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Catch Foot's defeated dream (Open to all)


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Catch Foot stood on the edge of the frozen lake, her wings tucked in tight to protect herself from the penetrating cold. So what if she was a pegasus? It's not as if she could use her wings to cheat without going unnoticed anyway. She sighed and bent down to tighten the laces on her boot.

If she had not have been a pegasus, she would have certainly qualified for the figure skating team, the judge had said..

Her body was numb as she glided onto the ice. She knew she could have won that stupid skating competition, but she also knew that other ponies would deem it unfair, thinking she had used her wings and instinctive pegasus grace to land those perfect jumps. In reality, Catch was just a really good skater, and apparently her cutie mark wasn't enough proof of that.

Too dejected to enjoy her skate, she simply did lazy laps. She needed a distraction, an adventure, something to get her mind off her despair...

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Catch Foot liked the sound of her skates carving the ice, and she let herself close her eyes and get lost in the sound. But then there was something else, like snow falling from a tree. She skidded to a graceful stop and pricked her ears up, looking at the surrounding trees around her.

"Hello?" she called out, slightly worried. "Is anybody there?"

She wasn't really worried about a confrontation, but she was concerned that somepony might be watching her, and that thought made her slightly uncomfortable.

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Catch squinted in the direction of the noise for a few seconds longer, but finally decided there was nopony there. She did think she saw something, but the flurry of snow was making it hard to see, so she took back to the ice, completed a few lazy jumps and spirals and then went to the side of the lake to take off her boots, occasionally glancing in the direction of the noise from earlier.

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Catch saw something out of the corner of her eye and gasped, surprised.

"Oh, hello," she said nervously, pushing her boots behind her, almost as if it were a secret. "Who are you? How long have you been there?"

She flipped her hair over her face and glanced at Xeni.

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"So you've been standing there since you were born?" Catch said, rolling her eyes. "Right. Can I help you with something?"

Catch was getting cold, and didn't want to stand around too long talking to this pony, she wanted to continue skating or get home.

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Creme Brulee trotted happily towards the frozen lake. She doubted the truth in it, but there were rumors that some sort of treasure was nearby. She hummed to herself, her thick tan jacket with a fuzzy hood keeping her brown and pink curls hidden. Her horn was still visible, as was her tail, which was curly as well with strands of pink and deep red-brown.

Her cream ears twitched, hearing a scraping sound. She turned towards the sound, which was shortly replaced by voices. She approached a snow covered bush, her cream face peeking through snow covered branches, cerulean eyes blinking at the two ponies before her.

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(Genesis, a black Pegasus stallion, who has mane of purple and black and eyes of purple, ...Next to him was his friend, Drago, a white earth stallion, with green eyes and green mane...they grew close to the lake, Genesis groaning from the cold while Drago smiled in awe at the winter)


Drago:...(smiles)...Snow is awsome!

Genesis:..(he uses his wings to try to get more heat)...can we hurry it up Drago....im going to freeze...


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Catch didn't take her eyes off of Xeni, but her ears twitched as she heard more sounds, hoofsteps on the snow all around her. She hadn't anticipated that this spot would be so busy today. Sighing, she tore her eyes away from the pony and began to unlace her boots, drawing her wings in tighter and shivering a little bit. She could now hear voices carrying on the icy breeze, and in her haste to take off her boot, lost her footing and fell into the snowheap by the side of the lake.

"Ugh," she groaned, shaking the snow out of her wings and trying to stand up, blushing in embarrassment as she caught sight of Xeni still standing there.

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Drago:(he noticed the fallen pony, he ran towards her, and then smiled as he relized she was fine)...You okay there?(laughs) you had such crash.(he goes over to help her up)

Genesis:(he merely walked towards them...his body shivering)...

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Creme Brulee jumped when one of the ponies stumbled and fell near her. Her coat was snagged on a branch, but her horn glowing deep pink she untangled herself before stepping out where she could see the other ponies gathered. She looked at the shivering black pegasus, raising a brow as she pointed a coat covered hoof, only her brown hooves showing at the end of the tan coat. "I hear coats help with the cold, sir."

She didn't pay attention to him long, though. The unicorn trotted over to the mare who fell, "Are you OK, Miss?" She turned to Xeni, shaking her head, a few brown and pink strands from her mane escaping her hood. "I'm from Canterlot. Merely here on business."

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Catch accepted the help of the two ponies and got to her hooves hastily, blushing fiercly. "I am fine, thank you both," she stammered, dropping her head to pick up her boots. She hesitated as Genesis caught her eye. She pulled her scarf off and offered it to him.

"Here, I'm more used to the cold than you are, it seems," she said with a small smile.

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Genesis:...(smiles slightly)...thank you miss...but im fine...just a little chillie(chuckles)...

Drago: (smiles)...come on! Take the pretty mare's scarf...you look cold as the snow! (laughs)

Genesis:...funny...(stares at Drago)...

Drago:...Im Drago and this shivering one is Genesis(smiles)

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Creme Brulee saw that the mare was OK and gave her a nod, "Nice to see you were not injured. I'm sure there are a lot of ice related injuries this time of year."

She turned to her bag which she had on her side and pulled out a neatly folded thermal blanket. The blanket was rather plain, cream in color like her muzzle which she extended towards Genesis, the shivering pony. "Shere. Thake this." The mare had come prepared, as she fully expected to be snooping around the lake for some time looking for anything she could sell at her shop.

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Genesis:...Im fine...

Drago:...(takes blanket, and puts it on Drago) stoping being a tough stallion! (he turns to Creme).. Ge thanks you!(smiles)

Genesis:..(sighs)..right...thanks(he looks away)

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