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The Company of Hidden Trails (Currently Open, soon to be invite)


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Strange ruins in the Badlands have appeared out of apparently nowhere causing great confusion for the few ponies ever walking through those dangerous lands. As abruptly as the ruins appeared an organization called The Company of the Hidden Trails made itself known by setting up posters promising adventure and money in every frontier pony town facing the Badlands. The initial interest was high, but it slowly died off as weeks tickled away. The Summer Sun Celebration was months away.

Today is the day they are supposed to set off. It appears most townsfolk of Appleoosa has forgotten about the event, but despite that a small congregation has formed up upon the town hall.

Thunder Roller, a male pegasus, was one of the gathered ponies. He heard those present talk about this Company that organized the expedition. He quickly gathered two things: These ponies were the others interested in meeting up and none of them seemed to have any clue who the organizers actually were. He shrugged briefly and looked about the town. Appleoosa was a classic example of the frontier towns: Small clouds of sand blew about in the wind; a cause of constant annoyance as the small particles got stuck in everypony's coat, irritating the skin. Drunk ponies were seen occasionally staggering out (and in) of the local tavern. The sun was up high in the sky, and the weather was hot. It certainly was not an ideal day to travel today, but perhaps every day was like that out here.

Thunder returned his attention to the ponies gathered.

((I've set up a basic plot with some room for player freedom. It should also be noted that this is the first time I start an RP, so any hints/suggestions would be appreciated. I'll also work a bit more on my photoshop skills...))

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(I'm gonna jump on in if you dont mind :D ))))))

Delilah walked through Appleossa with her hat on, she was going to explore the BadLands, for it was her first time exploring so she didn't know where she had to go, She asked around town and walked up to a blue pegasus and asked politely,"Do ya know where I'm supposed to go,for Adventurin' in the Bad Lands?" She asked him and cocked her head a little.

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A blue, light-coated unicorn stallion stepped off the train that just arrived in the Appleloosa train station, adjusting his white stetson with his dog following close behind. He looked around at the town he was in as the locomotive sputtered up and noisily moved to its next destination. Celestia's raging sun pelted him and his faithful canine companion with an intense heat, but he countered by levitating a water canteen out of his saddlebag and taking a swig of the contents (as well as giving his pet some too). He had first heard about the Company of Hidden Trails' expedition from one of his friends and had decided he could use the vacation to the unexplored regions of the Badlands. He also figured they could use his magic, since he guessed he'd be the only unicorn willing to make the long trek there and back again. He looked at the place marked "Appleoosa" on his map. [colour=#008080]"Yup, this is definitely the place," [/colour]he said to himself. He slowly began to trot down the bustling streets before catching eye of a white pegasus talking to another pegasus. For some reason, his gut told him that he should ask the hatted white pegasus where he should head. He approached her calmly from behind. [colour=#008080]"Ma'am, do you know where to find the meeting place for this?"[/colour] He asked her, levitating the bounty poster from his saddlebag so she could see.

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Compass Rose finished buying some supplies for the expedition. She knew she'd need rope, adding that as an afterthought. You always need rope. Stuffing her purchases in her saddle bag, after paying, the slender unicorn nodded thanks to the clerk before trotting outside. She's heard a few other ponies mention the town hall for the meeting place and made her way there, blowing a deep indigo lock of mane from a blue eye as she trotted.

Soon she spotted a couple of pegasus and a unicorn talking, everypony else seemed to keep to themselves. Joining the group Compass Rose levitated an apple out of her saddle bag and munched on it, her lavender head moving as she looked around at everypony else.

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