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Rainbow looked over at Care and said, "So you better be happy that I'm wearing a dress.". She snickered at him and nudged him.

Care smiled and laughed a bit, "Oh you know im happy! You look beautiful! Well I mean you always looked beautiful..". He smiled and blushed. Then Rainbow blushed and put her hooves around him.

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Care smiled at Shadow. He was glad he was there to comfort Lief. He then realized that the chariot had stopped and they were at their destination. Care got up and opened the door for the other ponies. He smiled at all of them.

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Care smiled at Shadow as he to waited for the mares to exit first.

Rainbow exited the chariot and stood by Care. She moved her dress and mane around a bit again.

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"Oh ya sure, let's go" Shadow said as he walked up to the restaurant door. The door itself was made of gilded gold and glass,and it was opened and closed by a few butlers. The insides were clean white marble with intricate gold designs, obviously showing its superiority in class compared to other restaurants.

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"Hey, Leif. Don't worry. Trust me on this. You'll have a great time. Just try and pay attention to me and only me. Just think about the fact that we're spending time together" Shadow said as he gave her a small kiss. As soon as they walked up to the reception desk, the pony at the table instantly recognized Shadow and he moved all the current table bookings just to make space for Shadow and his friends "Thanks dude" Shadow said to the receptionist, who just smiled in return. As they went to their table, Shadow pulled back the chair for Leif, waiting for her to sit down in it.

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Rainbow and Care followed Shadow. Care couldn't believe the sight he was seeing in this restaurant.

He then pulled out a chair for Dash as she sat down in it and thanked him he sat in his own chair. He glanced at Lief and Shadow and smiled at both of them.

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"Hehe well if you guys are wondering why I have access to such a fancy place, well one night their pianist broke his hoof and there was no pony who could replace him on such short notice except me. Kinda glad I went into piano as well as DJing now" he chuckled. Then a waiter showed up and gave all of them menus, leaving after giving each of them a glass of water as well.

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Care heard what Shadow said about being a pianist. Care's face lit up and he said, "That's amazing! Hey do you happen to know Prince Light Harmony? He is a well know cello player but he can play a variety of instruments!". Care was so excited now. Anypony who knew his practical brother Light were great friends of his.

Rainbow laughed a bit and examined the menu. Rainbow smiled at Care. She thought it was cute the way he was freaking out about Light.

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"Hm? Oh ya I played with him a couple times. He's really good at the cello" Shadow mused. Then he turned to Leif and chuckled before saying "Hey! Not fair! That's stealing!" then laughing some more. Then he turned to Rainbow. "So Rainbow, enjoying the evening so far?" he asked

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