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[Trottingham] Of Gems and Baubles (Attn: Nom; Open!)


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River Song

River yawned as she sleepily made her way down the stairs, carefully not to trip and fall. That was definitely not an ideal way to start the day. The light blue filly brushed back her messy navy blue mane so it didn't fall into her eyes. Today was the day that she agreed to help her older sister, Coral Gem, around her shop: Merpony's Baubles. Situated near the edge of the easternmost Nimbusgait Lake, the two storeyed shophouse had a touristy yet mystical feel about it. Lovingly hoofcrafted necklaces and hooflets were displayed by the window, and an elaborate yet elegant windchime hung by the door. Transluscent sea green drapes hung at the slightly blue stained glass windows, pulled back by a deep green rope. The walls were of varying shades of turquoise and sea blue, giving off the impression of water. The floor was covered with unpolished dark wood planks, sanded down so nopony would get a splinter in their hoof.

River quickly greeted Coral with a hug before moving to flip the sign so that it said: Open! Just to maintain that professional atmosphere, River had left her pipe upstairs at her sister's insistence. It didn't feel quite right being parted with it, but she'd live. It was only for a day. With that thought in mind, Ruver stationed herself by one of the cases, a smile upon her face.

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Marbles trotted along ahead of her parents. The dusty grey foal hadn't been to Trottingham in a while, and she was quite happy to see all the sights again. She began to head for the lake, but then something caught her eye. It was a little shop by the lake- and it was full of shiny things. Marbles' light green eyes widened as she made a sharp turn into the shop, nearly running over a filly and tripping over her own hooves immediately afterwards. She shook her her fluffy light blue and white mane out of her eyes and stood up, taking everything in with extreme delight.

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River idly glanced out of the street, noticing the lack of people. It was only the start of the summer season, and early in the morning, so it was understood that the streets would be relatively empty. Already bored, the filly glanced back at her older sister with an expression that clearly showed just how restless she was. Coral merely replied with an amused chuckle before turning back to polishing the till. Suddenly, something- somepony barrelled in through the entrance behind her and rolled impressively for a bit before coming to a stop and standing up. The newcomer was just a foal, perhaps an older one. She had an adorably excited expression on her face and a clear appreciation for the items around her. Composing herself, River drew a smile onto her lips and stepped towards the foal, tapping her gently with a hoof. River gestured to the collection of items on display before raising an eyebrow enquiringly.

From her post behind the counter, Coral appraisingly watched her sister and the foal, smiling in approval.

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Marbles looked at the filly, grinning widely. "Oh, hullo!" the little unicorn said, glancing at the displays again for a moment. "I've got a collection of pretty thingsh like theshe." She added, turning pleadingly to her parents, who chuckled and proceeded to ask what she wanted. She She slowly examined everything around her, obviously pleased. Her eyes finally came to rest on a shiny little thing, a light blue sapphire crystal expertly cut and smoothed into a sphere about the size of a golf ball. "Thish one, pleashe!" she said, pointing at the pretty object in the display. Her parents paid for the gem and gave it to Marbles, but it was obvious that Marbles didn't plan on leaving quite yet. She pranced about, still enthralled by all of the lovely pieces around her.

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River giggled silently, inwardly melting at the little foal. The filly noticed that when she spoke, she had a slight lisp. Perhaps she could grow out of it in time, or it might remain. Either way, she had a such an enthusiastic personality that it was hard not to love her, lisp and all. River followed behind the foal- had she mentioned her name? River didn't think so. When the foal chose her gem, she couldn't help but be impressed. The gem was one that Coral had found after a hard day's work, and spent many loving hours cutting it and smoothing it to perfection.

That was why River loved her sister so much. Coral had a unique eye for the world, and somehow managed to make everything beautiful by finding the beauty underneath, and then coaxing it out to the surface. With half her attention on the foal, River could faintly hear her sister talk to the foal's parents, commenting on what an adorable child they had. After a few minutes, River figured out that the foal was more drawn to the shiny and colourful objects. With a gentle nudge, River gestured to the display shelf in the corner where Coral kept the coloured river stones. Some of them were transluscent, and some fully opaque, each stained a different shade by the minerals that floated around in their waters.

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Marbles gazed blissfully at each stone, obviously taking in every aspect of each one. She turned to River, still grinning. "Hiya! I'm Dushty Marblesh, but you can jusht call me Marblesh. Who are you?" she said cheerfully, her gaze flitting about the room. For a moment, she seemed to forget she had asked a question, lost in the facets of different gems. She could hear her parents talking to the other older pony and chuckling as they watched her. Marbles suddenly turned to them, seeming to have a great idea. "Mama, Papa! Can I shtay here a while with, uh... What'sh-her-name? Or maybe bring her back with ush to shee my collecshun? Ooh! Or we could collect river shtones?" she gushed excitedly, her gaze never fixed on one thing for very long before glimpsing something else interesting.

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