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The Return of Sombra (Open, Join in OOC)

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•In the frozen wastelands outside the Crystal Empire, three days previous•

A cold, frigid wind blew across the snow-laden ground, the icy valley floor long frozen after countless unnatural winter storms. Few trees stood in this corpse-white plain, and those were withered to gray stumps, many of which having shattered due to the intense cold. Not many creatures could survive in this harsh environment for very long...even one as powerful as the black-carapaced creature whom traversed this winter wasteland. Wrapped in white clothing so as to provide camouflage against the snow, the figure moved in ominous silence against the raging wind. Soon, very soon, the greatest threat Equestria has ever known will be reborn.

Her name was Lypris, a rare Changeling mage who was charged with a special mission in service to the Great Hive; to revive the dark unicorn named Sombra. The Council and the holy Queen Chrysalis had given her orders under oath...she was permitted to tell no creature of her intentions. Out of impulse, she felt for a trinket hidden within her coat, and shivered. Hidden at her side was a magical artifact of great power that she had stolen from the heart of Canterlot itself. Grimacing, she raised her head and gazed quietly off into the distance. Even from here, the gigantic black crystal that symbolized the evil King's resting place stood high overhead. There stood the last shard that held Sombra's wicked spirit...and it was there that she would raise him from his sleep.

After what seemed like an eternity of drudging through the freezing snow, the tomb-like structure loomed overhead, similar to a large dark obilisk surrounded by a plain of marble. Stepping through the gothic-looking open entrance, her steps resounded throughout the dim chamber within. At the room's center stood a fountain covered in crystalline thorns that wrapped around a spire pointing upward to the ceiling. Floating quietly above was a sliver of glowing translucent rock that possessed swirling mists of green and purple fire. Simply standing near the stone gave Lypris a feeling as though she were being watched, and that whatever was hidden within it held an incredible malevolent presence. It frightened her to the deepest part of her soul, as if icy chains were squeezing the life out of her. Gulping and taking a deep breath, she approached the fountain with the amulet held out before her, her changeling horn glowing slightly as the trinket drifted in front of the stone. At first, the bizarre stone's reaction was only stillness, but suddenly a pulse of movement emerged from it, causing the flames within to flare. Another pulse came, and again, and continued at an even faster rate. Lypris stepped back, trying to draw the amulet as well, but the artifact was held transfixed by an even greater force. The pulsating lights grew greater and brighter, eventually occuring so quickly and so strongly that an ever-present light seemed to come off the stone. Lypris shielded her eyes as the ground beneath her shook, the structure above vibrating in-sync with the stone. It wasn't very long before her world was enveloped in a flash of purple light, driving away consciousness and thought.

The purple light receded from existence as swiftly as it had appeared, the chamber once again enveloped in a dim twilight compared to the snowy landscape outside. Everything was still, and nothing seemed changed...except for the fountain's disappearance, replaced by a magnificent creature. As Lypris slowly regained consciousness and opened her eyes, her jaw dropped and a gasp was drawn from her lungs. Standing before her was the most...beautiful...creature she had ever seen, even more enrapturing than her beloved Queen. Where the fountain once stood was a pitch-black Alicorn whose shining green and red eyes were enveloped by purple flames. Silver-like metal plating covered his main torso and legs, and his horn appeared like a red spike against his head. Was this...Sombra? The terrible Unicorn King of the Crystal Empire? But...he looked nothing like what the scouts had reported; he was like a fallen angel. Rising to her knees and lowering her head, she attempted to speak with the intimidating yet beautiful Alicorn before her, but was immediately silenced by a wave of one of his dark wings. Sombra eyed her for a moment, before looking down at himself, whispering in a voice that sounded like silver chimes. "I...am reborn. In the body of an...Alicorn? Then this must be...of course. The Alicorn Amulet. But, how did...?" His gaze fell on Lypris as if seeing her for the first time, and he studied her carefully before addressing her. "...Changeling, why have you come here, and why did you possess this? Who sent you? It couldn't have been Queen Scarlet, she would be dead by now..."

Lypris raised her head slightly, only to gaze up at him in admiration and fear. Stuttering as she began, her voice came out as shallow whispers. "I...I c-come from Q-Queen Ch-Chrysalis, King Sombra. Sh-she wishes t-to make an alliance with y-you. My n-n-name is Lypris...my lord." There. It was out in the open. But what would Sombra's reaction be? When his passive face altered, she expected everything but what she saw; anger, suspicion, coldness...but never that warm smile that seemed to bloom on that unnaturally handsome face. Her body shook as he approached her and slowly lifted her chin to look at him, her purple eyes wide from the contact. His smile grew. "...I always wanted a pet Changeling. You will serve me well, I think. You, Lypris, have brought me back to life; and thus will be rewarded. Tell me...what is it you desire?" His silky voice seemed to caress every part of her mind, a strange sensation of pleasure flourishing within her. A wide smile spread across her cheeks as she looked up adoringly at her new master. "My desire...is to help you rule the land, my lord. I am yours, now and forever." Never before had she said that to anyone, not even her Queen, and yet...she knew she meant each word. After brushing the sides of her carapaced cheeks gently with his right wing, Sombra proceeded past her with an elegant stride befitting a king of his station. Stopping at the chamber's exit, he turned his head back to her and gestured out into the growing storm brewing outside. "Then let us be on our way, my dear Lypris. I have an Empire to reclaim..." The changeling nodded enthusiastically as she rushed to follow him, their two forms disappearing into the swirling ice of the snowstorm.

The King of Darkness has Returned.

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•Just outside of the Crystal Empire in the Frozen Wastes. Present Day•

"Behold, he who is our Shepherd in the Shadows."

"For we are his Children, the Children of Darkness."

"Long live the King, the King beyond Death."

"Whose grip he evaded, his soul supreme."

"The strength of his will, forever will it grow."

"Our wills are united, for our Father is here."

"His Wisdom is grand, his power unwanning."

"Once we enter, you too will see the truth."

The song-like chant carried on the freezing winter wind, coming from the throats of the army beyond the Crystal Empire's magical barrier, whose numbers consisted of many races. Changelings, griffons, ponies and dragons; all gathered with a feverish fanaticism for the one whom they called their master; the one all knew as the fallen King Sombra. Standing side-by-side, the twisted zealots held spears and wing-blades, protected by reflective shields and armor, and supported at a range with great Everwood bows. The chant continued, their voices overpowering even the fierce tundra gales that swept through their numbers. It was an example; an example of power. The power of the one who had captured their hearts.

"...that one, is I." Sombra muttered darkly from atop of his bone-built chariot, his violet-flame rimmed, green-and-red eyes peering deep into the bubble-like shield that prevented he and his army from entering. Once, this was all his...once, the whole Empire served him...once, he had made a mistake. He had demoralized his former subjects, had taken away their wills to fight. This time, he would not make the same mistake. He could convince the Crystal Ponies to serve him willingly and devotedly...or he could simply get rid of them all. By the end of the day, one of those options would be chosen. Turning his head to look at the first of his Children, Lypris, he whispered something in her ear. Nodding reverently, Lypris's changeling horn glowed a dark red, as her voice was magically amplified to carry to even the farthest Child out there. "Brothers and sisters! Sons and daughters of our glorious Father! Be silent, and take heed of the words of your Eldest...!" The chanting army fell into complete quiet, and all turned their fervent eyes upon her and Sombra. "Today...will be the first of many victories, my younger kin. Today, marks the beginning of our Father's supremacy over Equestria...and the world. Today, you fight for the sake of our Father's goals and willingly die for the chance to make his dream become reality! With the fall of the Crystal Empire, we will have an even greater family! By the steel of our blades, and the sharpness of our spears, we...WILL NOT BE DENIED OF OUR DESTINY!" An earth-shattering roar filled the air, the slight rumble of stomping hooves, talons, and feet shaking the ground below. The few dragons unleashed horrid, violent shrieks that pierced the howl of their fellows. In their minds; they had already won the war.

Sombra smiled slightly at the display. The Alicorn Amulet hung at his neck, glowing a deep, blood-crimson light. It was a powerful tool, known for it's ability to corrupt. But he...he was too pure for the instrument; too strong in both will and heart for it to conquer him. Raising his new, rebirth-given wings, a black flame expanded from the tips of his feathers, as the image of his midnight-dark wings grew to two, three, four times his size, taking up the sky above like a massive idol. To everyone who could see, the fires were not devouring the oxygen in the air; they were absorbing the light from the sun's rays that passed through the overcast sky above. The grand display brought the overzealous screams to new heights, and the heralds sounded their trumpets above the roars of the masses. The light...it filled him with power; so much power! As the flames receded, he leapt into the air and took flight, the cheers of his Children below following him as he approached the magical boundary of the Crystal Empire. Setting down right in front of it, he lifted up his upper right hoof which shined with bizarre red markings, and let out a wicked snarl. "Let the nightmare...BEGIN!" With that final shout, he slammed his foot against the barrier with incredible force, the sound of a hundred bellows of thunder meeting his attack.

At the point of impact, a few small, glimmering crimson cracks appeared around his hoof. Then, all of a sudden, they spreaded and expanded outward from the source with incredible swiftness; alarming those inside. The magical barrier began to look like a glass dome, apart to shatter and break apart at the slight touch. Once all the cracks met the top of the massive enchanted shield...it dissipated into millions upon millions of small sparkles; a beautiful display...if it didn't herald the end. Sombra's smile became a wicked grin as his army swarmed past his standing form, their bellows letting loose all the bloodlust that they possessed inside themselves. Their numbers swarmed over the initial guard positions; disabling and taking the inhabitants hostage. They had orders not to kill unless they had to. Sombra couldn't help but laugh as his Children began their march into the Crystal Empire; after all, if he could defeat the magic of the Crystal Heart, who could stand against him? His villainous cackles followed the horde as they advanced further and further across the grassy fields toward the city. Today marked the beginning...the beginning of the end.

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[colour=#ee82ee]Princess Mi Amore Cadenza:[/colour]

Though the skies over the crystal empire were an endless blue that any pony would considered a perfect day, Princess Cadenza stood on her balcony looking down at her empire with a nervous look. Rumors had circulated around the empire that the dark ruler had been resurrected and that he was coming to try to reclaim the crystal empire and in slave the crystal ponies once again. She did not want to believe it, she had hoped that her husband’s sister and the holders of the elements along with the citizens of her empire had defeated him. Still, logic told her that there were dark creatures out in the world that would follow him without a second thought if given the opportunity. To be safe she had put up a weak barrier as an alarm.

"Your majesty please come inside the chief has just finished preparing a meal for you."

A guard said in a kind tone as he gently bowed to her and pointed to a meal that had been shuffled in on a cart made of fine gold and crystal.

[colour=#ee82ee]"Thank you I-"[/colour]

Was as far as Princess Cadenza got before she felt something, a sharp pulse that made her head throb and send a chill down her spine. She quickly spun and looked to the horizon to see that the barrier she had created began to crack making her feel like a stone was in the pit of her stomach.

[colour=#ee82ee]"Dear Princess Celestia, the rumors are true."[/colour]

She whispered to herself as took a step backwards before she quickly turned and went inside walking past the steaming food and out of the throne room.

[colour=#ee82ee]"Inform the troops to be ready and to begin heading towards the southern front! Also, make sure that citizens are evacuated to the safety bunkers in the city! Are number one priority is to keep them safe!" [/colour]

Princess Cadenza said as she continued to quickly walk through the halls. The guards that followed her nodded and began to disperse to follow the orders that their princess had just given. The princess quickly turned and headed up a long set of stairs that eventually reached the top of the castle. As she opened the door inside laid the Crystal heart that had helped defeated the evil king before. However, instead of grabbing it right away, the Princess went to another balcony and looked through a crystal telescope that had been built to view all parts of the kingdom. She quickly turned the machine to see the southern front. There she saw the hoard of figures running into the villages.

[colour=#ee82ee]"I don't have much time"[/colour]

She thought as she took a deep breath and began to cast a spell. Her cotton candy pink horn began to glow a shimmering blue until she released a large spell that quickly covered the city of the empire protecting where the crystal ponies lived and the castle itself. She had never enjoyed using such a spell since it made her dizzy but Cadence knew she had to protect her ponies even if it meant using ever last drop of strength in her body to do it. She then quickly turned to the crystal heart that sat floating on the alter that had been moved to the top of the tower. She walked over to it and again lit up her horn to cast a spell, this time touching the alter instead of letting the magic come freely from her horn. As she did the alter started to move down like an elevator taking the crystal heart and the princess down to the city streets where the crystal heart could be felt by all of her citizens.

[colour=#ee82ee]"Please be alright everpony. Especially you Shining."[/colour]

Princess Cadence said to herself as she tried to keep herself calm as she rode the elevator down to where the crystal heart was to be placed.


To most ponies going up north to the Crystal Empire was something of fun and mystery, but to Promontory it was just another day on the job. Along with his fellow train ponies, the run up to the north was a difficult but necessary job. The cold from the arctic winds always seemed to go deep into the stallion’s bones making it so that each step felt a hundred times heavier when he pulled the train along the frozen tracks. Still, Promontory didn’t say a word he continued to pull, day in and day out to not lose his job. After all who would hire a blank flank for anything more than pony labor?

As he ran along, a flash snow storm had started to form along the tracks making the burnt toast coloured stallion put up his red bandana around his mouth an nostrils and lower his cap so that chunks of snow would not blind him.

[colour=#A1745E]”Just a little more.”[/colour]

Promontory thought to himself as he quickened his pace as if trying to outrun the cold. After what felt like hours to the Earth pony, he saw the small green utopia that was surrounded by snow. He began to slow himself along with the train down as he got closer and closer until he felt the hard frozen earth between his hooves become soft with mud as the air became warmer and warmer. Promontory had no idea how the ponies here in the north were able to keep the Crystal Empire so warm; but he wasn’t complaining nor was his cold coat that greedily took in as much warmth as it could making his muscles begin to warm up again. After a few minutes Promontory pulled up the train into the Crystal Empire Station making it come to somewhat sluggish halt. The wheels on the engine gave out a loud sigh as they came to rest and the whistle gave out a whistle saying that the train from Appleloosa to the Crystal Empire had just completed it week long trip.

Promontory unhooked himself from the behemoth of a machine as he let out a bit of a sigh of relaxation. Though he had been to Empire before, he usually would turn right around and begin back to Appleloosa or Canterlot without even a moments rest. However, the storm just outside the realm of the Empire would cause problems for any pony even one as experienced as Promontor.

[colour=#A1745E]”Looks like I’m stuck here for a bit.”[/colour]

Promontory thought to himself as he lifted himself onto the station platform and clicked the mud off of his charcoal black hooves. He began to walk through town when he noticed a few crystal ponies staring at him. He tried to ignore the stares but he knew why they were looking at him. Or more his flank. Among the ponies from Canterlot or the Crystal Empire he was the odd one out, the black sheep, the redheaded step foal. All because his flank was bare. No matter where Promontory went with his fellow train ponies they were usually the odd ones out because no train pony had a cutie mark. In other words they were the outcasts of society. Still Promontory forced himself to walk through the city since he had learned the hard way that calling out another pony for staring would end up with a night in jail and a good tongue lashing from his boss. As he walked through the streets a small crystal colt came up to him looking at him in an odd manner.

”Hey mister where is your cutie mark?”

The young colt asked. Promontory let out an annoyed sigh before he looked down at the colt.

[colour=#A1745E]”I ain’t got one. So beat it.”[/colour]

He said in a harsh western drawl as he moved passed the young pony and continued into the city. He looked to see that a few ponies gave him the stink eye for talking harshly to a child but Promontory did care to much he had never been good with kids. He quickly forgot about the colt when his stomach gurgled for some form of food.

[colour=#A1745E]”Alright, alright I guess we can see what grub they got round these parts.”[/colour]

Promontory said as he looked down to his stomach then back up to the stores around him. He quickly spotted a small restaurant that didn’t look to busy making him walk over and take a seat. As the waiter came over he put a menu in front of Promontory. However, Promontory didn’t need one he always got the same thing when he went to a restaurant.

”How are you sir? Would you like something to drink? Would you like me to tell you are soup of the day?”

The waiter pony asked as he pulled out a pad and paper to begin scratching down the order.

[colour=#A1745E]”No need partner. I already know what I want, just a daisy sandwich with red Habaneros if you got them with a glass of water.”[/colour]

Promontory replied as he handed the menu back to the waiter. The waiter pony gave a bit of a surprised look before scribbling the order and walking away taking the menu with him. As Promontory waited on his order he looked up at the empty blue sky of the Crystal Empire.

[colour=#A1745E]”I wonder if all days in this city are this clear? Bet it has something to do with all the magic in the area. Probably what’s her name princess casts a spell too.”[/colour]

Promontory thought to himself when suddenly he noticed a crack in the sky. At first Promontory rubbed his eyes thinking that maybe he was seeing something when another and then another appeared until suddenly it looked as though the sky was beginning to fall.

[colour=#A1745E]”What the heck?”[/colour]

Promontory said aloud when suddenly he saw hundreds of Crystal ponies fleeing towards the main part of the capital. Promontory couldn’t figure out what the panic was about when he saw a large group of creatures starting to move up the city streets trying to take any pony captive. Promontory began to move back a bit but was quickly caught by a group. He started to kick out with hind-legs wildly getting in a few good swings in before being overwhelmed.

[colour=#A1745E]”Get off a me!”[/colour]

He shouted angrily as he flailed and squirmed trying to get out of the creatures grip. He felt them starting to move him back towards the station where he violently tossed in with a group of other ponies. Most were sitting on the ground crying or looking for others that they knew. However, Promontory quickly got up and started to try to escape from the group. Still the guards tackled him to the ground and held him even when Promontory kicked a one square in the face with his strong back hooves.

[colour=#A1745E]”Ya’ll think you can hold me?! Ya’ll get another thing coming!”[/colour]

Promontory yelled as he again began to kick out with hind-legs, kick, and push his way through the soldiers trying to get back to the main part of the town.

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*Crystal Empire Guard Position 1, South-East Side*

[colour=#ff0000]"How can you just sit there and do nothing??" [/colour]asked the frustrated mare as she continued to walk in circles in the guard position. She had been there for around an hour, but that was more then enough to make her restless.

The crystal stallion glanced back at her "I just can..."

[colour=#ff0000]Great, now it seems i'm stuck with a comendian[/colour]

After several more minutes of nothing happening, she lied down and started messing with her wing, then she heard a slight thud noise. Leaving her wing alone, she was the stallion glacing back at her. "D-did..you hear that?"

The Pegasus smirked [colour=#ff0000]"I didn't hear anything"[/colour]

The stallion looked at the name tag on the left shoulder of her uniform before continuing "Ember, i'm serious. I heard something.."

[colour=#FF0000]"I didn't hear anything, and even if you did, i'm sure it's nothing.."[/colour]

It was at this moment that the barrier started to shatter, and Ember looked in both shock and amazement as cracks formed on the shield. However, that shock turned to near horror as the field shattered right before her eyes.

[colour=#FF0000]"Oh....this isn't going to end well..You" [/colour]she pointed at the Stallion [colour=#ff0000]"Go back to the castle, find out what happened...I'll stay here in case anything pops up"[/colour]

The stallion nodded and quickly ran off, Ember felt kinda bad for him. He was a Unicorn, and wasn't really built for running longish distances. She was a Pegasus, but she just felt like staying put.

Within several minutes of sending him off, something knocked on the door. Thinking it was the stallion, she opened it up [colour=#ff0000]"You're pretty fast for a Uni..." [/colour]she was interrupted as the Changeling on the other side of the door ran into her, catching her off guard and pinning her down.

[colour=#000000]"Little Pony..." [/colour] the Changeling hissed, but if he had anything else planned to say, Ember's quick kick into what she assumed was his private area stopped him in his tracks. Falling off her, she stood up, seeing around 10 Changelings outside the door, all looking at her.

They slowly started to advance on her, and because whoever designed the bunker, there was only 1 way in, the door.

[colour=#FF0000]"No...no way....No way....I won't be killed before i get my chance to prove myself....I won't!" [/colour]Flaring her wings, she did the only thing she could think off, she flew above them and fled. She escaped the bunker, but not before one of the Changlings managed to drag their sword against her right leg, leaving a clean cut. After several seconds of high speed flying, Ember crashed into the town centre. She hadn't felt the wound on her leg, so landing had failed. She slowly stood up, looking around for either a guard or somepony important.

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•King Sombra and Lypris, in the streets of the Crystal Empire•

As the wicked army pursued and chased the populace back toward the castle, Sombra trotted calmly with Lypris, along with eight other red and white armored guards, two of each race that accompanied his forces. These fully-plated soldiers went by a special name amongst the ranks of the Children; the Crimson Blades. Each member was exceptionally trained in both combat and subterfuge, the perfect elite force to match a skillful leader. Not even a single centimeter of coat, feathers, carapace, or scale could be seen through their armor, the only parts of their bodies revealed were their glowing eyes. Standing beside him in a column, they marched in step with both him and Lypris. Oh, yes...the perfect toy soldiers. By the time his contigent of guards reached the train station, Sombra spotted the first of many of his prisoner collections. One of them, in particular, appeared to be begging for a spear through his ribs due to his attempts to escape. As he approached, Lypris followed along unhurriedly, her violet eyes locked on the same particular pony.

As Sombra and Lypris reached the line of soldiers holding back Promontory, Lypris narrowed her eyes and addressed the rebellious pony, as well as everypony else who were their prisoners. "Attention! You find yourselves in the presence of the great King Sombra, Master of the World, and Conquerer of Death! Show respect to your new ruler, or be punished severely for your-" The dark alicorn silenced her with a wave of his wings, and she fell silent, gazing down submissively. Sombra's gaze fell across each pony there, and he put on a warm smile. "...greetings. I am sorry for whatever distress this unfortunate invasion is causing for you all, but it simply must be done. I have no intention of harming you, and neither will any of my Children, so long as you do not resist and remain meek. Wipe those tears and be happy...your true King has come home. I've learned my mistakes; I will not try to cow you into submission. This time...you all will be granted the freedom and rights you deserve. I was a fool to have treated you wrongly in the past...and for that I am sorry. Until I return from defeating the usurpers, you will be released to go on with your daily lives." Sombra turned his back on the silent crowd and stared at the Crystal Castle in the distance. Many frightened and suspicious murmurs traveled through the Crystal Ponies, their fear-or-hate-filled gazes boring into the newly revived Sombra.

•Guard-Lieutenant Regal, at the Town Center within the Crystal Empire•

The elder guardspony traveled across the Castle courtyard at breakneck speed, shouting out orders to passing soldiers and civilians. Urging them toward the Castle itself, he sent out detachments of guards to find and bring any Crystal Pony who had been unable to catch up with the majority of the populace. After looking about the town square for a moment, he noticed the young mare Ember Flare. New to the guards, she was quite the skilled young soul...she'll definitely be needed in the days to come. Rushing over to her, he pulled the bandage kit out of his bag and attempted to dress the wound she had on her rear leg. Regal muttered through the needle as he did his work. "You young...fool. Getting yourself...wounded like this! I ought to...send you back...to the Acadamy once this...is all over. Quit squirming! It makes...my job more...difficult!" With a grunt, he bit off the end of the string that stitched together her wound and applied a bandage to it.

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Ember felt a sense of relief as she saw a guard, a high ranking one given the number of stripes on his uniform, walk over to her. What followed was something she'd never thought she'd have to feel, pain of being put back together. She knew it he was trying to help, not that that stopped her from moving around, holding back the cry of pain she felt as he worked on her leg.

She saw him back off slightly, and she stood up, lightly leaning on her leg. Happy that she could actually put some weight on it, she glared at him

[colour=#FF0000]"I didn't get stabbed intentionally you know. I was cornered by a dozen of the bugs, i was lucky i got out of there alive!"[/colour]

She turned around, glancing the direction of the approaching Changeling army, before turning back to the guard who had made her able to fight.

[colour=#FF0000]"South side, near the station is where they breached i assume, they swarmed my position on the east pretty fast, so i wouldn't be surprised if the south position have fallen..We need to take them back..Sir" [/colour]She nearly hit herself, remember that despite she wasn't officially part of the Crystal Pony Guard, he was still a higher rank then she was, and she was already on the bad terms with another general after hospitalising 2 of his guards.

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