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Love Tea? Apply Here! (Looking for a New Employee for El's Teahouse)

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Hello all!

For those who aren't familiar with my OC Elderflower, she owns and runs a tea house in Canterlot! It's a great deal of work every day because she grows all of her own ingredients, which means she's running the shop, doing the banking, baking, garden, and preparing of teas by herself! Magic certainly helps her manage, but she could certainly use the help of another pony to run things. As it is, she's currently too stubborn to seek help and is stuck as a homebody!

My plans for her as a character is to slowly have her come out of her own little bubble, learn to accept help and be part of a team, and of course to get out in the world more. She adventured around a fair bit before opening her tea shop, but even then she was doing things on her own so she's always been a loner!

So if anybody is interested in having a character become involved with the tea shop and become a part of this story line, please let me know and we can start brainstorming! I've been tossing around a few ideas such as: her parents went ahead and found her an assistant/work partner and basically dropped them on her door, or a tea loving pony decided they wanted to get involved with the tea shop and noticed she was working alone so they get on her case about hiring them. Those are just some ideas off the top of my head, however.

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Hi there!

I've always considered my OC Copper to be a big tea fan (What else could possibly drive somepony to make a device for making tea remotely?), although I don't think I've ever mentioned it.

It would certainly be interesting to have Copper working in a tea-shop. Although he'd probably make a wealth of devices to aid his work which might clash with Elderflower's idea of the tea-shop being a place of serenity. Would be interesting to see that play out.

If he did go there it would only have to be a part time thing though. He certainly wouldn't permanently leave his workshop but I can see him getting a temporary job.

So, want to give it a try?

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Oh, I definitely think that would make for an interesting dynamic, especially considering how stubborn El is when it comes to having things run her way! I'm definitely willing to try it out. How would you want Copper to be introduced? Through his own discovery of the shop or through El's parents or something of that sort?

I'm still hoping to find a permanent employee (and possible co-owner/business partner) to team up with El as well, so if anyone else would like to join in then please let me know! c:

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Well how about this: Copper is staying with some relatives in Canter lot (Possibly due to not wanting to hang around Trottingham for a while due to a rather troubling situation with the Trottingham Royal Guard and a young dragon) and ends up enjoying some tea at Elderflower's shop and notices she's doing all the work herself. Being the helpful and polite soul he is, he offers to help (And it may also have something to do with the fact that he won't be able to make any money while he's away from his workshop)

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Sounds perfect! Just as a heads up, though, El will be a bit stubborn about accepting help at first! I'll create a post sometime tonight or tomorrow to get things started if you don't mind waiting a bit - I have to prepare for a critique tomorrow in my digital class. I wasn't expecting such a quick response!

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I could always provide a supporting character in Foxglove Foalfellow? He is a con-pony/ traveling entrepreneur. Could add an interesting side plot to the story. He wouldn't be working in the shop, but he sure does love tea and business arrangements.

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I could add in one of my OCs. His name is Care Package. He is mailpony and im not sure how that would work with a tea shop. Maybe he could deliver packages for your charrie? And eventually become the employee or something:) haha

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Actually as far as full-time employment goes I'm considering apping a character I've been tossing around in my head for a while who would probably fit in quite well with the relaxed environment of the tea shop. Just a thought.

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Awesome! I like all of these suggestions a lot. I'll probably get the thread started some time tonight or tomorrow; I had intended to do it today but just didn't anticipate how busy my schedule would be. I'm at least getting it started now while I get some supper.

Sorry for the wait everyone! Shouldn't be much longer now, thanks for bearing with me.

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  • 2 weeks later...

You're more than welcome to join!

Actually I'm going to use this as a heads up for folks: I chose to start the thread towards the end of a business day because any other point would be too busy for interaction. Nobody's characters will be getting the boot, though. El will invite everybody to stay and hang around while for a while after she closes up! c: Just in case you were wondering!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Nobody forgetting about the RP are we? I just ask because the gaps between the posts are growing, 3 days and counting since the last one. I understand we all have things going on IRL, but I really don't want this RP to die.

Just a reminder for y'all.

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I'm not forgetting, I meant to do this earlier but I need to give the heads up that my posting is going to be really sporadic and unpredictable for the next week and a half as all of my final projects for the semester are due this week and next. It's going to be hectic, and I apologize. I'm going to try to finish a reply today in between sewing, shooting, and building - please bear with me!

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Okay, to update you all:

I haven't stopped working the past two days, and it's quite possible that crunch week may be like this...every day. I can't make any promises about posting until I clear a few more projects out of the way, and even then I'm going to be helping my roommate put together her final independent work for her fourth year exhibition and I have no idea when that's going to be finished. I'm really sorry about this.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Okay, I'm back and I've responded! I'm very very sorry, guys. It's been absolute madness here trying clue up the end of semester and I really thought I'd have more time to get some posting done, but the times when I did get a break I just didn't have the mental energy left to write anything. The fourth year show is tomorrow evening and after that all I have left is a goodbye celebration and then it's back to my normal routine of being a total hermit, heh! Er, that means I'll be on Canterlot more regularly again. c:

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