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((XD Rainbow would NEVER say she needed a dress for something but either way continue))

"Hmm...well, if I know Rainbow, then she's probably going to Rarity to ask for dating advice and for her to recommend a place for us to go to" Shadow replied "Hey...she might even wear a dress for the first time ever"

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"[colour=#800080]Oh my...it would be an honor,Rainbow dash,let me get started[/colour]."Rarity trotted off,(don't worry,she did ntoice leif XD) ,"[colour=#800080]I'm stiching Rainbow's dressss[/colour]!"Is all you could hear when Rarity was singing.

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((You're right! I forgot about that...gosh dang it:( haha IVE FAILED!! NOO!! XD))

Care scoffed at the end of Shadow's sentence. "If I know Dash, and I think I do, *Care laugh* then she never wants to wear a dress.". He laughed and smiled. "I think they just went to get Lief a dress. But hey we should go somewhere fancy for them.". He smiled again.

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Rainbow trotted over to Rarity and said, "Well thanks Rarity.". She smiled at her as she worked. She couldn't believe how she made these dresses. Dash looked back at Lief and said, "I hate to say it...but I'm excited Lief.". She laughed again.

Rainbow looked at Rarity and said, "Yeah those should make my dress 20% cooler." she smiled at Rarity

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"Hey dude, you never know. From what I saw she REALLY likes you. I do think that there's a chance she'll wear a dress. And sure ya we can go somewhere fancy, here come on back to my house and I'll get us prepped with some suits. You like about my size so I'm sure one of my old ones will fit you"

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Care chuckeld a bit at what Shadow said about Rainbow. He had to admit though. He did think Dash liked him. He then stretched his wings a bit and said, "To be honest I've never worn suits that much.". He laughed and then looked at Shadow, "I don't even own one. But..thanks for helping me out..". He smiled a friendly smile at him.

Rainbow heard Rarity yell for them. She smiled a big smile and then pushed Lief in first. "Show her her dress first!". She smiled at Rarity and Lief.

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"[colour=#800080]Okay,here you go darling[/colour]!"Rarity said showing her the dresses.Leif's dress was flowing and elegant,purple in colour to match her eyes,with a little rabbit hair clip,for Rainbow,an earpeice to wear that had her Cutie mark on it,and the dress was red,so it would resemble her eyes also,"[colour=#800080]Like them[/colour]?" Rarity asked them.

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Care laughed at Shadow's joke. He was glad to have him as a friend.

Care trotted in Shadow's house and said, "Wow man..". He looked around his house. "I like your house!". He smiled at him.

Rainbow looked at the dresses. She couldn't believe that Rarity could make dresses like these! But she had no idea what to say. She wanted to remain her cool self..but a part of her wanted to freak and grab the dress. Rainbow looked over at Lief to see her emotions. She looked back at the dresses and said, "Lief! You should go try yours on!". She smiled at her.

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((XD did I ever talk about what it looked like?))

"Thanks. Alright let's see here...this suit is too old. Too dirty. Too clashing. Too small. Too big. Ah, here we go" he said as he pulled out a nice black tux with every piece for it, it looking like it would be a perfect fit for Care. "Here try this on" he said as he pointed Care to the bathroom

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Care watched as Shadow threw out many other tuxes. He pulled out one and handed it to Care and told him to try it on. He glanced down at and said, "You sure you have one as well?". He smiled and then trotted towards the bathroom Shadow pointed to. He closed the door behind him and started to put on the tux. He got it on and came out. He felt awkward but he liked it. He looked at Shadow and said, "This good?". He laughed a bit.

Rainbow watched at Lief went to try on her dress. Rainbow saw another dressing room and she looked at Rarity and said, "Thank you Rarity.". She smiled at her as she trotted off into the dressing room and and started to put on her dress.

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"Ya don't worry about me, I'm not wearing a tux. I have a special shirt that I use for DJing that I wanna put on today. It's skin-tight so the mares will enjoy it all the same. And that way we won't be wearing the same thing" Shadow responded while putting on the skin-tight shirt and a pair of dress pants and shoes, looking half fancy and half ready to party.

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Care nodded at Shadow and said, "Alright then.". He laughed a bit and then fiddled with the tuxedo. He liked it and he hoped Rainbow would as well.

Rainbow got her dress on and put her mane all right. Her mane was pinned with the pin so it all fell on one side. (Like in the episode of the GGG). She came out of the room and said, "How do I-". But she stopped herself when she saw Lief had come out first. She looked amazing! Rainbow flew over and hugged her. "Lief you look great!". She said with a big smile on her face.

Rainbow's dress felt a little tight on her. But she didn't care. She just hoped Care would like it.

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"Thanks Rarity,the dresses are,...nice."Lief said looking it over,"[colour=#800080]What,nice,do you like it,or love it[/colour]?"Rarity asked her,"It's nice-"[colour=#800080]Love or like[/colour]?"Rarity asked her again,"Love?"Leif said almost asking it.

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((Only happened to me once when my band played a gig XD but I left quickly.))

Care smiled at Shadow. He should have known that they would be at Rarity's. He chuckled a bit and said as he was leaving, "Say where are we going anyways?". Care trotted out the door with Shadow and already some ponies were staring at them. He smiled at a few of them and turned around to Shadow.

Rainbow looked at Rarity and then scanned herself over. She examined the dress and said, "I like it.". She smiled a warm smile but she really really liked it. Rainbow turned to Lief and said, "Oh we should be going!". She started to head for the door.

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"Hm...if my guess is correct then I think we're going to Canterlot to dine at a fancy restaurant I did some favors for. They told me that I could come back any time and they would have a seat for me, regardless if I had a reservation or not. Kinda nice of them" he replied, obviously liking the looks he was getting from nearby mares.

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