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A Trip to Town (Private)


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(I'm imagining this cart to be something like http://www.laneranch.net/images/wagon%20shoot%2012%2019%202001040.jpg, please correct me if I'm wrong here)

With a grunt Storm hoisted the front of the cart up with the help of Charged Bolt. While pushing it away with him, she turned her head and called out to Felix, "Bye! Thanks again!" Once a small distance away, she lifted her pack and jingled it around a bit, the sharp sound of coins clinking together emitting. Storm lowered an eyebrow inquisitively while listening. "Hmmm... low on bits. Would you be okay with getting one last thing with me, Bolt?"

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"Well... After gathering these materials so far, I realized I don't have any heavy cloths to use for straps. Do you know somewhere we could go for that? Normally I'd go to a shop in Cloudsdale, but it is getting late and by the time I get home and get this wood stored away they might all be closed." Storm grimaced in annoyance at her forgetfulness. Although this was taking longer than usual, she couldn't negate the positive effect of having some company and the higher quality of materials gathered. Perhaps the same could be said of this last material, if Charged Bolt did know of a good shop.

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Storm's brow furrowed in thought. "Well, there is a shop in Cloudsdale I could go to tomorrow. I'll just have to run by early in the morning. Alright, then, I guess all that's left is bringing this up." Storm eyed the cart with a look of dismay. That would not be fun to fly back home. A sigh signaled the end of her planning. "I think the best way to get this up would be to pull it as close as we can on the ground, then fly up the shortest way. You are ready to help with that, right?" She asked, continuing to pull the cart down the path that led outside of the forest.

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The two hauled the cart all the way to the base of the bustling Pegasus city, Cloudsdale. The sparkling clouds resembled a bastion of relief for the duo, the heavy and creaking cart finally being near the destination. Over every bump along the way the wheels had made a small screech, protesting against the weight of the wood. Storm was of a similar mind: it took much concentration not to complain every time another small hill came into view. She had a smith's arms, but driving wasn't something she had made a habit of doing and the sheen of sweat on her feathers by the time the city was in sight was evidence of this. "Finally. Made. It," she said between breaths, grinning to her companion. She allowed the cart to rest on the ground and leaned up against it. A rest for the both of them was well deserved.

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Charged groaned softly as he looked around for a good place to rest. He was sore, very sore and the trip had been long. A heavy sigh of relief escaped his lips as he found the perfect way to relax, by curling up on a patch of grass.

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Storm nuzzled her head between her shoulder and the cart, trying to find comfort against the stiff embrace of the wooden wall. A sigh followed by silence gave hint that she had found the proper position. In the distance,the sun was softly brushing the top of the mountains and emitting a cacophony of hues among the clouds. The silence was abruptly broken by Storm's worried voice, "Charged, the sun is about to go down... We should get a move on soon."

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Storm looked quizzically towards Charged Bolt before slowly getting up from her spot. She flicked her tail before sitting down in the soft patch of grass, positioning herself to be resting on her side propped up on an elbow. She ran a claw through the grass and watched the tender plants move quickly back into their original positions. It was fresh and springy, a perfect cushion. "Wow," she said in admiration. "The sunset looks so nice from here. Usually I'm in Cloudsdale at this time, it has been forever since I've seen one from the ground."

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Storm's head jerked back and her eyes went wide in surprise at their eight legged interloper. Although she wasn't afraid of *most* small creatures, this one did catch her off guard. She quickly regained her composure and tried to calmly make Charged Bolt aware of the invader's presence. "Er... Charged. Your leg."

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Storm gulped and stammered out a response, "No, no, nothing wrong... just, erm, thought you should know." A nervous hiccup of a laugh followed. In truth, it was a little disturbing to her. The creature would most definitely be a distraction. A small gust of air was shot from her beak towards the spider in an attempt to harmlessly blow it away.

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Storm glared at the arachnid for a moment before sighing in acceptance of the new sunset watcher. One more in the party couldn't hurt. Across from the viewers the sunset was reaching the climactic moment of half submersion behind the mountains, allowing the rays of light to bounce and refract down the hills to give them a lively hue. The warm reds and oranges were giving way to softer and cooler blues and purples as the sun dipped farther below the mountain crest. It would be dark soon, Storm knew, but she didn't want to rush things. She was tired and the sunset was pretty, she may as well finish it.

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Storm's tail twitched at the sound of snoring. A quick glance at Charged Bolt confirmed that he had decided to take a nap. The hippogriff took one last longing look at the sunset, then turned back to nudge Charged Bolt awake. "Come on, we need to finish this," she reminded the sleeping pegasus, a slight whine punctuating the first part of her sentence.

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Storm winced a little, then followed Charged Bolt to the cart. "Thank you..." her voice trailed off, thinking to herself and hoping she hadn't just annoyed her friend. When she reached the load, determination defined her figure as she grabbed hold of the cart and heaved in an attempt to lift it into the air with him.

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