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Sir Joshua: The Joy-Rider, at your service!


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About Myself: My name is Joshua and I am 26 years old. I'm a Christian, a brother, a friend, and (of course) a brony! I enjoy swing dance, reading, writing, comic books, video games, hiking and a bunch of other stuff!

How I found Canterlot.com: I think I heard it mentioned on the Brony documentary...

How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: I watched an episode with my niece and her parents, then she took a nap and they continued watching it. I thought it was strange, but I stayed and watched as well. I watched more on my own because I wanted to draw closer to my niece, and then I realized that I absolutely loved the show!

My favourite main cast pony/s: Fluttershy,Pinkamina Diane Pie
Hello all! So, I think I pretty much said all I needed to say above, but yeah... I don't know too many other bronies and I felt like I was missing out a bit on the community so, here I am!

Another thing, though... I am moving to Toronto in the fall and I don't know any bronies currently. I was kind of hoping to meet some when I move or even before I moved. Is that possible?

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Hey Joshua, welcome to Canterlot! :) I hope you have a good time here! :D

To edit your post, there should be an edit button on the bottom right side of your post, although if I recall correctly, that may not be available to members with less than three posts(?). Though that may just be the full editor.

If you're looking for a meet-up group so that you can get in touch with bronies in your area, check out this EQD post. It looks like there's a meet-up group in your city so maybe you can get in touch with them. :) I try to go to my local meet ups two or three times a month, and I highly recommend it! :)

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Haha, it's no problem, Joshua - I'm glad to help! :)

Dont trust Jane. She's a liar!

Thanks, Derpyy - just call me Pinocchio. :P

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