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About Myself: I AM a fan of the fans. I love to role play so I thought I might as well throw myself into the mix. Aaaand in doing so I found this place. I hope your all friendly and I can't wait to start (have been reading rules and stuff so I know stuff)

How I found Canterlot.com: I searched for Pony roleplays

How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: The L troupe in my group of friends found it first and convereted everyone to bronies...I was among the first

My favourite main cast pony/s: Pinkamina Diane Pie
Um Hey I guess. Don't know what else to say eeeexceeept for that.

I could keep talking all day and tell you I'm friendly and stuff but I'd rather just Have people answer and we have fun...that sounds about right I like that idea. OH WAIT here I can do some "get to know me stuff"


Reason's Pinkie Pie ALWAYS:

One: I'm alot like her....I'm the laughter of the group, the fun, the hilariousness, the guy that never lets you be bored (Unless I'm going through a life crisis then it's all downhill and we're all sad together (<this parts a lie))

But yea Two: she's crazy and random, fun, basically an earth pony God that breaks the laws of physics, logic, and all other applied sciences out there and is just....freakin awesome.

Type of RP's I do are mainly serious ones though. Like I already had Ideas in my head of stories I'd like to see even before I decided "Hey I wanna pony RP" I do other Roleplays on FB and other forums and stuff, some along the lines of Sonic the Hedgehog, Pokemon, Orignal stories (Some that I've even created) and so on.

To further go into details, I'm not the type of Roleplayer that likes Roleplaying in the...set world of main stories. Like take for instance this one. You'd probably end up finding me in Original Rp's than in the Mane Rp because I wouldn't know how to interact with the Mane charries (If this makes sense) So I end up always doing my own thing and revamping the world completely.... But I guess for Ponies I'll try. (I hope you can help me with this)

Btw excuse all the bad grammar lmao >.<

So yea...HI GUYS I'm Zeke nice to meet ya..my character (as soon as I get him done) is Knight Shade. I look forward to participating int he forums.

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Hey Zeke, welcome to Canterlot! Pinkamena Diane Pie is one of my favourites, too, probably because I'm a lot like her as well.

Cool! It sounds like you've been RPing for a while! I hope you like our site! If you're really super excited to get started, I would recommend starting out in the Free-For-All (hereafter referred to as FFA) section of the board. You have a lot more freedom there to do your own thing than you would have in the Mane RP section (which I think is what you were getting at there). ;)

I hope you have as much fun here as I have! :D

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why in the world are you up at 4 in the morning O.o (don't answer that I don't really wanna know >.<)

but Yea I've been looking at both Forum's and I'm actually interested in the Mane Rp. Sooo I might try it out. Any hints on how I should make my charrie?

(I normally bred him for war scenarios and battles and stuff...like his Cutie mark is a Scythe..can't have that now can we)

I'm also going to have to ask how in the world You did that Pinkie pie face.............................How did you do the Pinkie Pie face O.o

And and and HIIIIII JANE (I feel rude for not saying this)


Edited by Zeke0125
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Because I live in Sydney, Australia. And in Sydney, Australia, it's 7 o'clock Tuesday evening. :)

As for hints on how to make your character, I'm not RP staff, so someone who is would be better to ask, but since I'm here: try to picture him as a background or secondary character in the show. Would he fit in? As far as we know, Equestria doesn't have too many orphans, and certainly no ponies living in poverty, no mental disorders, and only mild disabilities. Don't aim for something tragic, aim for something lighthearted and fun! A weapon could be a cutie mark if it's for sport (such as a competitive fencer or an actor who likes to be in plays containing battles) or if it's necessary for their job (one of Celestia's royal guards? That would work).

As for the Pinkie Pie face, it's just this smilie : D sans space. :D :D :D

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All of those idea's sound splendid and amazing thank you...I might be able to work something out....hmmmm

soooo like this? :D :D I HOPE I DID IT RIGHT! (YEEEEEEEEEEEEES I DID IT!!!!!!!!!!!)

But I wasn't thinking like hint's on "how to fill out the application form"

I was thinking "Hints on how to make my war oriented character more peaceful" And you helped me perfectly so thank you Jane >.<

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Hi, welcome!

So I end up always doing my own thing and revamping the world completely...

I highly recommend looking over our rules, policies, and stickies -- and perhaps checking out some RP threads -- before you decide to take the plunge on World of Equestria roleplay. We're quite specific about the world as a whole, which is not open to be "revamped" by random players. As a character application is required, I also recommend you look over the process carefully before writing one. You'll save yourself a lot of headache. Feel free to ask questions!

With all that said, I hope you have lots of fun!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi, welcome!

I highly recommend looking over our rules, policies, and stickies -- and perhaps checking out some RP threads -- before you decide to take the plunge on World of Equestria roleplay. We're quite specific about the world as a whole, which is not open to be "revamped" by random players. As a character application is required, I also recommend you look over the process carefully before writing one. You'll save yourself a lot of headache. Feel free to ask questions!

With all that said, I hope you have lots of fun!

Oh that didn't need to be explained. i wasn't talking about the Main thread when I stated the revamping part. I was talking about the other threads. The main RP is like an untouchable set place where only gods rule the land (Joking about that) I just wanted to convey my understanding of this. and the fact I have yet to create a character model to even START Rping (I roleplay in many other threads) So I know about the strictness that "official" rp blogs like this one have. Sorry if i seemed like I just wanted to come in and be all "discord up in here" cause that wasn't my intention at all lols >.<

and I've been studying the rules pretty well (need another refresher before I start posting ANYTHING character creation related) Basically studying before I answer the test questions is how I put it lol >.<

Thanks for the wonderful reception btw. I've had some really bad ones and I genuinely feel accepted even though I haven't done anything yet lols

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