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the portal to equestria


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I probs wouldn't. Miss my family and stuff, all that blah. But mainly because there are admittedly very little things I could enjoy there. Yeah, sure, it's Equestria and all, but my hobbies, and I know that more than half of them interact pretty much entirely around the internet and video games. The other few could be a plausibility in Equestria, like painting/assembling models, drawing, etc.

And said hobbies are usually done with friends, and I know I could never bring myself to leave them. I don't think I could relate to many ponies either, since, for example, the way I relate to people is usually to do with the modern age or the internet. Plus, I have pretty crude humour aswell, which probably won't be appreciated by the coloured equines.

I also have a deep fear of seclusion in the sense of not having anyone to come to for comfort (Once again, family and very close friends), and I don't think ponies would have that same sense of comfort in my eyes, due to them being an entirely different species and all. Sure, I would come around eventually, but that would not be until a while, and I would be sure to have a mental breakdown by then.

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I never really used the internet to socialize with people to begin with...

I do, but sadly, never interact with them a lot, just me with my computer every single day and rarely go out, yet alone finding a girlfriend. :( That's just sad, as much as I want to change, it's hard when technology can turn on us. Let's not forget the NSA privacy scandal.

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First I'd check if I was dreaming, then I would probably jump in. Being given a chance to experience a situation like that would be phenomenal, and not taking advantage of it would simply be stupid. Of course at the time I would probably think I could one day go back, or at least some how say goodbye. (Hey maybe I'd get cell service in Equestria) If I couldn't I would probably have tons of regrets. But if I could go back or say goodbye, I would have no regrets in going there.

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Question 1. What has technology come to be in Equestria when I jump in? Are their cell phones, or is it canon tech? Because if I could I would something like the beginning of a star trek episode on my cell phone: send them to my family each day. "Equestrians log: today, pinkie pie fed me a cupcake. It tasted like steak. Weird.

Question 2. If somepony in Equestria created this portal, couldn't it be created again? Unless this is some 1000 year summer celebration mumbo jumbo, it's already been proven on numerous occasions that most spells and such only take two things, the things that most shows that kids watch have implemented into them: practice and care. Take the Twilight sparkle montage in the wedding episode. It shows Twilight and Shining helping each other to become stronger unicorns. Some years later, Twily has mastered TELEPORTATION, which is something I'm sure most people have always wanted to do.

But now I'm getting way off task. Yes, I'd jump through the portal.

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I do, but sadly, never interact with them a lot, just me with my computer every single day and rarely go out, yet alone finding a girlfriend. :( That's just sad, as much as I want to change, it's hard when technology can turn on us. Let's not forget the NSA privacy scandal.

Well, at least for me, I'm still in highschool. The social atmosphere isn't beneficial for me. I plan on doing more socially things when I exit highschool.

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