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Tumblr Collab Project


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Well I guess I'm just testing the water for now. I have an idea for a fairly large story focused (and possibly part 'ask' blog) that I'm wanting to run on Tumblr. Problem is, whilst I do have a small amount of art skills myself, I'm nowhere near cut out to illustrate this project on my own.

So I was just wanting to ask if there were any artists out there who fancy taking on the project with me. I have a good idea of where I want to take the project but everything is still open right now. I'm including my own OC in the story so anyone who wants to help would be more than welcome to throw their own OC in too, only fair.

Anyway, the idea itself. In its most basic form I guess you could call it a bit of a Grim category story but its not Grim Dark in the same way as some of the other blogs on Tumblr. Rather its set in a grim world but focuses on the positives and how good can triumph over evil even in the face of immense obstacles.

But yes, I just want to find out if anyone is interested. If you want to ask me more questions please feel free to ask away.

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This sounds like an interesting project. Not sure if my art skills are good enough for it, but you can check out my Tumblr blog, if you like (http://askbraveshield.tumblr.com/), and decide for yourself. Either way, I'll be interested in seeing this when it somes out, and good luck. ^__^

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Well to be honest all I'm looking for is someone who is interested enough to keep up a somewhat regular schedule. Maybe one update a week or a couple of single panels, something like that. ^^

Anyway, I checked out your tumblr. Actually got a few chuckles out of me so you just earned yourself a watch...I love tumblrs so much. ^^ Kinda why I want to be a proper part of it. Anyway thanks for the good wishes, good to know I've sparked a little interest. If you wanna know a bit more about the ideas I have just let me know.

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Well to be honest all I'm looking for is someone who is interested enough to keep up a somewhat regular schedule. Maybe one update a week or a couple of single panels, something like that. ^^

Anyway, I checked out your tumblr. Actually got a few chuckles out of me so you just earned yourself a watch...I love tumblrs so much. ^^ Kinda why I want to be a proper part of it. Anyway thanks for the good wishes, good to know I've sparked a little interest. If you wanna know a bit more about the ideas I have just let me know.

Hrm, unfortunately, I've got too much going on lately to keep up a weekly schedule, and my art skills aren't really geared toward dark stuff anyway. Thanks for the follow (returned), and good luck again with the project. :)
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I could possibly help with the art, but I'd have to hook up my scanner since I can only do art on paper. Right now the only example I have up is of my OC Doodle Doo. Making a note to make an art blog later. I have a Tumblr, but it's mainly a humor/personal blog.

And I can possibly keep up with the schedule, even in high school. :3

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