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The Holy Concert. Private rp


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It was a hamster, a really fluffy hamster that jumped onto Sprinkle's stomach, protecting her as she said. Mr Muchies!? where did you come from!? I'm So Sorry! I had no idea he was with me! Then she picked him up and cuddled him. You silly billy willy! I told you to stay at the shop! He gets so jealous of other males! That's when Munchy climbed on her chest and made a gesture meaning MINE in hamster language, Hugging her protectively. Silly Goosie loose! I'm so sorry! She said to Ace yet again.

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Oh no! He came out of my skirt pocket! She showed him her skirt and then Munchy went in the pocket and disappeared then hopped back out. Hee hee! That would be something though wouldn't it!?

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Mr Munchy kept trying to keep him away though, biting him and kept getting scolded. I have no idea what's up with him! Sprinkle huffed. He's not usually like this.... then again.... this hasn't happened before and he gets so envious!

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Yes I do.... but he always finds a way to get out no matter WHAT I do.... She sighed and held him. Sorry Mr Munchies but you have to stay in the pocket... Then she took him and zipped him up in her pocket, he could breath but she hated leaving him there. I guess it's for his own good.

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She sighed as a knock came on the door. Ace! you ready for the welcome back party for those soldiers that went to that foreign country? Italy called as Sprinkles blushed softly.

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