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Midnight smiled slightly then saw the bus comeing over the hill [colour=#ff0000]"here it is"[/colour][colour=#000000] Midnight waiting for the door to open and gives the driver a few bits and sits in a empty seat.[/colour]

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[colour=#ff0000]if you call getting up, haveing to brush your hair because it look like pinkie pies hair when i get up, finding my violen, in what case was hanging on a handle in the liveing room somehow, because you saw it on the counter, im pritty sure, fixing breakfast and then getting this pritty little plant here, ya, it was good[/colour][colour=#000000] Midnight takes out the poison joke and fiddles with one of the peddles.[/colour]

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Midnight continues playing with the playing with it [colour=#ff0000]sure its poison joke? seems kinda harmless...if it is im pretty sure the concert will be over by the time the joke comes around,[/colour]

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Midnight trots off the bus, thanking the bus driver, and walking around canterlot, eventually finding way and walking into the music room and setting my instrument down on its stand, feeling the red velvet rug that separated us from the crowd, looking back to Delilah, "wanna meet my sister? she's over here somewhere," Midnight looking around for her and then back to her.

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A light blue-coated unicorn stallion swiftly entered the music room, slamming the door behind him. He gasped for breath, looking out the window nervously. After a few moments, he turns back around, relieved, and notices the two mares for the first time. [colour=#008080]"Oh, uhhh... I'm.. uh... sorry."[/colour] he said before falling into an awkward silence.

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Midnight looks at the stallion and blinks, opening her mouth to break the silence "are..you running from something sir? or are you just lost?, tell the truth" her electric yellow eyes scanning over his body quickly before meeting him eye to eye again.

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He quickly snaps to attention, staring at Midnight. [colour=#008080]"I might have accidentally angered a few thugs, who then decided to chase me half way around Canterlot," [/colour]he said inbetween breaths.[colour=#008080] "I think they stopped chasing me a while ago, but I was too scared to look back or stop until I was inside. Sorry about that,"[/colour] he explained, pulling his white stetson off and wiping sweat from his brow. [colour=#008080]"Name's Six String, by the way. I really hope I didn't startle you,"[/colour] he said as he put the hat back on.

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Midnight blinks a few times, looking toward Delilah and back " how in the world did you anger thugs first off," Midnight turning completely around to face the stallion that barged in. "and wouldn't the guards noticed that you were in some sort of panic?"

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He looked at her nervously, clearly under pressure. [colour=#008080]"Well, you see... I may have accidentally... played a song they didn't like, and apparently they were extremely drunk and decided beating me up for it would be the best course of action! Yeah, that[/colour] [colour=#008080]and I accidentally spilled one of their drinks,"[/colour] he explained strangely, as if he were making this up on the fly. He decided to change the subject in hopes of not having to further explain his predicament. [colour=#008080]"Soo... uhhh... what are you doing here?"[/colour]

(Protip: he left out the explanation for the guards part. Also, he's lying to a certain extent; his clearly nervous face on my profile picture says it all!)

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Delilah looked at Six String,she raised a brow,"Oh really? How so,may I ask,no,wait,why were you messing with them,wait,...yeah?" She tried to make sense of her question,she fluttered her wings and used some magic to pick up a napkin to wipe off her brow

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