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The Teknabunnies

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Well about twice on this forum now I have brought up the fact that I was a writer, and that I was writing an original series.

Well the time has come to release it, at least the introduction to the series as I am still working out the kinks in my writing style so not to bore folks with character detail.

So here it is, the first part of my kids sci fi novel:

The Teknabunnies


Far from Earth in a distant solar system there is the Earth like moon Lapinia, orbiting around a Neptune sized gas giant it is the home an alien race that call themselves the Lapinans.

They are a race of humanoid rabbits who are very technologically advanced but still share the same problems we do.

Crime, war and terror still fill this world with strife and many feel a dark future lay ahead for their world.

But one Lapinan saw that there was a possibility to take his race into its next stage of development and enter a new age of peace.

His name is Doctor Victor Cybunno, a brilliant cyberneticist who saw a brand new future for his people. He had seen that the world needed his help, and that maybe his genius could help it step forward into a new golden age.

But despite all of his great ambitions and dreams the world still seemed unready and there were those out there who would turn his dream into both a blessing, and a curse.

He had given this dream a form and a name, a name that would forever change his world: The Cybernizer.

The Cybernizer was a machine that was a miracle of his era, one that would eventually usher in the new age for his people.

It had the ability to merge technology with flesh and blood, turning its subjects into cybernetic life forms, he built it with the very best of intentions and was a noble gesture from a man who had seen the worst of what his world could offer him.

Cybunno was raised in a terrible country he wished to never visit again, he had seen pure savagery first hand, his nation tore itself asunder and he was helpless in the mix of it all.

He left that nation with only sad memories but also hope he could build his new era in a new nation.

It was ironic that his new era would start in a city called New Horizon, located in the nation of New Galsa.

New Horizon was unlike any place he had seen in his old country of Kossick even the capitol, with the war that had torn it apart there was not much splendor to take in.

His humble village was nothing like this huge city with its many sky scrapers, business complexes, homes and apartments.

He had hoped that once he came here he could leave his past behind and for a while that seemed like the case.

He had got his funding from the New Galsan government via its medical division and he had got a nice little home to work in out of the deal.

But his past would catch up to him soon enough, two things started to echo throughout the streets of New Horizon that he had hoped to never hear again, the names Yeltsik Rabbinitski and the Red Stars.

Yeltsik Rabbinitski and his Red Stars was a sad reminder of what his nation did before it tore itself apart, the leftover of a depraved government that placed no value on Lapinan life.

The last he had heard from his nation is that the government that had ruled his country with such a vicious dictatorship had finally fallen.

Of course Cybunno saw the signs before he left, the new power that drove his country into such despair was a cruel one no better than the old one it had overthrown.

As Yeltsiks name started to appear more often on the news it was obvious that Yeltsik was now targeting his newfound home.

Cybunno always asked himself why, Yeltsik was only after those who had hurt him and their nation it made no sense...

Not like the police would care, to them and his new found nation he was a criminal threat.

And it seemed they were right, Yeltsik and his gang the Red Stars were committing a vast array of crimes without any real reason or goal.

The city was in a state of fear and while no stranger to violent crime Yeltsiks reign of terror gave the city a feeling of uneasiness.

Yeltsik was not above killing people to get what he wanted and Cybunno knew this more than anyone.

He knew that name all too well, and when it spread around as a name of terror and fear he knew that eventually someone would get hurt.

Today that day would come to pass as two officers will soon face a life changing event that would soon turn them into the symbols of Cybunnos new age and the newest heroes of the city:

The Teknabunnies

Well there it is, any thoughts?


Revision suggestions?

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