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Oh why hello thar. Since it's still swimming around in me brain....

What made you decide to start up yer business, and what will its name be?

Note: You may not want to tell us the name in case you have yet to register the domain name.

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Oh why hello thar. Since it's still swimming around in me brain....

What made you decide to start up yer business, and what will its name be?

Note: You may not want to tell us the name in case you have yet to register the domain name.

Lol, yeah, i can imagine one of you jerks stealing it fro munder my nose =P But i do feel the name is a bit free-domain-y... A word you can't really say belongs to one person...

But yeah, the real question. There are a couple of reasons...

1:The financial reason= Low risk, medium maintenance and high profit, easy money but you gotta have money first.

2: I originally wanted to start up a physical store because i felt there wasnt a place for people to buy their fan-related items besides Hot Topic and Spencers, neither of them being a real 'family friendly' place to be... i mean your grandma would never go into those places to get you a birthday present... but my store they would!

3:... I'm tired of working under someone... i'm tired of my future being based around someone elses subjective opinion of me and the quality of my being, especially whne they're being hypocritical about what they preach.... If my future relies on a person who tells me that i should utalize my time more wisely before going over and chatting with the office staff for ten minutes, than i'm dead in the water... So i'm gonna start my own business! Wit blackjack! And hookers! (references, sorry, hehe) But really, if i expect to see a brighter future, i'm gonna have to go out and get it myself!

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I would say Fruit Salad, because i love a love them all =3

buuut... let's see...


Fudge... (that's not my answer, that's me replacing expletives with appropriate words)

I cna't think of any fruits... liek... al lthe fruits in the world are no gone...

I work in a grocery store and i can't think of fruits...


Fluttershy's a straberry cause she's too sweet and tender for me to handle, but i love her in small doses...

um... that's all i got x-x

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I wouldn't click this if I were you...

I'm Warning you!





So then, you work at a grocery store eh? Mind if I ask which grocery store and what position you hold?

I myself am looking for a job in a local supermarket, anything's better than the current job I have (more retail.)

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Bwahaha! Nice, did you like... JUST draw that?

Publix, it's in the south mostly, just entering NC, so you may not knwo about it... and i'm a cashier... dull as dishwater job... Trust me... if you can avoid it, go for a specific department... This is my job all day


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scanning **** for 6-9 hours...

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Yes, because the thought of Flootershy as a Strawberry gave me a giggle! :lol:

Scanning all day as a job you say? That really doesn't sound that bad to be honest, and you're correct I haven't heard of Publix.

Who's the pony in your avatar and what does he do?

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It's not hard, but it's tedious and unrewarding... The people treat you like a robot half the time... Some times there are good people, but when you thank the heavens that you get to clean all the bathrooms or take out the garbage just to do somethign different, yuo know something's wrong....

I call him Vulpus =3 He's my OC, and a brief version of his backstory is he lost his leg in a rockslide as a kid, got a prosthetic, and pushed himself to prove that he was still capable of great things while searching for his cutie mark, unaware that the 'scar' on his flank is actually his cutie mark.

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