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My Amityville Horror Review

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First off, I am a huge horror fan, and Amityville was probably one of the first horror film I've watched as a kid. I saw both the James Brolin version and the 2005 remake, both of them had their own strong points. So when I heard that Danny Lutz, one of George's stepson was making his own Amityville movie, I was kinda excited. It was apparently going to be this indie film that would only be shown in select theaters and then put on Netflix.

I caught the movie on Netflix (because I missed the date it was showing in theaters near here), and honestly I'm kinda glad I didn't catch it in theaters. The movie was an hour and forty minutes of Daniel bashing George Lutz, calling him a horrible father, saying that he was in Satanic worship, etc. etc. Danny often came off as hostile, vulgar and honestly he came off as very disturbed.

It was less about the 28 days the family spent in the house and more about how Danny came to hate his parents (both stepfather and mother) and what his life was after becoming associated with the house at 112 Ocean Ave. I mean he does reaffirm George's story about the demonic presence in the house, of the black ooze, pig eyes, etc. etc. However that only took up maybe...30 or so odd minutes of the movie.

In short, the movie was less about the 28 days from Danny's eyes and more about Danny being a mentally damaged 40 some odd year old man who hates George Lutz and should probably seek some serious therapy.

2 stars out of 5.

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