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Member Titles


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I noticed on my profile something call a "membership title" and I was just wondering what that is.I asked my friend and he said it's sorta like a cutie mark that you get a custom title after you are on the site for so long, and it has to represent you,but I don't understand a few things.Do I pick out the title?Does someone else pick it out depending on what they know about me?And how long does it take until you are awarded one?I'm sorry in advance if these questions are kinda stupid,I'm just so confused about these.

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As someone who's spent the past 10 hours exploring the site, I must say.

Purely by assumtion, a membership title is something you get after making a certain amount of posts, represented by the number under your little icon. As you can see, you only have two out of 3 apples lit up. You still got quite the ways to go before getting out of Blank Flank state, as do I. hue.

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Yes, your member title will change based on your post count. There are some of us that mods and admins have decided to put custom member titles on, but the mods and admins do that at their own discretion Rosewind and Dio are especially fond of putting member titles on people. You never know when yours might change suddenly to something you weren't expecting!

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Indeed young arrowing, you are now a crusader of Cutie Marks! (Also, I think you got my meaning of what a member title wrong but then again, I'm a forever-noob for a reason.)

That's what happens when a noob tries to explain something to another noob. :lol:
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