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Midnight continues looking at six strings and says "ok, i might SEEM blind at first site, but im not, i can clearly see the the worried expression on your face, tell us beginning to end, and im SURE you passed a few guards atleast, tell us also why you left them out." ignoring his question on why we are back here.

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He sighed and lowered his head. [colour=#008080]"Fine, I'll tell you the real story. I was walking down the street when those thugs started picking on a random mare across from me. They smelled of strong whiskey, so I decided to intervene before either side did anything stupid that they'd regret,"[/colour] he explained. [colour=#008080]"When I did, they turned their aggression towards ME, and I was forced to defend myself. I did, but unfortunately, the guards didn't arrive until I'd already knocked them all out, so they thought I was the bad guy, so they chased me half way across town..."[/colour] he explained. "[colour=#008080]I'm sorry I lied to you, but I was skeptical that you would report me to the Royal Guard."[/colour]

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hmm, its fine, you did the right thing atleast, so i wont, ok?" Midnight trys to put on a smirk for the situation and says "well, i have a good..20 minutes before the show starts, lets go straighten this out with those guards huh? if they try to arrest you, ill just talk them out of it, do we have a deal?" sticking her hoof out, hopeing the stallion would shake on the agreement.

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He though for a moment.[colour=#008080] "Alright, I'll go along with this; but if I get thrown into the slammer for this, I'm not gonna be happy."[/colour] He nodded and stuck his own hoof out, shaking it tightly. For some reason, he felt strange that both hooves were able to keep a grip on each other, but he quickly dismissed the thought as anxiety.[colour=#008080] "Shall we get going?"[/colour]


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((are you playing as the guard?)) whoa now buddy" Midnight steps on front of the guard, blocking his walk way, makeing a tisking noise with her tongue and saying "now, you may have seen what happend, but ever HEARD of hearing the other side of the story? or are you just to dumb to do so? hmm?" Midnight takeing her hoof and twitching his ear back and forth once, as if trying to make him mad. haveing a smirk appear slowly on her face.

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(Yes, I'll be the guard for this scene. He'll have a different colour text so you won't get confused.)

[colour=#ff0000]"Step aside, ma'am. There's a criminal currently standing behind you,"[/colour] he said in a gruff, monotone voice. He tried to keep his composure, but this mare was already starting to annoy him. [colour=#ff0000]"He was caught assaulting four stallions, and apparently a mare, since she was knocked out on the scene as well."[/colour]

(The thug knocked the mare out, the guard's just going on what he has available.)

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well, first off.." MIdnight starting to annoy him some more for the fun of it "sure your not deaf? apparently you dident hear me..or do i have to shout it?" Midnight raising a eyebow, as her smirk grew wider " first off, you gotta hear both sides of the story.." "that or you just dident check the crime scene good enough, did you?" As she sits down, knowing she is on the edge of getting arrested herself.

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[colour=#ff0000]"Look, ma'am. I understand your concern, but I'm a professional. I didn't have the TIME to check the scene because he-"[/colour] he gestured towards Six String- [colour=#ff0000]"started running as soon as he saw me. If you don't step out of the way, I'm afraid I'm going to have to arrest you for being an accomplice in a crime," [/colour]he explained, now obviously annoyed. He was on the verge of becoming very angry.

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"well maybe he was running because he was scared hmm? ever though of that? or are you brainless?" looking back toward six strings and giveing him a sly look, as if saying "get ready to run" looking back to the guard "im thinking under that thick skull of yours is a brain the size of a peanut," Midnight standing up and meets eye to eye with the guard, makeing one last final smart remark "why ya holding back then hmm? scared to arrest a mare?"

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The stallion in armor was fuming, though he did not notice Six String nod at Midnight. [colour=#ff0000]"That's it! You're under arrest for being an accomplice in a crime and disrespecting the Royal Guard! Put out your hooves!"[/colour] he said as he foolishly turned to grab his hoofcuffs, giving both an opportunity to make a run for it.

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Six Strings, acting quickly, turns around and follows the mare. He notices the guard turn around, hoofcuffs in mouth, beginning to chase them down.[colour=#ff0000] "STOP!"[/colour] he yelled, readying a magic blast. Upon further examination, Six Strings identified it as a paralysis spell, one that most guards were equipped with so runners couldn't escape. [colour=#008080]"WATCH OUT! HE'S PREPARING A PARALYSIS SPELL!"[/colour] he yelled to the mare a bit ahead of him. The guard's horn glowed, releasing the spell quickly. Six Strings managed to narrowly dodge it, but wasn't certain Midnight could dodge it. He turned back to her, to find...

(It's your choice; you can either get hit by it or not. All it does is make you unable to move or speak.)

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wait huh? AHH!" Midnight feels the spell slowly start to take over but keeps running, catching up with six strings and teleports him out of there, "ill catch up!" stopping and turning, shooting back at the guard before collapsing on the ground.

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Having been unexpectedly teleported, Six String ran directly into a tree. He fell backwards with a pained yelp upon collision. [colour=#008080]"Ow! What the...!?"[/colour] he yelled. Then he realized what happened. [colour=#008080]"Oh Celestia, she got hit, didn't she? I have to get back there before she gets caught!" [/colour]He tried to ready a teleportation spell, but he was unable to concentrate because of the pain. [colour=#008080]"Owwww.... WHY IS EVERYTHING SO DIFFICULT!?" [/colour]he groaned. He turned around and ran as fast as his legs could carry him to get to Midnight before he was too late.

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midnight attempts to stand before a guard places his hoof on her back and puts the handcuffs on forcing her up as she stumbles to keep her balance, feeling the paralyzes branch out into her blood, using the last of her energy to teleport outside and attempting to sit, feeling a bit dizzy and confused.

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Six String's legs were thumping with pain, but he didn't care. He needed to find Midnight, and fast; eventually, he found her on the ground in a sitting position. [colour=#008080]"Are you alright!?"[/colour] he asked her. He stared, patiently awaiting a response, before he understood why she didn't answer. [colour=#008080]"Oh... right... she's paralyzed, she can't talk. Hang on, Midnight, I'm gonna carry you back to the music room- wait a minute... You have a concert in 5 minutes, don't you? The paralysis spell doesn't wear off for an hour! Oh no, oh no, oh no..."[/colour] He started to panic. (You're about to find out why he's named Six Strings.)

Suddenly, he had an idea as a spark appeared in his eyes. [colour=#008080]"Come on, Midnight, we're gonna rock a concert,"[/colour] he told her. Then he remembered she couldn't move. Feeling foolish, he got her onto his back and starting running towards the music room where this all began.

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((Woah man,I missed alot! sorry I was gone for 2 days hangin out with some friends :D ))

Delilah the whole time was standing there,she saw a guard run after Midnight and Six String,so she stood there,she then realized the time,"Oh my,whi I have been,oop,I got to go to Midnight's concert!" She ran to the concert hall,trying to get in the guard there stopped here and asked her if she had her ticket,she shook her head,"No,but I come here with Midnight!" She said trying to persuade him.

((Anypony who wants to be the guard standing there,feel free to :D ))

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Six String ran right past the guard, slamming the door open in a hurry. With a flash of his horn, a large trunk with a padlock appeared in front of him. He set Midnight down on the floor, on the mat, and put in a code. Before anyone could see what happened or react, he pulled something large out of the case and ran towards the stage.

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[colour=#800080]" sorry ma'am, that pony is now under arrest for [/colour][colour=#800080]accomplice in a crime and being disrespectful to the royal guard, she will not be playing tonight,"[/colour]


Midnight moans quietly as six strings ran toward the stage.

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