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Cosmic Rhythm [Ready]


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Roleplay type: World of Equestria

Name: Cosmic Rhythm

Sex: male

Age: young stallion

Species: earth pony

Eye color: light green

Coat: dark purple

Mane/tail:dark aqua blue, his mane is messy and is about medium length. His tail is also very messy, and is short

Physique: He height is medium and he is pretty skinny

Residence: He is a traveler going from place to place, looking for work.

occupation: Freelance signer

Cutie Mark: It's a few stars that form two eight notes beamed together.

The day Cosmic got his cutie mark was when he wanted to thank his parent for supporting. He thought about making some kind of art work, but he wasn't satisfied of any of his attempts. After all of that he decided to go a walk, and see if he could be inspired by something in the city. When he walked along nothing really jumped at him, expected for when he heard the sound of a musician singing a song about love. Cosmic then got the idea for the musician to see if he can write and sing a song to his parents as a thank you. He had never tried writing or singing a song before, and that made him all the more excited to get to work on it.

Though out the day Cosmic wrote the song in his head, but he was too nervous to sing it out loud thinking his voice won't be as good as in his head. Nearing the end of the day cosmetic told his parents he had a surprise for them. He then began to sing the song he made and his parents and him surprised because he sang really well. His parents were very happy and cosmic was proud of himself for singing so well. He actually really enjoyed singing the song and he wanted to practice at it, so he sang more and became better at it. Cosmetic was so happy he didn't realize his cutie mark had appeared, and when his parents told him. It filled him even more happiness.

History:Cosmic was born in Roam, and he grew up being inspired by the many artists of Roam. He tried his best to make his own masterpieces and practiced everyday, but he just couldn't do anything artsy(in his own opinion). He never really had any friends growing up, and this didn't bother him. He kept himself more focused on trying to find something artsy he could do.

In school, he tried his best to get all his work done as soon as possible, so he could work on whatever he was trying out, and it wasn't half-bad.

Cosmic didn't really talk or hangout with anyone there because he was overly busy working on whatever artsy thing he tried out. If someone did come up, and tried to make friends with him, he wouldn't notice at all because he was very focused on whatever type of art he was doing. When he wasn't doing something artsy, he liked to read books about wild adventures and heroes saving the day. So everpony in his class called him "The Ice Prince" because of this Cosmic's chances of getting at lest one friend was 0 to none. Everyponey in his class was consistently spreading nasty rumors about Cosmic, and picking on him.

However Cosmic's parent always supported him, but didn't spoon feed him advice. One piece of advice they gave on of his worst days when all the rumors and nasty comments came at him all at once. That advice was to look on the bright side of things no matter what, which he holds close to heart. Cosmic however, maybe spent too much time on working out what artsy thing he was trying to do at the moment, but he still liked them because of how supporting they were, and he really didn't another family besides from the two of them.

When Cosmic was a colt he had stopped trying out many different artsy things, and instead focused more on improving his singing. He tried making some friends because he wanted someponey (besides his parents) to talk to,  but he was too awkward to be successful. Cosmic still had the nickname, "The Ice Prince" and all the rumors and nasty comments that came with it. He would take his mind of it by writing songs or reading a book, but it still hurt him. Cosmic also decided to put more time into his studies because he couldn't just rush things out anymore.

Then when Cosmic got older he became more interested in a singing career and uncovering what else is out there in Equestria. He didn't honestly want to be rushed and liked to take his time, but a big influenced him was the thought that he might go on some sort of wild adventure like in the books he read. Cosmic's life as a freelance singer has him traveling to different towns taking whatever job he can get there and because of this, he is very tight on money. He isn't well known, so he never gets that big of a job, but it doesn't really bother him though because now he has a clear direction in life. Cosmic might get replaced by a better singer than himself, making him having stopped while and do some-odd jobs. Cosmic is also traveling all the time, which means he still doesn't really have any close friends to talk to or just hang out.

Character Summary: Cosmic is a really skilled at singing,and is very good at putting his all in to whatever he is doing at the time.Cosmic keep on going because he wants to keep improving his singing skills and see how well he can get at it. One of his main goals is to become more sociable,since he didn't get any social interaction as a kid. Cosmic like peace and quiet,going at his own pace,singing,and a good tale of adventure.He doesn't like being rushed or hurried,being alone for along period of time,and getting pushed around or seeing anybody else be pushed around.

Some Cosmic's hobbies are singing to himself about his life so far, as a way of letting some things out, reading some good books, and going on walks that help him clear his mind, and make him less stressed out. When he is not traveling or signing he likes to relax and unwind. Cosmetic can be awkward, but if you get to know him, he is sort of a hopeless optimist. Cosmic can feel awkward around people or maybe just looking little too much on the bright side. He can be a little hard to make friends at first, and it takes time for him to make a friend. Cosmic has very poor social skills, and he doesn't genuinely know when it's time to quiet. He is very bad at doing anything really artsy or fancy. He can never seem to do with socializing with a large group. Some of Cosmic's biggest fears is that is his best isn't good enough and being stuck friendless forever.


Edited by AlstralRider
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Greetings! This is a very good attempt at a first app, this OC looks fundamentally sound to play. Just a couple things I have to comment on:

  • Please divide your CM Story, History, and Character Summary into smaller paragraphs. It's important for RPers to have their posts be easily readable by others, and manageable paragraphs are one important aspect of this.
  • One contradiction I noticed: "He never really had any friends growing up and this bothered him..... If someone... tried to make friends with him he wouldn't notice at all because he too focused on the artsy thing he was doing." If your OC never made an effort to accept the friendship of others, then it logically follows that he wouldn't be bothered by a lack of friends period. It would be appreciated if you can remove this contradiction.
  • You might also want to go through your app and proofread it for proper grammar. Using correct grammar is also an important part of keeping posts easier to read for others.

I'll give this app another look-through once you've implemented my suggestions. :)

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