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Angel smiled, "Ya Pinkie!"

Shadow stared him the machine's cutie mark. He mumbles,"I seen that before...the way the cutie mark is painted..."

Sun eyes light up, " Yes! Pinkie should be free! after all my little sister is with her."

Angel smiled, " Ah yeah! Moon Shine! "

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"I would kneel, but my alignment is with the Coltugal military. I kneel before my superiors and nopony else. Even if it is royalty. I take oaths more seriously than life itself."

He doesn't expect them to understand, but he may as well explain himself anyways.

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Angel smiled, "It's just amazing that you can even do things like a normal pony!"

Sun stepped in front of him, "Forgive Angel, like Pinkie he has no personal boundaries."

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Angel landed next to Shadow,

Shadow looked at him, "...Angel...."

Angel smiled,"Wait for it..." a rumble was heard from a distance.

Moon was running towards them,"Pinkie said to go on ahead...." she said to her brother Sun.

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"Out there I don't have good enough access to particular parts I need to maintain myself. I tried living alone, but that mixed with the need for social interaction, or at least being out in public, that all ponies have had overwhelmed me. Almost went mad from cabin fever."

He looks off towards the rumbling.

"What is that?"

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