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Wounds will Heal

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Hello everypony! My new OC has recently been accepted and I had this idea while I was making his app page.

I haven't seen a RP like this yet. Or at least I haven't checked hard enough yet..But anyways!

So the RP. Now the RP will be set in Trottingham.

Trottingham is seen as a very big..vacation city. I know you all know what there is to do in vacation cities. They have attractions and everything else!

Now, what can happen on a vacation? Sure...ponies can get tan(I guess XD) and they can have fun. But also...

Ponies can get injured!

Now now. I'm not meaning like..death! I mean simple injury. Compared to death that is.

Example. A pegasus breaks his/her wing playing a game with his/her friends or an earth pony or a unicorn breaks a leg. Or a pegasus breaks a leg! Or fractures it or anything! A pony can come in for headaches and pains! You name an injury and I'll work with it!

Now what I was hoping for. Here is what I was envisioning. My OC, Heart Monitor, is at his office at the hospital. And your OCs, or canon characters if you wish, were checked into the hospital a little while ago. They have already had their injuries bandaged up. But they are still in the bedridden stage. Where they are encouraged to stay in the hospital. But it is just a day or two after their injury. What I was meaning by their injuries being bandaged up..say a pony breaks their leg. When the RP starts they start with a cast on their leg. But they still can't walk on it. Very well that is.

Anyways! Once your OC has been checked in Heart will come and check on them. And the Rp will begin. Now this is going to be a rather slow RP. But I had this all planned out, This RP is just mainly a little thread for Characters to bond with fellow roleplayers and me! :)

Example: Your OC checks in and is in bed. Heart trots in and you know they chat a bit. Then (assuming this is a pony that broke their leg) Heart will recommend that you and the OC go on a walk and he will help you.

Or anything! His cutie mark is helping make ponies happy! It is his life's dream to help ponies!

So please! If you are interested then please let me know! Post your questions as well! Thank you! :)

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I'm assuming this isn't exclusively for tourists in Trottingham?

If not, I'm sure Copper is bound to be injured at some point, what with him working with large mechanical machines and whatnot.

Well count me in anyways!

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