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The "Rp Tip thread"

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My good friend Spider-man made this thread on the Everypony forums, and it worked out great.

Basically, this is where experienced and unexperienced roleplayers come to leave tips to help all roleplay creators make roleplaying more enjoyable.


For Spidey, the following tips come from experience

[colour=#333333]My tip: Make the roleplay be user focused[/colour]

[colour=#333333]Take feedback on what rules should and shouldn't be necessary to the roleplay.[/colour]

[colour=#333333]Add plot twist to keep the RP going, but instead of just cramming twist in like a certain director called Shamalamadingdong, try adding depth to each one and try waiting for moments to reveal them[/colour]

Make sure the characters fit in the RP[colour=#333333]​ : Make them have relevant professions and such[/colour]

[colour=#333333]Be flexible.[/colour]

[colour=#333333]Just because a character is a bit extreme for a roleplay doesn't mean they can't fit in. I intended to insert myself into The Equestria Girls roleplay as a joke.[/colour]

[colour=#333333]But after the poster of the roleplay said he was willing to compromise. I decided to mold myself into something that would fit the roleplay better. [/colour]

[colour=#333333]Now I have Spiderman as a character who has a bunch of conflict and depth to him, because he will spend the MAJORITY of the roleplay as Peter Parker.[/colour]

Here's a tip from yours truly

Have the characters be UNIQUE, this is the Free For All roleplay, if you want your character to be a xenomorph named Nicholas Cage who grew up on the planet France. DO IT!

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