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Get up, stand up ! [Finished]


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"Actually Whirlwind," Starflower confessed. "I didn't know this spell was going to take so much out of me this time. I tried it before with smaller items but never in a situation like this. But don't worry, I was happy I could help Mojo."

"And I was glad I could help the nurse the way I did too!" added Mojo. "Not to worry, miss."

"Don't let all that bother you, Whirlwind," Jubilee said with a smile. "Everything turned out ok. Just wait till the morning comes, Old Modge's quite a good cook!"

"A cook you say? What do you plan on fixing us to eat in the morning, Chef?"

"Something all natural and delicious! Not often I get to cook for an audience! Night all!"

"Goodnight everyone!"

"I'm certainly looking forward to the morning, goodnight all!"

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"Oh, ok then." Whirlwind concluded, feeling a little more reassured.

"I can't wait for tomorrow morning too,” she continued as everypony started to talk about tomorrow's breakfast. "It's gonna be great to try Mojo's cooking, and I'll be able to fly too !" she said with a smile, and then yawned hugely.

"Uh, goodnight everypony ..."

The room became silent once again. Whirlwind shifted in her hammock a bit, thought about the day she had, watched the lava lamp project strange patterns of light on the roof of the wagon, and very soon fell asleep.

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(ooc): We'll assume a peaceful night and a sunny morning

Early the next morning as the three ladies laid in their hammacks, a wonderful aroma woke them up.

"Ahhhhh!" Starflower muttered as she opened her eyes. "What is that fantastic smell?"

"I know what that is!" Jubilee shouted as she flew up out of her hammack. "Mojo's famous wheat germ pancakes!"

"Wheat germ pancakes?"

"Sure! Well, the main ingredient is hay flour but he adds just enough wheat germ to make'm AWESOME! Last one out's a rotten bale of hay!" Jubilee shouted as she flew out the front door. When she did, the bright sunshine filled the entire inside of the wagon.

"Well, at least the storm's over. C'mon Whirlwind, time to see what wheat germ pancakes taste like."

Outside, Mojo had a neat campfire cracking away as he flipped another pancake from his griddle onto a waiting plate.

"I haven't made these in a while, hope I haven't lost me touch," the hippie brony said as he gave Jubilee a pancake on a plate. "Got syrup right over on the fold out picnic table next to the butter. Help yourself."

"YAY!" the excited blonde Pegasus squealed as she took her seat at the picnic table and began to dine.

"Hay you sleepy heads! Better come and get these pancakes while they're still hot!"

"Coming!" Starflower shouted, standing in the doorway waiting for Whirlwind. "Now take it easy, my dear. Don't try to push yourself too hard to begin with. You should be well rested and good to fly now."

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(ooc : no problem ! )

“Mgggnuh ...”

The little pink pegasus grumbled something incoherent, hugging her pillow, trying to keep her face off the sunlight so she could stay in bed. She didn't liked to be woken up like this ! And she had such beautiful dreams too ! Whirlwind was not a morning pony.

Unfortunately, the other ponies woke up and started to talk (or shout things about rotten bales of hay, in Jubilee's case). She couldn't hear everything, but it did make a permanent background noise. Plus the delicious smell of food – her stomach rebelled against her as well. Plus the bright, shining, happy, completely oblivious sun. Plus Starflower gently telling her to wake up. Ok … Finally defeated, her figure still wrinkled and her mane disheveled, she sighed, and got up.

Mojo yelled something about sleepy head and pancakes. Starflower shouted back, and told Whirlwind that she could probably fly now. Fly ! It did helped to wake up the little pony, and she stumbled out of her hammock, before opening her wings wide, stretching her muscles gently.

She tried to take off. It wasn't easy in the cramped little wagon, but she couldn't just walk outside, so she flapped her wings, trying not to break anything, and then wobbly glided out of the wagon, closing her wings suddenly at the entryway to pass, and opening them back again once outside, nearly crashing into the grass. Well, she made it without breaking anything, good.

“Hello everypony” she mumbled toward her new friends, landing near Mojo's little campfire, still trying to wake up by blinking her eyes. Sunlight wasn't easy to handle right now. She passed her able hoof into her mane, trying to comb it a little, and failing at doing anything good.

“So, pancakes.” she constated. “Smells really good, must be nice.” The little pegasus felt a little more awake now. She smiled towards the hippie pony, her face slowly getting used to the sunlight and the morning. “Can I eat 'em ?” she asked, before correcting herself, “uh, I mean, I'd like some pancakes please !”

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"These next two are all yours," Mojo said happily, flipping them onto a place and then giving them to Whirlwind. "Syrup and butter's on the table, enjoy! You can have as many as you want to eat!"

"Save some for me!" Starflower shouted as she trotted to the campfire. "I want to see if your cooking is as legendary as Jubilee says."

"Ya won't be disappointed, Star," Mojo said as he poured more batter into his pan.

"Mmmmmm! Love these!" Jublilee managed to say, her mouth still full. The petite blonde Pegasus could eat a surprising amount of food at one sitting!

"Sound like a vote of approval to me!" Mojo neighed as he flipped two more pancakes into the air. THIS time, Starflower used her unicorn levitation to float her plate up to catch the flying flapjacks in midair on it. "Groovy move, love! Saves me the trouble of aiming,"

"Thanks!" the tall light blue unicorn neighed as she joined Jubilee and Whirlwind at the table.

"How's your pancakes, Whirlwind? Ready for more yet?"

"I'm ready for more!"

"I knew YOU would be, Wings," Mojo laughed as he poured more batter in the pan and continued cooking up pancakes.

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“Thank you Mojo !”

The plate held firm in her mouth, Whirlwind started to move toward the table. She still couldn't take off easily, and she couldn't walk (or even stand up) so she creatively resolved her problem by pushing herself with her good front and rear legs, moving sideways like a lame crab.

She finally sat around the table, and grabbed the maple syrup, before pouring it generously on top of her pancakes. She tried one of them – and then happily gulped it down. It was good ! Real good ! She started to eat with enthusiasm, all while congratulating Mojo on his cooking.

“It'ch delichious !” she said, her mouth full, “you'ch really good Mojo !”

She continued to devour the pancakes, almost matching Jubilee's capacity. Meanwhile the hippie pony finished to cook Starflower's breakfast and asked if anypony wanted second helpings. Both of the pegasus fillies voiced their approval, Jubilee before Whirlwind as she had a head start. It made Mojo laugh, and he started to make some more pancakes.

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"Glad ya like'm, Whirlwind," Mojo said as he brought more pancakes to her and Jubilee. "Got more where these came from, folks!"

"YAY!" Jubilee squealed as she got her next pancakes. "Nurse Starflower, now that the weather's better, will you be returning to your hotel?"

"I can't do that," Starflower said after her next bite of pancake, "I notice that you, Whirlwind, are not fully recovered yet. I would be remiss in my duty as a nurse if I left before my patient was fully recovered. I need to stay until she's capable of long range flight again, if that's alright with you, Mojo."

"Course it is! You and Whirlwind can stay with me as long as you like!"

"Then I'll stay too! It'll be nice to get to hang out with a fellow Pegasus filly!"

"Groovy! After we finish breakfast, you can all ride to the next town with me. I gotta start peddlin' me wares, especially all the fresh fruits and veggies,"

"Wonderful! What do you say, Whirlwind? Would you like to stay with us a while longer?"

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“Thank you !” Whirlwind chirped happily before drowning her pancakes with maple syrup (that's the best way to eat them ! ) and engulfing them with voracity.

While the pink pony messily finished her breakfast, the other ponies started discussing about going back home. Nurse Starflower couldn't go back just yet, as she felt she had a duty toward the maimed Whirlwind. Mojo said she could stay as long as I want, but he never seemed worried about a thing ; he did mentioned he wanted to move on, to sell his vegetables.

“Well …” the little pegasus stopped gulping pancakes, looking at Starflower with a serious frown, concern and maple syrup all over her face. “It's not that I don't wanna stay, I mean, you're all very nice and I'd love to help, and besides I'm gonna be grounded the minute I put a hoof back home, so I'm not in a hurry anyways, her but you're a grown up mare with a job Starflower, and I completely understand if you're busy you know ! I'm sure I'll be fine.”

The pink filly did wanted to stay, and to help as much as she could in order to thank them in some way : they all had done a lot for her. But she didn't wanted to be a concern for anyone ... she had had quite enough of that to last a lifetime, really. She wished everypony could live a merry life without a worry.

Whirlwind finished her pancakes and licked her face clean of syrup and pancakes bits. “Mojo, your cooking is really awesome you know ! … say, can I have one last more ? ” she looked at him with a wide, eager smile.

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"Sure thing, Whirlwind!" Mojo neighed while flipping the next pancake out of the pan and directly onto her plate. "I'm getting better at aiming these things!"

"Hay Modge! One more for me too!" Jubilee shouted.

"Here it comes, Wings!" the Paint stallion yelled as he flipped another pancake into the air, but this time, his aim was off as it landed on Starflower's horn.

"Think you missed that time," Starflower laughed before Jubilee took flight to pull it off her horn and unto her own plate.

"I'll eat it anyway!" the eager Pegasus laughed as she reached for the syrup.

"Whirlwind, don't worry about me. I was on vacation from the clinic anyway, so staying here to help you won't set me back at all."

"Besides, the next town'll bring us closer to Cloudsdale. Staying with us to rest and recover longer won't set ya behind much, miss."

"And I can always relay another message to your folks explaining if you're not quite strong enough yet to fly home."

"Got all the bases covered, Whirlwind, if ya wanna remain with us."

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Mojo started flipping pancakes again for the two hungry fillies, and decided to make them land right into their owner's plates. Whirlwind's pancake landed flawlessly on hers, but Jubilee's pancake ... landed on Starflower's head. The pink pony started a giggle, Starflower laughed as well, and Jubilee finally joined them.

Once everypony finally calmed down, they started to reassure the pink pegasus filly. It wasn't a bother for the nurse to stay, they'd get closer to Cloudsdale, and Jubilee could always fly back there to send a message if needed. It made Whirlwind smile : they were all searching good reasons for her to stay !

"I guess I'll stay then !" she replied happily. "It's fun to be with you guys."

She grabbed the maple syrup and started to eat her last pancake, with her usual messy attitude - she was starting to feel full but she had enough space for one last of those delicious pancakes. It's not everyday she had such a good breakfast for morning !

"So, Mojo," she resumed, quite curious, still talking her mouth full. "What's the next city ? I haven't been out of Cloudsdale much."

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"If I read me map correctly, over that rise is the lovely city of Fillydelphia," Mojo said as he flipped two pancakes on his own plate. "Not quite as big as Canterlot or Manehattan, but a good sized burg from what I've heard."

"You are right, Mojo," Starflower said as she ate the last of the pancake on her plate. "I've visited that town before, and it is rather nice."

"You're map's right on the money, Modge!" Jubilee chimed in. "Flew over in that direction last night, Fillydelphia's there alright!"

"Groovy, Wings," Mojo said as be sat down at the table and began to eat. "It'll be cool to make a lot of sales. Hope all those city ponies will enjoy my art and other wares."

"Of course they will, Mojo. From what I've seen of your merchandise, it is very unique. I know Fillydelphia also has a Fine Arts Hall. Say, that's an idea! Submit some of your paintings and sculptures to the curator of the Hall and see if they'll feature them for public display!"

"Awesome idea! Do it, Modge!"

"Hold yur horses, ladies. Do ya think me artwork is THAT good? I don't know about that. But keep in mind we all need to help Whirlwind get better. Before we get ready to roll, how about some of me energy tea to drink?"

"Sounds good to me, and I do believe I will prescribe it for my patient, right Whirlwind?"

"Yay! More of your tea! Is that it brewing on the campfire?"

"Sure is, Wings, and I think it's ready to serve!"

"Allow me," Starflower said as her horn began to glow. Using her levitation powers, the light blue unicorn quickly poured the tea into four small cups and floated each of them to everyone at the table.

"Marvy, miss Starflower. Makes me wish I had one of those horns meself!"

Jubilee burst out laughing.

:You'd look weird with a horn!"


"Er, no offense, Star."

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Fillydelphia ! Whirlwind never went to Fillydelphia before. She listened with a great deal of curiosity the other ponies talk about it. It would be a fun trek to the city, and it would be fun to visit it as well. The little pink pony intended to be back home before nightfall though, as she didn't wanted to worry her parents more and had no permission to go out like this (and it wasn't exactly the right moment to work around the rules, really).

They talked about selling their goods and visiting museums and talking to curators and all the fun projects they had – but Mojo tried to calm down everyone's enthusiasm and reminded the two other mares that they had to take care of Whirlwind too.

“Hey !” the said pink pony interjected with a pout, “I'm not a foal ! I've had worse you know ! I'll be fine” she reassured, resuming a smile, “But I'll gladly have some tea. Doctor's orders you know !” she finished with a grin.

Starflower served tea for everyone with her magic, and Whirlwind grabbed her with her able hoof and waited a little for it to cool down before taking a sip. She didn't really intended to take her time drinking it, eager as she was to be on her way to Fillydelphia, but she couldn't drink it steaming hot as it was right now.

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"Chill out, miss Whirlwind," Mojo said in a peaceful tone. "Didn't mean to imply you were helpless, but after all, you did need rest and care when you landed here yesterday."

"Modge is right," Jubilee said as she fluttered up to the young Pegasus. "Just looking out for you because we care."

"Indeed," added Starflower. "You're looking much better than yesterday and you seem to have a lot more spunk too. Still, you're not quite 100% well yet. Please don't be angry with us. We're just thinking of your welfare."

"Betcha you'll be feeling groovy by the time we hit Fillydelphia," Mojo said as he finished his breakfast. "Time for me to clean up so we can get movin' along."

"I'll help!"

"As will I!"

"Cool! The faster we get everything packed up, the faster we can split this scene!"

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“Well … okay then.” Whirlwind finally admitted, with a gentle smile toward her new friends. She still felt fine and she had lived worse things (like losing a limb) but she had only been freed of her casts the day before yesterday, after all. Maybe she was still recovering. Still, she hoped all that “recovering” time wouldn't last too long.

The little pink pony drank her tea with everypony else. It was really good, like yesterday, and she enjoyed silently. Mojo knew how to make great meals and drinks, that's for sure. Then it was time to pack up so they could move again ! Jubilee and Starflower volunteered to help, and Whirlwind volunteered as well.

The maimed pegasus filly couldn't do much however, with one maimed and useless hoof and no real way to move on the ground. She had to let the others do most of the work, from cleaning the dishes to putting the stuff back in the wagon, and was relegated to minor, less important activities. It didn't put her spirits down, however, and soon they were all ready to travel again. “To Fillydelphia !” Whirlwind shouted with excitement.

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The wagon was loaded, packed and ready to roll.

"Thank you all for your help, ladies. Couldn't have gotten ready to move on without ya! Climb aboard and I'll hitch meself to the wagon," Mojo said as he moved up to the front.

"Fly up here with me, Whirlwind!" Julibee shouted as she flapped her wings and floated upward. "We can sit up here in the front seat with Starflower! Hay, where is she?"

As Jubilee looked down from the elevated front seat bench, she was stunned to see Starflower walking up beside Mojo, using her unicorn magic to levitate the rope harness in the air to hitch herself and the Paint stallion together to the wagon.

"Half a mo, Miss Starflower, what are ya doin'?"

"I'm going to help you pull your wagon," the light blue unicorn mare said.

"That's not necessary, miss. I can pull it just fine."

"Look Mojo. You've been a gracious host and a very caring pony. I want to help you with this, the same way you helped all of us."

"I appreciate the offer, love. No offense, but I wouldn't want you to... well... overstrain yourself."

"Now LOOK here MISTER!" Starflower yelled with fire in her eyes. "Just because I'm old enough to me your mother DOESN'T mean I'm too frail or weak to help you with this wagon!"

"Whoa there, Star," the hippie brony said calmly. "I can dig it, I get your drift. Didn't mean to upset ya. I'd be honored if ya pulled this wagon with me."

Mojo's words had a surprisingly calming affect on the furious mare. Starflower's facial expression turned from anger, to happiness.

"Oh my, sorry about that," she said in a softer tone. "I didn't mean to get so defensive, but just because I'm middle aged doesn't make me a liability."

"And I wasn't tryin' to say that, Star. Believe me, I have nothin' but admiration for ya. The way you handled Whirlwind's diagnosis and how you stayed with us because you genuinely care about you patient. Well, we ALL care about her for that matter, but you gave up your vacation time for her. You are a very special mare, Miss Starflower."

"And you are a very, unique, stallion, Mister Mojo," Starflower said as she looked up at Julibee and Whirlwind. "Better have a seat, fillies, we're about to get going."

"For a minute there, I thought those two were gonna kiss," Jubilee whispered to Whirlwind.

"WE HEARD THAT!" Mojo and Starflower neighed in unison as they began pulling the wagon forward slowly until they got to the road. Now the two ponies trotted in a rythmic fashion. Starflower set the pace of their gait and Mojo matched it stride for stride. Together, they pulled the wagon forward, down the road, towards town.

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The little group of ponies quickly cleaned the place and loaded the wagon. They were ready to go. Mojo thanked everyone, and Jubilee invited Whirlwind to sit next to her. The white pegasus flew toward one of the front seats of the wagon, soon rejoined by the pink one, who landed awkwardly, half crashing into the seat. She quickly shuffled back in place and then smiled a goofy smile that showed there was nothing to worry about.

Meanwhile, Starflower and Mojo had managed to enter in an argument. The unicorn wanted to help the earth pony to carry the wagon, and he declined – but she took offense of it, thinking he thought her age made her weak. Everything finally defused, as Mojo's his calm attitude and gentle explanations showed there was nothing to be angry about. In the end both ponies hitched themselves on the wagon. They were kinda cute to watch, really.

Jubilee saw it too, and whispered to her friend : "For a minute there, I thought those two were gonna kiss" It made the two concerned ponies neigh a retort, and Whirlwind roar in laughter. She took a few seconds to calm down, but still wore a big grin on her face.

Hehehe” the pink pony chuckled, “you really are fun you know !”

The wagon started to roll, and slowly but surely they moved toward the next town. Fillydelphia could be seen on the horizon, its rooftops shining in the white sky and the morning dew. With a steady pace like the one they had, they would surely reach the city by mid-day.

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