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Big McIntosh:

The dark blue Pegasus seemed to be the first to react to Big McIntosh giving him a large grin. The friendliness of this new pony was bit surprising to Big McIntosh making him blink a moment at how easily the pony started up a conversation with other ponies. However, Big McIntosh wasn't sure where to go with the conversation making his nerves get the better of him a bit until he noticed that the new addition to the town was smoking like it was on fire.

[colour=#FF0000]"Uh....'cuse mah rudeness fer budden on yer conversation bud ah think we might want ta call the fire department seein' that this thingamajig is smokin'."[/colour]

Big McIntosh said as he motioned his head over to the local town square bell that could alarm the fire fighting ponies that a fire had broken out in square town. It would be bad if this new addition burned down before any pony got to see it.

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Jack turned to the red pony. "No its fine just let it sit. this thing smokes all the time so this is nothing new." He told Big McIntosh. "but I was about to take Denim here on an adventure if you'd like to join us."

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Big McIntosh:

When the pony mentioned that it smoked all the time the large red earth stallion tilted his head a bit confusion.

[colour=#ff0000]"Nauw how'n Equestria does he all know dat Dis thing smokes all da time? Did him'n that earth pony install it? Is it some kinda hay smokin' machine?"[/colour]

Big McIntosh thought to himself as he tried to figure out what the Pegasus meant. Still the Pegasus quickly switched the topic asking if he wanted to go along on an adventure with him and the unicorn.

[colour=#ff0000]"Er sure....nod 'xactly sure whad ya'll are 'xpected da fine seein' that Ponyvilles pretty peaceful durin da summer but ah was moseyin' dauwn to da supply store ta get some nails if'n ya'll want ta join me." [/colour]

The Earth stallion replied as he pointed a hoof down the road to the convenience store that was on the horizon. Sure it wasn't the most exciting idea but it seemed that the pegasus wanted to explore the town a bit judging by the way the fellow stallion grinned at everypony he met and looked at something as if he was a colt seeing it for the first time.

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Jack looked down the road and saw the store that Big Mac mentioned. "Well i may like hardware like the next person, but that's not quiet i had in mind. Denim you were telling me an important date in history. preferably something fun and exciting." He told the two ponies.

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Denim fell in line besides them, biting her lip in thought, "Welll, there's the founding of Equestria. The defeat of King Sombra. The Discordian Era and the Nightmare moon crisis, to name a few."

She says, shrugging, "And then there's the subsequent return and defeat of those three, though those were fairly recent. Not much else I can think of off the top of my head."

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"Just pick one you wish you could have seen then tell me the exact date." Jack told her. He turned to the day dreaming doctor. "I'll write it down for the doc so he knows where we are."

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Big McIntosh:

When the Pegasus shot down his suggestion and went back to mentioning dates Big McIntosh tilted his head again in confusion.

[colour=#ff0000]"Nod 'xactly sure why he keeps goin' on 'bout dates. Maybe he's one dem historical ponies."[/colour]

Big McIntosh thought as the unicorn named Denim mentioned a couple of fairly well known dates in Equestrian History. History had never been a big part of the stallions life since he was a simple orchard keeper but there was one day that he remembered being told about when he was little.

[colour=#ff0000]"Uh..well Ah know of one time ah like'd da see. Ah always wanted da see when mah granpappie founded da Sweet Apple Acres back in 1644. Bud mah question is is hauw are ya'll gonna ged back den? Las' Ah checked time travelin' ain' doable by a Pegasus or even normal unicorns. Only da elite kinda unicorn under Princess Celestia can do that." [/colour]

Big McIntosh commented Jack mentioned that he would leave a note for the other pony who was still looking about at the town.

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Jack turned to Big Mac. "1644 it is." he said. He grabbed Denim and and BigMcIntosh. "hold on to my hoof when I tell you ok." He sat down and using his other hoof awkwardly set the Vortex Manipulator to the year 1644. "Ok hold on now." He told them. grabbed both ponies and they vanished.

Jack found him self standing in the middle of nowhere and the only signs of other life was the pilgrim caravan in the distance.

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Big McIntosh:

Before Big McIntosh could even react the dark blue Pegasus grabbed onto him and started to play with something on his pastern until suddenly there was a flash of light blinding the large red apple stallion. As Big McIntosh adjusted his emerald green eyes to his surroundings he noticed that the ponyville was no longer around and instead the three ponies stood in a prairie field.

[colour=#ff0000]"Whad'n da hay? Where are we an whad happen ta Ponyville?"[/colour]

Big McIntosh asked still not quite understanding what had happened. As he looked around in a daze off in the distance the large red stallion noticed a small caravan moving towards their direction. Though Big McIntosh couldn't completely make out the details of the caravan it had a similar shape to the caravans that Granny Apple had described in her stories when she would tell him bed time stories back when he was a young colt.

[colour=#ff0000]"Ah guess I should more ask whad'n da hay did I get myself into?"[/colour]

The large stallion thought to himself as he looked from them then to Jack trying to determine if this was some kind of prank that maybe Pinkie pie or the cutie mark crusaders had set up.

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"Oooh, well this is convincing." Denim says, glancing around at her surroundings, "Ponyville's gone, and there's next to nothing else. Fascinating."

She trots a short distance away from the two stallions, still looking around before she wheels about to face them, "That's a fancy device you got there, Jack. Who enchanted it for you? I'd love to meet them!"

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Jack turned to the ponies. "Welcome to the year 1644. the founding of ponyvillie." he said putting on his best doctor voice. He turned to Denim when she asked about his VM (Vortex Manipulator) being enchanted. "It's not enchanted its from the future where peop- I mean ponies can travel through time and space freely. Its a Vortex Manipulator." He explained. He trotted forward a little bit. "Now listen I need you two to promise not to tell any one about me or the Doctor or the very fabric of space and time could come undone and life would cease to exist." he told them.

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"Just because it's from the future doesn't mean it's not enchanted. I don't really see it ever working without magic." Denim says, looking at the small device with scrutiny, before shrugging and looking around at her surroundings again, "Sure thing. Though it's gonna be kinda hard not to tell ponies about you guys if you end up staying in Ponyville. Especially with that box."

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Big McIntosh:

Future devices? Fabric of space and time being undone? time traveling? The large stallions head was spinning from all the odd things the Pegasus was mentioning.


Was the only thing that Big McIntosh could think to say when Jack asked them not to tell anypony about him,the doc, or anything else.

[colour=#ff0000]"Not like any pony would believe me if'n ah did mention ya'll."[/colour]

Big McIntosh thought as he watched the unicorn look around the empty field mentioning that she was convinced that they had time traveled. It certainly did look like they had time traveled since the large work horse had never seen such fields before and only heard about them but the stallion wasn't hundred percent convinced.

[colour=#ff0000]"Now ah ain' no mathematical pony bud ain' us bein' here gonna have some affect on da time stream 'er somethin?" [/colour]

Big McIntosh asked as he made a few steps back from the pegasus as he continued to watch the small caravan in the distance wanting to go see if it really was the caravans that Granny Smith had mentioned in her stories.

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Jack smiled at Denim "good point. don't worry about that we have cover stories." he told her he turned to big mac. "No as long as we don't mess with any thing to big we should be fine. besides I have a Feeling that the founding of any town or city is always going to happen. Besides if time was going to unravel because of us being here it would happen through all of time." he explained looking triumph.

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"So if we did screw something up here, then we would have felt the repercussions of that happening in the time we came from? Like throwing a stone in a pond, the ripples spread out over the entire surface of the water?"

Denim says, brushing a bit of her mane out of her eyes, "But what about alternate realities, or timelines? Maybe we did screw something up here, and that branches us off into another time? I'm probably thinking to deeply into it, but hey, that's always where the fun stuff is!"

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Denim shakes her head slightly, "No no no.. Well, OK, maybe for something small. But you missed my point. What I meant was if we screwed something important up. Like, even something we didn't know was important. Like if we inadvertently caused the death of some influential pony, is what I meant."

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"Ok then. But as I said before events are set in stone. Doesn't matter who does it as long as its done. Things can be delayed but not prevented without punishment." Jack told Denim "look what I'm trying to say is... time is complicated. things happen for a reason." he looked at her and an idea in appeared in his head. He walked up to Denim "It's hard to explain... things are just random."

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"True as that may be, we would still be tampering," she brushes a bit of her mane out of her eyes as she speaks, "If we caused another pony to perform an act that wasn't meant for them originally, it would still be a different history."

Denim sighs as the lock of her mane falls in front of her eyes again and she beds her head down to readjust it. When she lifts her head again, she sees Jack is standing slightly closer to her. The mare raises an eyebrow, "Is there a reason you are standing closer?"

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"unless we were meant to be here. thats what you would call fate." Jack said in response. He watch her fiddle with her mane. "here let me help you." he push her mane back and ran his hoof from the top of her head to the back of her neck. Then spontaneously pulled her in to him and kissed her. "Like i said things are random." he said letting go.

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"Oh, thanks, but I can--" Denim had begun respond when Jack when he pushed back her mane, but was cut off by the kiss. When he released her, she gave him a scrutinizing look, "Well that.. was certainly spontaneous.. and random," she cleared her throat and looked up at the pegasus for a few seconds before punching him squarely in the jaw, "But that certainly wasn't."

She takes a couple steps back from him, "Sorry about that. I'm just one of those that takes things a little.. slower."

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Jack rubbed his his jaw. "Don't worry about it we've got time. Now back to what's at stake." he walked up to big mac who was standing quietly. "lets go talk to that caravan and see if the need help." he starting to trot forward then stopped. "Wait I think we need to change in to something more 1644's." He said to them.

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Big McIntosh:

As the large work horse watched the two ponies argue over some theories about time and space the red apple stallion couldn't help but feel like the odd pony out. Still from what he could gather the three of them being in "1644" wasn't going to have much of an effect by what the Pegasus mentioned even though the unicorn thought it would.

[colour=#ff0000]"Well ah can think of some way ta figure out if'n were back in 1644."[/colour]

Big McIntosh thought to himself as he remembered where him and Applejack had carved there names into a stone on the farm. If it was there then the Pegasus was lying about the time if not then he was telling the truth. However a large smack sound brought the earth stallion back to the two when he noticed that the mare had hit the fellow stallion in the face with her hoof mentioning something about taking it slow. Big McIntosh couldn't help but roll his emerald green eyes as he quickly pieced together what the Pegasus had done while he was thinking about how to prove if this really was 1644.

[colour=#ff0000]"He may look like ah stallion bud he still a colt a heart."[/colour]

The work horse thought to himself when Jack went up to him and mentioned if he wanted to go see the caravans and see if they needed help. Even though Big McIntosh didn't exactly know when or really even where he was if this was Ponyville it was still the neighborly thing to do.


He simple replied to the question as he turned towards the caravans and began to walk. However before the three even began to get close the Pegasus suddenly stopped and mentioned that they need a wardrobe change.

[colour=#ff0000]"Nnnope. No thanks."[/colour]

Big McIntosh replied in a simple manner. Sure maybe the other two might need some changes; mainly the Pegasus, but Big McIntosh didn't like the idea of changing his work stuff. Besides his yolk was originally from his great great grand pappie so it more than likely fit in.

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Jack looked at Big Mac and how his cloths looked pretty old already. "Ok you may be good but maybe me Denim need a change." he said turning to Denim "How about we get some clothes?" he asked her.

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