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Sugar Mint ice cream and sweet shop (open)

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Pandora grinned at the wink and giggled "YEAH! I wanna try it!" She flew up to nestle onto Celestia's head though, leaning her head against the princesses horn, nuzzling it a bit. She was glad the other was there, it was sort of odd that a being of pure chaos was perfectly happy around such a force of order and law, but that was Pandora! She was comforted by parental figures, and anypony with half a brain would notice that Celestia never once corrected Pandora and told her to not call her Mother.

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Crystal, Conquest, and Streak emerged from under a table, finished with their ice cream and curious about the uproar in the shop. Once they had taken in the scene around them, their jaws dropped. "OH." "MY." "GOSH!" the three young ponies gasped. Streak immediately gravitated towards Rainbow Dash after a quick, respectful bow to Celestia. "Princess Celestia?!" Crystal breathed, shocked. "Cool! A draqonequus!" Conquest said, his eyes widening.

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"But... It's CELESTIA! And RAINBOW DASH! And Hoity Toity, and a DRAQONEQUUS!" Conquest said excitedly. Streak looked up at Rainbow Dash, grinning widely. The little battered brown pegasus was overjoyed to be meeting Rainbow Dash. "Hi!" he said, fluttering his wings a bit. Meanwhile, Conquest was jumping up and down to get a better look at the draqonequus on Celestia's head, and Crystal was simply staring around the shop, her eyes wide with shock.

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All of a sudden, a strange electrical sphere materialized in the middle of the ice cream. Slowly but surely, the shape of a unicorn could be discerned through the flurry of activity characteristic of a rip through space and time. Once the sphere dissipated, all that remained was the sight of a smirking amber mare.....


[colour=#ff0000]"Heh,"[/colour] gloated Sunset Shimmer, the unfaithful former student of Princess Celestia; [colour=#ff0000]"Looks like the Mirror wasn't the only way back to Equestria after all....."[/colour]

(OOC: Let the AU mayhem begin!)

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Even after all of the oddities in the ice cream shop -- Celestia appearing, some weird Draconequus, and Sunset Shimmer barging in, Rainbow was caught up looking at her reflection in a malt tin. She posed smugly as the chaos ensued around her, examining her teeth for any stray chocolate bits from her sundae.. [colour=#6699cc]"Hey Rainbow! You're looking awesome as usual!" [/colour]She said to herself cooly, grinning widely.

The bouncing of a young, brown colt pegasus caught her attention. A fan? She glanced down at Streak, flaring her wings in greeting. [colour=#6699cc]"Heyo kiddo! Did you want my autograph?"[/colour]

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Streak froze for a moment. "Yes!" he said, looking around for a pen and something to write on. "I'm a really big fan, and I want to fly just like you! You're awesome!" he gushed as he spun in circles in search of writing utensils.

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[colour=#6699cc]"You look like you've got some big, strong wings," [/colour]Rainbow said cheerfully, ruffling the top of Streak's mane. [colour=#6699cc]"No pen? No problem. I've gotcha covered." [/colour]

Rainbow Dash grabbed a napkin, dipped her hoof in her empty sundae dish -- coating it with leftover chocolate syrup -- and stamped it on the napkin. She nudged it off the table in front of Streaks. [colour=#6699cc]"There ya go! One autograph of Miss Rainbow Dash, future Captain of the Wonderbolts!" [/colour]She said with a wink and a grin. She briefly examined her light-blue hoof, now coated in sticky fudge, and turned back to face her young fan. [colour=#6699cc]"So eh, are you able to fly yet? You look like you're a natural!"[/colour]

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Streak grinned widely and carefully placed the sticky chocolate autograph in his saddlebag. "Yeah, I can fly! I was the fastest flyer at the orphanage! Wanna see?" Streak said proudly, flaring his wings and puffing out his chest.

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Rainbow dismounted herself from the stool with a flip, stretching her wings before trotting for the door.

[colour=#6699cc]"Hay yeah I do, kid! Show me your stuff! If I like what I see, maybe I can give you a few pointers!" [/colour]

The cerulean pegasus held the door open for the young pegasus colt with her wing, looking him over with her fierce magenta gaze. [colour=#6699cc]"Let's go, let's go! Hussle hussle!"[/colour]

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Streak eagerly bolted outside and stretched his wings a bit. "Ready?" he said, looking as fierce as a little colt could. Once he had made sure Rainbow Dash was watching, he took off at a great speed, flying to a great height, then diving through three clouds and sticking the landing with a triple flip. "How was that?" he panted, sweat glistening on his coat. Meanwhile, in the shop, Conquest was getting frustrated. "Hey Celestia, can I touch your draqonequus?" the earth colt said eagerly, still jumping to get a good look at the odd creature.

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