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Cody "Chaos" Blaze (Ready)


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((also just look at my profile pic and that's my pony))

Roleplay Type: Free for All RP

Name: Cody "Chaos" Blaze

Sex: Young Stallion

Species: Pegasus

Eye colour: Bright Red

Coat colour: Fire Red

Mane/Tail:Red and Gold coloured mane and tail. Medium length, rough cut, but a little bit groomed

Physique: Mild build. Able to keep up with anypony on hoof. And is very fast. Built to do any kind of work and is able to keep it up

Appearance: A normal sized pony with a golden yellow jacket. an amber necklace with a small dragon tooth stuck inside the middle of it.

Likes: Stargazing, helping others, training to be a better fighter and flyer, reading ancient history, reading legends, the Royal Guard and archeology.

Motivation: Cody really wants to know more about this power he has. Plus he also wants to find out what is his meaning? He already lost so much but he knows there's gotta be more out there for him. But he also wants others to be happy. He's willing to do almost anything if that could make them smile. He's also very motivated in helping others.

Dislikes: Bullies, anyone who hurt others, lowlifes, criminals, and other's who hurt the ones he cares for.

Origin: He was born in Corralwood Corral. Traveled to Stalliongrad after he was adopted then went to an orphanage for two more years. then he left and was adopted again by some buffalo then after three more years traveled Equestria for awhile until staying in ponyville.

Residence: Ponyville

Occupation: None. He is willing to work with anyone at an job as long as he knows that he can trust them and that they trust him back.

Cutie Mark: A golden star with a red delta in front of it. His cutie mark represents courage and protection. His talent his to protect anyone he cares for even at the cost of his life.

History: He was abandon as a foal near the Corralwood Corral forest. He doesn't know why he was abandon. He thought it couldve been a mistake. Other times he thought it was due to his bizarre wings. They looked unlike another pegasi's wings. But as a wandering couple of unicorns walked by they adopted him and took him to their home in Stalliongrad. They raised him like any other parent would. They taught him that he should be kind and caring to others no matter what. He was very happy for those few years. That is until a fire broke out killing his parents. He was sent to a orphanage after that.

The kids picked on him constantly due to his wings and that the fact anything he touched was destroyed with ease. Hence they called him Chaos due to he caused nothing but that at the orphanage. He couldn't take it anymore. He ran from his orphanage as much as he can until he came across a tribe of buffaloes. They took him in as one of their own. He made many friends and many good memories too. The Tribe Chief. Chief Feather-Horn taught him a little bit more. Plus they trained him in their way of how they see nature. They called it Aura Sense. It's an ability only this tribe knows. But they figured it they should teach him.

Years have gone by after they truly accepted him into the tribe. After awhile another fire broke out at the forest near their village. Cody rushed in their and tried to save as man animals as he can. But as he did one of his friends Crumble-Grass was trapped under a tree and he couldn't get to him before the fire was about to consume him. Cody couldn't bare the thought of losing anyone so all he could do is pray. But as he did the fire started flowing into Cody as his friend was rescued.

After that the tribe gave him a small notebook holding some information. Turns out that Cody Blaze was chosen to hold onto a rare power called The Eternal Flame. So far in the notebook it could only give out a few details. It was a very old legend. One that dates back before Discord, The Princesses and Even before the Elements of Harmon's creation. It talked about how someone tried to find a way to control the sun's power. He couldn't do it. But somehow they made two gems tat holds their power. But that was it. A lot of the details were worn out. Cody knew he now had something to find. The full Legend of The Eternal Flame.

Years have passed and Cody Became has grown up a bit. He was starting to head back into the village. But in his arrival the whole village was destroyed and every single tribe member was dead. He was alone again. He took what they tribe gave him and he headed out to find a new place to call home. And as it went by in his younger youth he did get into lots of fights including one with a very big dragon. But as that went on he grew more and more until he knew that protecting anyone is more important than personal gain. He also traveled Equesrtia to learn more and find more about that legend. He now lives in Ponyville as a pony for hire. He's willing to work anywhere with anyone that needs help as long it's the right cause.

Character Summary: Cody Blaze is a strong caring kind pegasus. But he does get too cocky and stubborn. He has a very good heart and is willing to do the right thing no matter what. But he can get hurt too quickly. And when he does he becomes a very depressed pony thinking that his life has no meaning. He is very strong and very fast. He's also a bit of a pacifist. But is willing to fight if needed.

Plus he is not only very wise but he speaks many different languages from his travels. From regular Equestrian, to Neighponese, to Dragonic,to even ancient Equestrian. Plus he's a very skilled fighter. True he's not as strong as Big Mac or as fast as RD. But due to what he learned from the buffalo tribe and others along the way he can just hit a pressure point and fling you over him like you were made of paper.

Plus he's go more to that too. Due to Aura Sense he can see tons of things from mostly the colour of you. Depending on what colour you have Like with RD. Since here coat is cyan her aura wold be cyan. but there's more to it. The brighter it is the more positive emotions he can read and the darker the more dark emotions he can see. He's pretty much a living lie detector and scanner. But the more powerful the pony is like if he faces Twilight he won't be able to read her movements. So the more powerful his opponent the more he is at a disadvantage.

And finally his unique power. The Eternal Flame of Hope. With this he can do a few things. Control and summon fire, Absorb it, use it to increase his speed, and can teleport with it. But only to places he's been to already. And if you're wondering what it looks like. Pretty much fire swirls around him until it looks likes he's turn to ashes then he reappears the same way but at where he's been to before.

His flaws are very simple. Hurt the ones he cares for or treat him like he's useless and he'll start thinking like that. He'll either be at a place that makes him calm or at home just wanting to be left along until either the pain passes or he does.

But Cody is a very brave pony. He is willing to sacrifice himself if that work. and he would do it too. But he's not stupid. He will know if he's being tricked or used. But he'll just go with it until he can figure a way out of the problem. Also he is very cunning. He can just as easily trick you like Discord can. But he would only use it against his enemies. Never on the ones he cares for.

((And I apologize for any grammar error here. I have Aspergers.))

Edited by CodyBlaze
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To give you a quick heads-up on our RP types:

:Celest: World of Equestria - Character application required!

Canterlot's canon-friendly roleplay, World of Equestria (or WoE/Mane RP) is a strict, structured game that mirrors the basic principles, rules, and continuity (canon) of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. Characters here must pass a review process by our volunteer staff to be deemed acceptable for play in this area. This game also features players that play Cast from FiM.

:Luna: Free for All - No application required.

Free for All is an area designated for any character, and anything you can dream. This is a good place to test new character concepts, story ideas, and to meet new and interesting players. Mature content must go in the 18+ sub-section.

From what I see, this app will take considerable revisions before we can accept your OC as a WoE character. However, you can avoid a lengthy review process by assigning your OC to FFA instead. There, you have no limits in how you can use your character just as long as you follow the site rules. The best thing about FFA: you can start RPing there right now without an approved app! :D

NOTE: You can only mark apps as either for WoE or FFA, but not both. Please pick one or the other.

PS: Feel free to make a thread to introduce yourself here. Note that you will need to make three posts before you can edit this thread's title to include your character's name and either [WiP] or [Ready], which is required for all apps.

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You have to choose one Roleplay type for your OC, either WoE or FFA. Please edit your app accordingly, as we don't allow apps with more than one RP type. Since you are still very new around here, I sincerely recommend changing your RP Type to just FFA, as you can get valuable experience first in a less-confined environment before participating in a more structured and canon-loyal RP like WoE. ^_^

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I highly recommend Free for All. You can play there right now, in fact, without an application. If you'd like to use this application as a reference, please edit your application type by clicking "Edit" then "Use Full Editor." Change your title to "Chaos Cody Blaze" -- or whatever name your OC is -- and change the "RP Type" in the application form to just "Free for All." Saying "and World of Equestria" means that this application type is meant for WoE, which is an entirely different beast concerning application design. If you don't feel like doing all that, we can just archive this application, too. Your choice.

Let us know if you have any further questions. :)

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Alright then, please edit the thread title with your OC's name by using the full editor for your opening post, and we can stamp this app. :)

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