Internet.

Feel free to make a blog highlighting issues surrounding things you feel passionate about, but be sure to not allow others to confuse online help and opinions with proper professional help.

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