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How to become a better Editor?


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So I'm almost done with my latest fanfic, and usually I'd ask someone else help in editing it. However, that never really worked out for me in the past, because some people are really really unreliable in not only getting back to you in a timely manner, but they may not always do the best job in editing your fanfic.

So my question is, how can I become a better editor myself, that way I don't have to rely on others for the editing job and hopefully I can churn out better fanfics, faster.

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The only way to become a better editor is to learn everything that you would need an editor for. Learning the rules of the English language backwards and forwards would be a good start, since grammar tends to be a weak point amongst fanfiction authors. Spelling and word choice are also essential to prevent your readers from becoming distracted by misspelled or repetitive words, or, sometimes, just saving yourself from using the wrong word for your sentence. Having quick access to a dictionary and thesaurus is ideal, and Google search can be pretty good about correcting spelling as well.

Aside from being able to identify and fix technical issues with your writing, you will also need to learn the elements of telling a good story. Making sure everything flows logically and cutting out any filler that doesn't serve to forward the plot are vital pieces of this. You should also do your best to make your story, your characters, and their motivations relatable or to at least make sense. And, of course, when you're dealing with someone else's established characters, keeping them in character is an absolute must.

The main thing, of course, is being able to read critically, and always be asking yourself how you could make your story better, make more sense, or more engaging for your audience.

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I've found it helps to set aside your work for a while before editing. You'll need time to distance yourself from it so you're not so attached to every word, and you'll be able to cut as mercilessly as someone with an outside view.

How long of a break do you recommend?

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How long of a break do you recommend?

It depends on how long your fic is. For tens of thousands of words, wait a month. For a one-shot, a few days. For something between those amounts, a week or two.

And even then, you may come back and realize that you just can't bear to change a word. So, wait longer.

It can be annoying waiting, but you just really need to distract yourself.

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It depends on how long your fic is. For tens of thousands of words, wait a month. For a one-shot, a few days. For something between those amounts, a week or two.

And even then, you may come back and realize that you just can't bear to change a word. So, wait longer.

It can be annoying waiting, but you just really need to distract yourself.

Ahh, thank you! I have one more scene to go in this fanfic. :D

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  • 5 months later...

Check out the Chicago Manual of Style it's free online and it's considered the editor's "bible." I know you said other editors haven't worked out for you in the past, but if you want I can help edit your fic.

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