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Hello, Fauxteuthis here. I've been a brony for a while and have wanted to get into RP for while, though I am new to it for the most part. However, I'm willing to learn and do my best. I'm a little confused though as to where to start though and any help would be appreciated.

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Welcome to Canterlot! :D

You can try FFA first, since it requires no application, but if you're willing to join into WOE, you can create an application.

FFA Link: http://www.canterlot.com/forum/300-fim-free-for-all/

Character Application Topic for WOE: http://www.canterlot.com/forum/220-character-applications-woe/

This might help you! :)

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Welcome to Canterlot! :D

As Pizza said, you can jump right into Roleplay with our Free-for-all section, no application required! We also have a World of Equestria roleplay section, which requires an application to be reviewed and approved by our RP Helper team. I highly recommend getting a feel for how applications and RP threads are done first by reading a few, and of course by reading both the RP rules and the character application thread throughly, before you submit your application. :)

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