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Catch Foot's defeated dream (Open to all)


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Catch watched Xeni and looked to the others in confusion. "Treehouse town?" she said hesitantly, tilting her head.

She looked at Genesis and a pang of guilt surged through her. "Oh, sorry how rude of me ... I'm Catch Foot, and I think it would do us all good to get out of this cold for a little while .. May I tempt you all with a glass of hot cocoa at my home before we part ways?" She smirked lightly as she peered at Drago, knowing no matter how tough he may try to act, nobody could refuse a steaming hot mug of creamy cocoa.

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The unicorn smiled when Drago took the blanket and put it on his friend. At least one of them was willing to accept help. She hoped the blanket would be sufficient, if only for a bit. It was very cold, she was even shivering a little, as her horn had a thin coat of frost on it. "I think he wants to know if anypony is from Ponyville. Seems to think the library is the village square, maybe?" She motioned to Xeni.

Her attention was taken back to Catch Foot, as she hopped up and down in place, "I would very much like some cocoa. I considered going to a shop to get some. But company would do nicely, to go with it."

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