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Dash flew over to Lief and comforted her. Then she flew over to one of the ponies that threw food at her. She yelled at the pony and then went back to Lief. She put a hoof on her back and wiped of some food, "Are you alright?". She looked at her with compassion.

Light looked at Care and said, "Nerve of some ponies huh?". He chuckeld a bit and Care said, "Some ponies are just jerks."

Light sat up and put a hoof on Care's back and said, "Let me try something.". Light trotted up to the stage and asked to borrow a ponies cello. The pony was confused but it said yes. Light silenced the other band members. The band knew who Light was so they smiled at him.

Light then started to play one of his favorite pieces. A very soothing and sweet masterpiece. He lined up the right dynamics and continued playing. He was trying to make it as emotional as possible.

Care just stared at Light in awe.

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Shadow quickly jumped on stage and uncovered the nearby piano, dragging it over next to Light. As soon as he started hitting the keys, he threw himself in perfect sync with Light. The cello was never overbearing the piano, and the piano was never overbearing the cello. The piece was amazing, and everyone stared out in awe. Not to use an already overused joke, but Light and Shadow were in perfect harmony.

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Light gave her a good stallion like expression and said, "Well I'd be ashamed if you didn't.". He smiled at Lief and Shadow. He didn't know Shadow that well but he knew that this stallion knew how to make perfect harmony.

Care was staring in awe. He smiled when Dash came up and stood next to him. He smiled at her and said, "May I have this dance?". Dash smiled and giggled at Care. She then took his hoof and the two started to dance.

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((Epic Shadow on Piano, Light on Cello, and Leif on Mic scene))

Shadow continued to play his piano, obviously enjoying the attention that the crowd was giving him and his marefriend. Only a couple moments ago they were teasing and bullying Leif, but now they were staring in awe as all three of them synced their abilities to create perfect harmony. Shadow watched as Rainbow and Care danced to the music that they were creating, happy that someone was taking this as a cue to start. Eventually, other couples were standing up to join, until almost the entire restaurant was slow dancing.

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Light kept glancing over to Lief and Shadow. He was surprised at how well Lief as singing.

He let out a small chuckle when he saw almost all the couples dancing. He glanced over at Luna and Celestia. He hoped they were enjoying the music. They were the princesses after all

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((Hope you don't mind if I bring Thunderbolt in this))

As the music played, Princess Luna quickly trotted over to one of the tables that had a pony that wasn't dancing before grabbing him and dragging him to the dance floor. It was Thunderbolt! Seeing Princess Luna drag him out to dance with her made Shadow chuckle a bit, obviously amused at Thunderbolt's situation. Princess Celestia, however, had a sneaky glint in her eyes while looking at Shadow, making him audibly gulp, not wanting to know what she was planning.

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Light watched as Luna grabbed a pony and danced with her.

Light glanced at Celestia and wondered what would happen if he could dance with her for once.

He chuckled and kept playing. The song was almost over

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As the song continued, Celestia's horn quickly grew a yellow aura, obviously meaning she was casting a spell. Once the spell was complete, there were two Shadows! Celestia trotted up to the stage and dragged Light off, obviously planning to dance with him, as the second Shadow took control of the cello. Celestia's plans were always entertaining, to say the least

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Light laughed a bit. He couldn't believe that he was dancing with Celestia! He was about to get nervous but he kept his cool.

He smiled at Celestia and said, "Princess I haven't been able to bow yet." he smiled at her. He glanced at her crown. He then realized he forgot his. But he didn't care. He smiled at Celestia with a warm and friendly smile.

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Celestia giggled at his joke [colour=#dda0dd]"What need is there to bow when you are already enjoying the dance?" [/colour]she asked as she kissed him on the cheek.

As Luna was dancing with Thunderbolt, she could see that he was uneasy for the first couple minutes, before he finally calmed down and enjoyed the dance [colour=#0000cd]"Art thou enjoying yourself, my valiant steed?" [/colour]she joked as she kissed him on the cheek and laughed.

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Luna did not expect Thunderbolt to be brave enough to do that. Her face quickly turned a light rosy colour as she smiled and replied [colour=#0000cd]"We are enjoying ourselves thoroughly"[/colour] before giving him a quick peck on the lips and giggling, continuing to dance with him.

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Light's face turned crimson red. He just received a kiss from Celestia. He felt like fainting but he stayed up. He smiled at Celestia and said, "Princess?!". Light then planted a small kiss on her cheek. Suddenly her glanced around to see if any guards were about to swarm him. He saw none. So he looked back at Celestia. His face was still red. He said quietly, "I'm just a prince..and I was kissed by and kissed Celestia!". He then turned even brighter red when he realized he said that directly to Celestia.

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[colour=#dda0dd]"Why yes, Light, you have received a kiss from me, and you have kissed me on my cheek. Is this a problem?" [/colour]Celestia giggled, obviously in a very good mood at the moment. As she looked around and made sure that nopony was looking, she darted in a gave Light a quick peck on the lips, her cheeks turning a slight rosy red as she smiled at him.

As Luna saw Thunderbolt's smile, she smiled right back, her cheeks still slightly red from being so forward. As she continued to dance with him, she leaned her head on his shoulder, closing her eyes and smiling as she just continued to enjoy the moment.

Both Shadows could see Leif's reaction, making them both laugh, at all times perfectly in sync. Celestia's spell worked better than they thought.

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Thunderbolt liked Luna's head resting on his shoulder,he continued to dance and enjoy the moment.


Leif heard both Shadow's laugh,she nearly cracked up,but she continued to sing smothly and avoid doing so.

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Light realized that Celestia was in a good mood. He then turned brighter when Celestia kissed him on his lips. He smiled at her and said, "Well Madame..there is no problem..it's just I didn't think you would dance or even kiss me...is all" He kept dancing with her and kept smiling at her.

Dash and Care were still dancing.

Care couldn't believe Light was with Celestia! But then again..Care only cared for Dash now. He looked at her and planted a very soft kiss on her lips.

Rainbow blushed and glanced around at some ponies who were dancing that were looking at her and Care. Then Dash kissed Care like he did her.

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