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White Mocha (Ready)


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Roleplay type: WoE

Name: White Mocha

Sex: Female

Age: Young Mare

Species: Earth Pony

Eye color: Brown

Coat: Light tan, the color of coffee with extra cream

Mane/Tail: White and fluffy, remincient of whipped cream

Physique: A bit smaller then some perhaps, but not by much. Is usually rather slim, but always winds up with some pudge in winter. Colder temperatures means more coffee, which means more sugar. Combine with less activity and you get more fat.

Residence: Canterlot

Occupation: Entrepreneur (Owner of Mocha's Cafè)

Cutie Mark: A trio of coffee beans in a spread, each a progessively darker roast. Mocha got her cutie mark a bit younger then most, on Hearth's Warming Day. She decided to go all out for her parent's gift: breakfast in bed. She spent days buying ingredients with her own bits and stashing them, including a variety of coffee beans. The food she cooked was passable, but the blend she invented out of those beans had made both her parents light up with delight. She was overjoyed at the success, and shortly afterward her mother pointed out her new cutie mark.

History: White Mocha was born and raised in Canterlot. She never really fit in with the high society types that seem to be every where in Equestria's capital, the earth pony's work ethic runs strong in her. She didn't lack companionship though, just a sense of place. Making the brews of another pony's design, working at other cafès was soul sucking to her. But then a pretty good spot opened up in Canterlot, and she decided to take a plunge. She got herself a small busniess loan and hasn't looked back. Her occassional money problems haven't prevented this from being the happiest time of her life.

Character Summary: White Mocha is a cheery young mare who's quite happy running her sort-of successful business in Canterlot; Mocha's Cafè.

She has very little busniess sense, nor is she good at keeping track of her bits. However, she has a nice location on a Canterlot street corner (she lives in the studio apartment just above it), her coffee has no equal in Equestria, and her tea is some of the best in Canterlot. Few have heard of her, but nopony who's tried her drinks would bother drinking any other hot beverage so long as they're close by.

She doesn't much care that she barely brings in enough bits to stay afloat, either. She brews drinks that have her customers leaving delighted day in and day out. That's more then enough for her.

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Oh, you posted while I was making a change. Caught me off guard there.

Made a small edit. I'll be honest, I'm not sure she's actually ready. But then, I always think that. And this won't get rolling until I start getting some feedback. So, fire away everypony. I'd really like to get started playing so I need to stop being so... well, Fluttershy about my work.

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