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Cloud Streaker (ready)


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World of Equestria

Name: Cloud Streaker but called Clouds by her siblings

Sex: Female

Age: Young Filly

Species: Pegasus

Eye colour: Crimson red

Coat: Dusty gray with chocolate brown patches

Mane/Tail: Dark blue some would say true blue with white streaks. They are both thick and her mane is pulled back into a tight ponytail that her pointed ears curve to unless shes flying then its down and loose. Her tail is long alittle to long for her small size but its not styled its just down with a natural curliness to it.

Physique: Abit average height and weight wise for her age but shes also shorter than most.

Cutie Mark: Shes still a blank flank.

History: From the time she opened her eyes she's always been close to her older sister Mic Check. She tends to have an extra skip in her step but is also a very weak flyer. She CAN fly she just isn't very good because she prefers walking. She gets alittle better with the help of her siblings who take her flying at night outside town. She has an affinity for ribbons and other things that go in her hair that came from her mother. She has all sorts of colours but never really wears them unless its for a reason. At a young age she had a hard time seeing and often flew and walked into things. One day as it started to become a problem at school she was sad in her room. Her sister came in with a big smile and sat in front of her younger sister."It's fine Clouds. Alot of little foals cant see well. Here. These will help." The older placed a pare of light blue glasses on her face and Cloud Streaker blinked. The world had become clear and she was so excited to see clearly for the first time since she could remember! At dinner a year later her older brother announced he was leaving for Manehattan to work the next day. Mic Check was dissapointed but decided to go with him to follow her dreams. Little Cloud Streaker couldn't fathom a life with out her sister and brother and pleaded with her parents to go. The little girl played the baby girl card well, and reminded them how they left home early to follow their dreams. She wanted that same chance. After abit of negotiations they agreed, imagining there little girl could find out more about herself in a big city with more opportunities. She had promised that if she missed home, anything went wrong, or she didn't find out anything about herself she'd return home.

Living with her siblings proved to be very different but they soon all adjusted and Clouds made friends in school. Her joyful personality made other happy to see her just walk by. She isn't very good at making friends for she never really ventures out of her close knit circle but those close to her are always there for her just like her siblings. She has alot of smarts and while her sister got the creativity and her brother the resourcefulness its clear she got the most brains of the three. From being in Manehattan for so long she eventually developed the accent while her siblings didn't. She tends to spew out random facts or other different sayings when silence falls since the normally bustling city life has made quiet very uncomfortable to her. Some find her shy but its just because she's timid. She loves people and goes out of her way to help others which is an admirable trait, she just cant work up the nerve to help strangers and others she doesn't know leaving her abit paranoid.

Residence: She lives in Manehattan with her adult brother and sister but was born in Cloudsdale

Character summary: She isn't very sure what her talent is but its clear she is very mathematically and logically inclined. She is very knit-picky with everything she does everything must be perfect and how she planned, something those around her have learned to accept. Her sisters approval is all she searches for, not knowing that her sister is so free-spirited and open minded that whatever she decides to do will be fine. She loves the soft feel and look of ribbons. From pale ones, shiny ones, old ones, new ones, she has a vast collection. She collects them for the sheer pleasure of seeing how pretty and different each one is. In her free time she reads and plays with her friends. Racing through town and practicing her flying skills. She is a very happy and giggly foal. She's abit of a math fanatic and everything in her world is in its place for a perfectly mathematical reason. She sees many things as a giant math equation in her head. Learning more and more only increases her ever growing love for the subject.

Likes: She loves ribbons and listening to her older sister sing. Its calms her and helps her sleep since her brain is forever racing. She likes apple strudel and carrot cake to the point its abit of an obsession. She also loves math, the subject in general just makes her smile.

Dislikes: Math problems she can't understand irritate her. If its to advanced she gets annoyed because it seems as though it questions the intelligence she possesses. She tends to frown when people are either ignorant of others or just seem to not care in the sense they hurt others for no reason. Bullying is not something she takes kindly to and will stand up for people especially her friends. She doesn't like violence and believes that everything can be solved with talking things out.



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Hiya, I'm Jane, and I'll be the helper looking after this application. :)

There really isn't anything too objectionable here - you have a well-thought out character with an established backstory. I'm a little bit iffy about her living with her siblings instead of with her parents at such a young age - I can't actually think of any parents realistically agreeing to let their daughter move in with their brother when she's still so young. Is there a reason her parents needed to stay in Cloudsdale?

Another thing I would like to recommend is this: could you maybe add a little bit more about how she might interact with other characters, not just her family? I would also recommend going through and reading over it for grammar and spelling mistakes (pretty sure she's gray, not dray ;) ).

Let me know when you've made these changes, and I'll give it another look. :)

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thank you for the feedback is everything ok now?

Everything looks good! I checked with the other staff, and the living arrangements have been given the okay, so I shall send her up to be stamped. :)
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