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Daring Do and the Author of the Little Barn (ATTN: Mojo, Open)


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“Nothing ventured, nothing gained.” A.K. Yearling knew that quote quite well, and it personally served as one of many personal mottos that have inspired her throughout her travels. Unfortunately, the painter also seemed to live by the same motto. That meant it could prove difficult to shake the young mare off the scent of lost treasure when the time came for the author to adopt her Daring Do persona.

The last thing Yearling expected in the shabby railroad town of Appleloosa was a display of magic, let alone advanced magic. But in the adventurer’s profession, one should always expect the unexpected; even magically-generated rifts between space. Without showing any sign of surprise, A.K. Yearling jumped inside the shack last, finding an empty out-of-place room. Raising an eye, she patiently waited for an explanation from Dr. Day.

Looking at the bespectacled traveler couldn't help but be reminded of a classic hoof-activated dart shooting defense mechanism encountered in many a ruin. Which might have been when Presteza stepped on one of the tiles, Yearling's instincts led her to gently push the young mare away with one foreleg.

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When Presteza and A.K. Yearling entered the shack, the door instantly closed by itself behind them.

"You're right, Miss Presteza," Doc Holly Day answered, "the 'key' that'll unlock the artifacts is with the floor tiles. The spell that hides them has now detected the four of us in this room. This means all four of us must step the colored tiles in proper sequence fer the magical lock ta open. The correct sequence is black-black-white-black-white-white-black. If any of the four of us fails ta step off the correct sequence, all of us will git magicked right outta this room! Let me show ya how ta step!"

Doc Holly Day moved to the center of the room before beginning to use his front hooves to press the black and white tiles in correct order. When he finished, a tiny orb of light appeared above his head.

"My turn now," Louise LaMare said, joining the doctor in the center of the room as she began pressing tiles. The brown Pegasus mare made sure NOT to press any of the tiles Doc Holly Day had already used. When she finished, a tiny orb of light appeared above her head.\

"Alright now, Miss Presteza, Miss Yearling, your turn. Be careful, if ya mess up, we all git a free ride outta town!"

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