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Hi, the name's Arrowghost. Found this forum out of popularity and I'm bored until Season 4 arrives.

Do call me Arrows, or BBK to those who know me from Deviantart and Youtube, I'm known for the "Command & Conquer Red Alert" flash animations. Also loving some classic movies, music, TV series including the good classic of the G1 era, I apologize to those who doesn't like that era. Babs Seed song being my favorite due to its oldie style from the 70s.

But anyway, would love to hang around for a while or if not play at the other threads.

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Oh, of course. Thank you. Hmm... I wonder if I can enjoy some G1-flavoured topics around here, it's kind of rare except the 1 year obsolete "All Generation Tolerance? " thread. Hopefully I prefer to start a new one rather than reviving old ones. Reviving old ones including those from very early times is more like Steam Forum rules would to say.

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