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Pony Space 3 (A Dead Space 3 Roleplay.)

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Name: Blast Beat

Gender: Stallion

Race: Earth Pony

Age: 24

Coat: White

Mane/Tail: short mane, semi long tail. Dark blue with silver streaks

Eyes: Dark blue

Weapon: assault rifle

Items: 30 rounds, med pack (I don't really know what else I would need starting off)

Suit: soldier

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  • 3 weeks later...

(Alright,here I go.)

What a terrible thought to go on that frozen-ass planet.

But that was only Lewis's opinion. And here he was, on this planet in his Arctic Survival Suit."Who even thought of this?" Lewis said to himself with a grunt,"Why do you think we did, Blast?"

He looked up as he trudged through the snow.**** snow, why couldn't be something else? Why this planet?"Oh,right,"Lewis thought,"because the eggheads thought this could 'save humanity'."

Lewis checked his locator if he was going the right way. Yep, right way. "C'mon, Blast!" he called out to Blast. Blast was an old friend of his. He remembered when they first met. It was in middle school. Lewis was cornered by the school bully. He had thought it was the end. But before the bully was gonna slug him, Blast went into a full brawl with him. The bully had bruises and a bleeding nose after the fight. Blast only had few bruises and scrapes. He got sent to detention shortly after it. After Blast got out, they became friends. He never thought he would have a better friendship.

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Blast was following Lewis cautiously, he didn't know what kinds of...monsters that are already out here. His gun was raised and pointing in all directions with sweat beading down his face even in the Freezing arctic temperature. "Because ponies are Bucking idiots and can't get a hint after the first mass killing." he replied as he looked back at Lewis before quickly focusing what's around him. He then heard Lewis telling him to "C'mon" Blast looked back and found himself at quiet a distance away. "slow down, we don't know what is out here!" he called out as he start running towards Lewis. Surviving the first incident traumatized Blast horribly, and sending him on this mission did not help at all. Everyone seemed to die in the blink of an eye, having to kill the ponies who were once his friends and family as they tried to rip him apart. He was and forever will be afraid of those creatures called Necromorphs, even in the ship where it was safe, he feared that they would be on the ship from out of no where. Nightmares haunted him every night about what went down in the city.

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Lewis stopped . The snow had cleared and saw what his locator was taking him toward. It was a desecrated camp. Bodys of dead ponies and necromorphs were everywhere. Cabins were either charred from sudden fires or ripped open like tinfoil. Dear Celestia, it was horrible.Suddenly, Lewis felt nauseous. He started tipping back and forth. Visions of terrible massacres and suicides flooded mind. They kept showing until a marker in front of a moon showed up.And then the visions stopped. Lewis took off his helmet, dropped to his knees, and threw up.

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Blast lowered his gun at the sight. "oh dear Celestia..." was all he could say as the memories of horror flood his mind. He soon shook them away "I will not die here,they couldn't kill me then...they won't kill me now." he mumbled to himself. Blast was now nervous and pointed his gun at anything, even the supposedly dead Necromorphs. "lets get out of here..." Blast said pulling Lewis up. "We can't stay here."

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"Don't you see what is happening!? We might be the only ponies left alive on this entire planet. Your research means nothing to me. I will not d-" Blast was cut when he heard a load roar from something massive.

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Lewis spun around and raised up his assault rifle. It was the ugliest thing he had ever seen. It looked burnt and raw at the same time. Other than that, it was indescribable. "Run!" Lewis shouted as he ran through the carnage that happened. Even though it was gruesome, he had to get away from that thing. All around him he saw some ponies were not so dead after all. They picked up picks, their guns, and other things that could be used as a weapon. "Ah buck." he said.

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Blast fired his rifle at the weak spots to slow down the massive creature "Get inside!" he yelled out trying to keep the monster at bay.

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Blast rolled to dodge one of the creatures attack and kept firing at it. He heard Lewis and ran towards him then jumping into the door way right before the creature landed its massive claw down.

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