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[colour=#dda0dd]"You are too hard on yourself Light. If you weren't special in any way, why would I have made you a Prince in the first place? Not that that's the only reason why I like you of course, don't take it the wrong way" [/colour]Celestia giggled as she continued to dance with him, pleased that her feelings were returned.

The two Shadows just then decided to start ending the song, going into a deep crescendo as the final notes were being hit.

As Celestia looked at Shadow and noticed the crescendo, she quickly turned to Light before saying [colour=#dda0dd]"Thank you, this was a most wonderful dance for me" [/colour]before kissing him passionately on the lips.

As Luna heard the song dying down and coming to a close, she quickly lifted her head from Thunderbolt's shoulder before looking at him with a beautiful smile [colour=#0000cd]"Thank you Thunderbolt. Twas a wonderful evening indeed" [/colour]before kissing him passionately as well.

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Thunderbolt just blushed and kissed her back,enjoying what had just happened.


Leif sang the last note,high and long,after she stopped singing she said into the mic,"Sorry,to have started such a rucus."

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Light smiled at Celestia. He thought in his mind.."she likes me?" light then remembered the day he was made royalty.

He remembered it greatly. Light then looked up at Celestia and said, "We should do this again. I mean you know..if you're not busy ruling..Equestria..". Light chuckled sheepishly. He couldn't believe Celestia kissed him again. It was very passionate. He loved it.

He then realized the song was coming to an end and it stopped.

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As everypony quickly turned to the stage when the song ended, one pony slowly started clapping before it increased its speed. Soon other ponies joined the first, until the entire restaurant was clapping for Leif, including the Princess's themselves.

Shadow quickly ran up behind Leif and patted her on the back "See...they really like you...and I do too" he whispered to her, before pulling her in and giving her a passionate kiss, which only caused the restaurant to applaud more.

[colour=#dda0dd]"Absolutely, my stallion"[/colour] she replied with a giggle [colour=#dda0dd]"oh, and I rather liked it when you called me Madame. Do remember to do it more often" [/colour]she joked, obviously still in a good mood based on the rosy tinge of her cheeks.

Luna quickly turned to Thunderbolt. [colour=#0000cd]"If thou are not busy...would it be possible for...this to occur once more?" [/colour]Luna asked hopefully.

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Both Shadows bowed to the crowd next to Leif, before a bright flash occurred, and there was only one Shadow once more.

[colour=#0000cd]"We are...rather excited by this news" [/colour]Luna said with a giggle, her face slowly gaining a rosy tinge as her smile grew, extremely happy that Thunderbolt agreed to spend more time with her.

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Light smiled and amounted a huge amount of courage and said, "Well excuse me for this Madame.". He then grabbed Celestia and pulled her close and gave her a very passionate kiss on her lips.

Light then stopped kissing and held her in his hooves.

Care then clapped with Dash as the song ended. He glanced around the room and saw ponies hugging and such.

Care looked at Dash and said, "Did you enjoy the song?". He smiled and the Dash said, "I did but this was best part.". She then kissed Care again. Care closed his eyes and kissed her back.

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As Light grabbed her and kissed her, Celestia's eyes grew from shock, before slowly closing and going back into the kiss. Once it was over and he was holding her in his hooves, she quietly whispered [colour=#dda0dd]"...thank you..." [/colour]before closing her eyes and nuzzling her head into his neck.

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Luna came in close and nuzzled her head into Thunderbolt's neck, closing her eyes and enjoying the moment with a blush and small smile on her face.

Shadow took that moment to come near Leif and wrap his wings around her, bringing her close and nuzzling with her, obviously happy that she had a good time.

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Light held Celestia. He heard her say quietly thank you. He couldn't believe..

But he kept her in his hooves. He didn't know when to let go. He felt her nuzzle his neck. He smiled and shivered a bit. Her mane was so soft.

Light then picked her up and stood her up. "There you go Madame." he said with a smile. He had a very small hint of blush on his cheeks but it looked like a big amount of blush since his coat colour was pure white.

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Shadow looked at Leif as if she said the craziest thing in the world "Is your voice good enough to go on my record? More like my record is almost not good enough to go with your voice!" he proclaimed, excited that he got the vocals he needed.

Celestia smiled and blushed back at Light, before turning to Shadow, Care, Rainbow, and Leif; and saying [colour=#dda0dd]"I do believe it is time for us to leave, my friends. Thank you for the wonderful evening. Come, Luna" [/colour]

Luna quickly looked up at Thunerbolt before giving him one final peck on the lips and saying [colour=#0000cd]"I do believe tis the time for our departure. We shall, as the saying goes, see you tomorrow?" [/colour]Luna asked, not sure if she got the saying right.

Celestia, Luna, and Light all left the restaurant, leaving Shadow, Care, Thunderbolt, Rainbow, and Leif.

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Thunderbolt appeared to have hearts in his eyes,he then fell to the floor,smiling. Leif smiled at Shadow then said,"Well,let's make your record better,so it can be just as good as my voice."

((G2G Be back in a little while,or tomorrow after school,don't go far without me))

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((Ok Light will say that XD))

Light left with Celestia and Luna and said, "So did everyoony have a good time?!" he smiled at both of them.

Care smiled at Shadow and, "Best day I've had in a while!". He then looked at Dash and said, "Well I don't know. The day I met you was pretty great.". He sniled at her and she giggled at him and pushed him playfully.

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